The realization and the new strength.

Atlas was 14 when he decided to leave the family he has been living with. He could not tell the real reason why, but he felt like he did not feel free, while being there. Enrolling in new school in a new city was supposed to be the new chapter of his life. His life was not ideal here. He did not have any friends, ability or much money. However that did not mean he was giving up. He had plans on getting an ability, and finding the most suitable job somewhere in the big city. His plan was not perfect, but that was something he was holding onto.

That is why he left his previous life behind.

Besides, his days here were always filled with content. He did not had time to think what was going on back there.

Opening the chat with his sister, he started to read.

First 10 messages were just her laughing at him.

"Lol, did you really run away?"

"watch out for wolves, they like eating small boys like you"

"dude, you already ate from a trash can? Try the one near our local burger place, I hear they have all the leftovers"

and others in the same manner.

Next few were her being quite angry:

"Dude, that is not funny anymore, mom is worried, be at least a decent human being and come back"

"Seriously, wherever you are, just come back"

"Okay fine, I am sorry for making fun of you that day. Come Back"

"Atlas, if you receive these, please just answer. Mom is calling cops"

"Did you really leave us for school? What school even is that?"

"If you had problems at your school, you could've at least told me? You know, I am your older "sister""

"Okay, mom is ok with you staying there, but you could've told us, u kno?"

Then there was a 3 month skip with no new messages.

"Dude, u gonna come for the holidays? Mom is asking."

"Did you delete the app? Ok, i'll stop wasting my time on you"

Then there was a 10 month skip.

"Hey, how are you Atlas? U ok there? Tell me if you need something"

"Today was a funny day, Dave, the tall guy from my class confessed me, I hard rejected the dood. How is your day going?

Then there were few messages, just her telling him about her day.

"Im sorry".

At this point Atlas started to feel some sadness. Also his life was somewhat miserable there, all his primary needs were satisfied. And he had plenty of good memories. Atlas realized, that after leaving his home, he tried to seal the good memories, so he had nothing to leave behind. But now reading all of those texts, the seal started to slowly break.

"Hey, it is my birthday, I would actually be happy if you could come and we could spend it with the family."

"Do you even read those, I wonder"

"Hey, happy birthday. hope you're doing well."

Then there was a few month skip.

"I hate you, you know"

"Imagine being the only child and then bam, out of nowhere a crybaby joins your family. And now you have some responsibilities. You have no idea how hard it was for me."

"And when I almost got used to it, you run away like a whining baby, trying to boycott. Have you ever tried to think about others? Do you know how hard I tried to be a good sister?"

"We gave you everything, home, food, loving family and you just abandoned it. You gave away heaven that was handed right to you! Now what? Trying to find a new one?"

"Hey, just… please come back"

"We need you"


"I need you"












This continued for a while. And then:

"I hope you found what you were looking for"

And that was the last message she texted him. Atlas had lots of different thoughts and feelings. All were running inside him like a hurricane.

"They really missed me!" he thought "Maybe I should've left? But again, they gave me nothing, no ability, no good school. While she received everything. I left to start a new me! They gave me nothing!" and then a thought appeared in his mind.

"Did I ever ask for anything?" a sudden realization hit Altas hard.

"I don't ever remember asking them for help or presents. What… what if I am wrong?" It was rare for Atlas to cry these days. He used to cry a lot when he was a child, but when he moved he promised himself not to cry ever again.

But lying here on the bed, tears started to gather in his eyes.

"Why… What is going on? He was trying to ask himself. "Did I really give away my heaven?"

He took his phone and dialed a number.




Although lights were out in the hospital, it was still not that late.




"Hello? Who is this?'

A voice was heard on the other side of the connection.

Atlas tried to say something, but words were just not coming out his mouth.

"Hello, anyone there?" The voice was quite warm. "I am ending the call now!"




"Atlas? Oh my god, is that you darling? How are you, is everything fine?"

"I.. I am sorry, mom" he said with a trembling voice. "I am sorry! I am sorry I left, I am sorry I never contacted you! I am sorry I never appreciated what you did for me! I am sorry for not saying thank you! I.."

"It is okay, darling" her voice was as soft as one could be. For some reason, it felt like all the love in the world was in that voice. "I am not angry. I am very happy to hear you again. How are you? Are you eating well? How is the school? Do you like it?"

She asked many questions, but Atlas answered all of them. They talked for a few hours about life, everything that was not told before.

"Atlas, I am also sorry. You might feel that you were not getting all the love you could get. You might feel that I was not as loving as your real mother was, and you would be right. No one can replace her. No one will. I tried to raise you a strong man, so you no longer had to focus on the past, and look far in the future. But I think I could've done a better job. I did not know how to raise a boy. Especially one that had so much stress in his life. But you should know one thing: I love you as my own. You are the son of my beloved sister. Even now, I miss her, but I know I have you and Claire as my support. So do not worry, and walk with your head straight, my dear d'Prince" She finished.

"I promise I will. By the way, can you give the phone to Claire? I want to talk to her." He wanted to tell Claire lots of things as well.

"Oh, darling, didn't she tell you? Claire was accepted into the espada academy. She wants to become the huntress"

That was the news. Atlas did not expect it! Espada academy was one of the most prestigious academies one could enter. Alumni of the academy usually became high ranking officials in the army, or high level hunters. And Claire was there. Studying hard to become one. This information made something inside Atlas spark. He was happy for her, but at the same time quite jealous. But the strongest feeling was the other one. He felt a burst of strength. As if Claire became his rival he was now aiming to defeat. He smiled.

"Well, I am happy for her. Thanks mom, I needed that talk" he said.

"You can always call me if something happens, ok?"

"Sure," he said. They said the goodbyes to each other and Atlas ended the call.

He felt so much easier and happier now.

*Sorry sis, but I did not give away my heaven just for nothing. And I am not planning on finding a new one. I will build it myself*

He wanted to go back to sleep when he suddenly heard:

"Wow, that was cute. Not only you are the wimp. You are also the crybaby!"

"Haha, hey Alice. Ever tried to shove your head into your ass? You should not eavesdrop. Bad for your health." he replied. He got used to Aliec always mocking him. Now there was that mutual mockery.

"So, tomorrow is the last day we're here? Got any plans after check-out?" she asked.

"If not, wanna grab a bite with me and my friends? As you already should know, we are pretty damn cool guys. And the hunters as well."

"That does sound cool, but I already have plans" ATlas answered "School and stuff, you know"

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot you are still a child. Well, then call me later sometime, we are always down for a gig"

Also Atlas said that he will be busy at school, he semi-lied. He was planning on getting stronger. And for that, he needed to go back. He needed to go back to planet zero.

"I got beaten up quite strongly, but this time, everything is going to be different! Lets see who is gonna break now" Atlas did not notice, but his left eye started to glow blue. It started to glow so bright the room started to light up for a few seconds, and then it just stopped.

"What in the world just happened?" Atlas asked himself.