Chapter 2 How It All Happened ( Part 2)

Lei came to school early as today was a racing competition between her school and Sunny Day High which was a school located at a town close to theirs.

Lei was making her way to the bleachers when Henry approached her with a smile on his face which made her blush for some reason.

"Aren't you gonna wish me luck? a good luck kiss at least." He asked leaning forward with his eyes closed and she involuntarily did the same shyly. Before their lips could touch, something smelly was thrown at her face and she opened her eyes to see another bully wearing rubber gloves covered in... poop?

Her eyes stung with tears as she ran away from there. She could still hear the fading sounds of the entire school's mocking laughter, some calling her an idiot, and indeed she was.

As her eyes were still closed, she didn't notice that she had reached the end of a cliff which was at the back of the school, and fell over, a loud scream erupting from her mouth. But before she hit the bottom of the cliff, a white light enveloped her and she vanished... or is 'disappeared' the right word?

That very time, her father who was crossing the road got hit by a speeding truck and died instantly on the spot.

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Now that we know what happened, let's go back to the present.

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Lei felt her head go dizzy, almost tripping but was quick to balance herself.

"My princess, are you okay?" Madame Adelia asked.

"I am fine." She responded as she sat down with her fore finger and middle finger placed on both sides of her temple.

She couldn't believe she had almost died, and now, she was in another world as a princess which she supposed to be a good thing, right?

Madame Adelia sat in front of her, the table between them was a restriction from any close body contact.

"For the first lesson, do not slouch as you wouldn't want to get a hunchback." Madame Adelia said in a polite tone but she couldn't help but notice a slight look of mockery in her eyes, a look she had known and seen all her life.

Well excuse me for slouching but that is my first time being frickin' princess!... She thought to herself.