Chapter 13 Sudden Kiss

Beth was tired of being cooped up in the palace all day and decided to sneak out to take a little walk around the market. Right now, she was in disguise as part of the low class citizens with an umbrella over her head.

She walked towards the part of the market where the elites usually came to get whatever they wanted.

She was fascinated by how many people walked in one area all for one purpose.

As she wasn't looking forward when walking, she accidentally bumped into someone and the scarf on her head fell off.

She was about to apologize but gasped when she saw who it was. "You..."

"Princess Beth, what are you doing dressed as a peasant?" Ryan asked with a smirk on his lips. "Lost your crown?"

"It's none of your business what I'm doing here. And besides, I should be asking you that question. I thought a prince such as yourself wouldn't need to come to a place like this."

"Looking for something important. Even your tiny brain wouldn't understand."

Beth was greatly offended by his statement but she wouldn't stay here and have a chit-chat win the same person who wanted to take over Auxataria.

She curtised. "Have a nice day your majesty." She turned and walked towards the opposite direction.

The sun was about to set and she still couldn't find her way out of the market. Infact, she didn't even know how she ended up in a dark alley with two horrible looking guys blocking her only way out!

Fear was written all over her face as she took two steps back.

"Don't move! I swear you'll regret it if anything happens to me." She tried to threatened even though her body was visibly shaking out of fear.

One of the men smiled showing his dirty brown teeth. He reached out to touch her but instead a loud scream erupted from his mouth as one of his hands fell off.

Beth felt someone pull her and her face hit the chest of that person. He smelled nice, but when she heard her savior's voice she almost regretted thinking of such a thing even though it was true. Almost.

"If you don't want to end up with one hand like your colleague, I suggest you run away from here." Ryan said with a threatening look in his eyes and the man wisely took his idea.

Ryan pulled Beth towards his carriage and asked when they entered inside it. "Are you okay?"

"Yes but how did you know I was there?"

"I was around that area." Ryan said dusting the non-existent dirt on his palms.

She looked out the window of the carriage and saw that they were no longer at the market.

"Why did you save me?" She asked all of a sudden.

"Well I couldn't watch you get raped by those men. That would be too evil even for me."

"At least you would know that one of the members in the Yale family is out of the picture."

Ryan didn't know why, but he most certainly didn't like what she said.

"It would make your victory mo..." Ryan smacked her lips with his stopping whatever she was about to say, which caught Beth off guard. It was as if her brain suddenly stopped working as it was a sudden kiss.

She jolted back to her senses when he suddenly bit her lips. She quickly pushed him away, her face all red from embarrassment.

"Why did you do that?!" In as much as he wanted to answer her question, he also didn't have an idea on why he did that so he said the first thing that came to his mind.

"Shut up or I'll kiss you again."

Was that supposed to be a threat?