Chapter 19 His Life's Mission

This was officially the most embarrassing moment of her entire existence!

Lei raised her head to see Ashton who was already standing in front of her with a smirk playing on his thin pink lips.

"Are you done checking me out princess? or are you not satisfied yet?" He asked leaning forward and now their lips were only a few inches away from touching.

Lei leaned back and cleared her throat. What was she supposed to say now?

"I... uh... *Ahem*... Sorry." She facepalmed internally. That was horrible! Was that all she really had to say!? But then, what could she say? It's not like she could tell him that she has staring at his hot face... or was it his body. That'd be stupid!

"Sorry for what exactly?" He asked leaning in again and there was no way to escape.

"For um... you know... staring."

"Staring at what?" He asked again. Did he make it his life's mission to get her all flustered?

"You." She muttered and even though Ashton heard her clearly, he decided to act like he didn't.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly."

Not wanting to repeat herself, she picked up a pillow from the bed to hit his face but he caught it and pushed her on the bed with him on top of her.

She gasped in surprise. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. She was meant to escape this situation not fall deeper into it.

"You don't need to be embarrassed about anything Lei." The way he said her name was so sensual and she liked hearing her name from his mouth. "We are married after all."

He leaned in and instead of kissing her lips, he went for her nape drawing circles with his tongue and biting it but not so hard to cause pain, but just enough to pleasure her and from the corner of his eyes he could see her biting her lips to prevent a moan from escaping.

He would've continued but was interrupted by the knock on the door. He looked at the hickey on her neck and smirked in satisfaction before standing up. Lei quickly sat down with her red face and refused to look at him again. God knows it took her a lot of self-control to stifle her moans.

"Come in." Ashton said and a maid walked in with a trolley which had a cake and water on it. The maid left the room after delivering the cake.

Ashton cut a portion of the cake and placed it on a plate before giving it to Lei which she gladly ate.