Chapter 21 House Arrest

"I am doomed Ryan! Doomed!" Beth said pacing about in the garden.

"Princess, you seem to love saying my name."

"Now is not the right time to joke!"

"Lower your voice princess. Do not damage my eardrums."

A guard approached them with steady steps.

"You have been summoned by the king Princess Elizabeth." Said the guard. "And the king has ordered that Prince Ryan should leave the palace immediately."

"See you later princess. I'll be closer than you think." Ryan said and left.

"Lead the way." Beth said to the guard who led her to her parents quarters where she saw them talking to Mira and her husband.

"Mira? When did you arrive?" Beth asked slowly.

"Just this morning." She replied.

"What is this I'm hearing Elizabeth. You and Prince Ryan are together?!" King Albert asked with anger written all over his face.

"Father, that's not true. He didn't mean what he said."

"So are you telling me that he decided to make up such serious words as a joke!"

"Your majesty, please calm down." Queen Miranda pleaded with her husband.

"I am placing you under house arrest Elizabeth up until you learn your lesson."

"But father..."

"There is no room for arguments. And you will stay away from Prince Ryan understood?!"

"Yes father."

"Good. You will stay and never leave your room unless I say otherwise. Leave now."

Beth nodded and left her parents quarters heading straight to her room which got locked immediately she entered.

"This is all his fault." She muttered to herself.

After having her dinner, Beth sat on her bed with a book in her hand when she heard knocking sounds from her window. She walked towards it and saw Ryan waving at her with a sly grin on his face. She quickly opened the window.

"What are you doing here!?" She whisper-shouted. "It is all your fault that I am locked up in this room."

"Quit complaining princess. Let's go.

"Eh? Go where?"

"To Denmore. Where else?"

"No! I'm not going anywhere with you."

"If you're worried that your parents would find you then I assure you they won't."

"I. am. not. going. anywhere!"

"You leave me no choice then." He pulled her out through the window effortlessly and jumped down from her window.

He ran to the back of the palace and jumped over the fence landing on top of his horse and quickly rode away from the palace.