Chapter 24 Assault

Lei woke up the next morning and tried to stand up from the bed but realized that a hand was wrapped around her waist. She gasped.


And she could feel his hot breath on her neck. Gosh this guy was doing things to her even in his sleep.

She turned slowly and looked at his face.


His eyelashes were so long and thick and his silver hair was damn soft to the touch, even better than hers.

Her eyes stared to travel down and she realized that he wasn't wearing anything from the waist up and his sturdy chest and eight pack abs was totally bare for the whole world to see. Don't blame her but she couldn't resist touching, besides, he's asleep and has no idea of what is happening.

But then his hand suddenly held hers as if stopping her from what she was doing. Her eyes flew to his face and she gasped when she saw him looking at her with a heated gaze.

"Wife, if you continue with your assaults then I might not be able to control myself."

Lei felt the heat making its way to her face. She couldn't even count how many times she had blushed because of him.

Ashton stood up from the bed and helped Lei up too. Two maids walked into the room.

"Your majesty, we are here to help the princess get ready." Ashton nodded and allowed the maids to take her into the bathroom with them.