Chapter 27 School's Heartthrob

Lei and Ashton left the dining hall soon after King Nicolas did.

"I've never seen those people before." Lei said referring to the two men and three ladies. "Who are they?"

"Those men are my uncles with their wives."

"Even the one sitting next to the other guy?"

"The other guy's name is Clinton and the woman next to him is his wife."

"Huh. He doesn't look like someone who's married."

"But I do?" Asked Ashton.

"Oh no, definitely not. Infact, if it were at my world, you'd be the school's heartthrob. Highschool drama and all." She chuckled but then realized what she had just said.

She had just told someone who comes from a different universe about highschool drama and school heartthrobs?

What if he thinks she's going mental and send her to some underground dungeon?

She looked at him but he had an unfathomable look on his face which made it impossible to know what he's thinking.

But how does he do it? He always had the same cold look on his face and even though he was to show an expression it was either a small smirk or a small smile which really didn't reach his eyes.

But she couldn't ask him even if she wanted to. It'll just be a weird and stupid thing to do.

"Are you going anywhere?" Lei asked.

"Yes. I'll be back before dinner."

Lei's face fell. She was tired of staying in this palace. And to top it all off, Ashton who is the only person she was close to in this universe was rarely around to hang out.

She couldn't complain he was obviously a busy prince, but still?

Ashton seeing her saddened look, he cupped her face in his hands and made her look at him.

"When I come back I'll take you somewhere."

"No it's okay. You'd be tired by then."

"Not too tired for you." He responded rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs.

Lei felt her heart skip several beats. He really knew how to catch her off guard.

He kissed her forehead and walked away.