Chapter 29 How We Met (Part 2)

The apples were only worth two silver coins but instead she got gold coins for it. He didn't even ask her how much the apples cost.

The money would be a huge help to her and her mother. It could last them the rest of the year if managed properly.

She ran back home leaving the apples behind.

When she got home, she saw four hefty men throwing their things out of the house and one man forcefully holding her mother who was trying to get back into the house.

"Stop! What do you think you are doing?" She shouted running towards the scene.

"Little girl, I suggest you leave if you do not want to be cut up in this mess." The man holding her mother threatened.

"This is my home. I have every right to know what is happening here."

"Good then. You owe us rent and we know you cannot afford a gold coin so we are kicking you out instead."

"Leave my mother and our things alone. I'll pay you."

"And where are you going to find a gold coin this moment because we are not giving you any extra time to pay us."

Penny reached into her pouch and brought out one gold coin which she handed over to the man.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "How did you get this?"

"That is none of your business. Now leave this place and take your men with you."

The men left the house but not after giving her one last look.

"Mother, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She pulled her mother inside the house and made her sit as she quickly fetched a cup of water and gave it to her.

"Penny, where did you get a gold coin from? Selling apples will not give you that much."

"It is nothing to worry about mother. Just rest and I will arrange the house."