When we met.

In a world with chaos and murder, Their Is us.

Those people who fight everyday to survive In this world.

The chaos going on In the world Is tearing our lives apart.

Families are being murdered everyday.. Even children.

All you can do now Is keep trying to survive.

N: My name's Riley, Riley Ramirez. I'm 19 years old.

Riley N: I work as a police officer In San Diego California.

Riley N: It's a risky job since gang members are killing officers.

Riley N: I love the job but I hate the bad people.

Riley N: On this job I see how cruel the people In the world are.

Riley N: Anyways I need to get home to my mom.

At home.

Riley: Mom?

Riley N: Of course she's passed out drunk.

Riley N: My mom has been like this since my dad died.

Riley N: I'm always cleaning up after her shit.

Riley: Why are you like this..

Ella M: I-I'm sorry Riley..

Riley: It's okay.. Just sleep.

In the morning.

Riley: What's with the noise?

???: Sorry that'd be us.

Riley: Parker? Jayden? What are you doing here?

Parker: Figured we were due for a visit.

Riley: Is that the only reason you came back here?

Parker: No It Isn't.

Riley: What's the other reason?

Parker: I need you to look after Jayden.

Riley: Huh why?

Parker: I'm In trouble Riley.

Parker: I can't have him caught up In this.

Parker: He's only 14 he doesn't need this.

Riley: Parker what have you done this time?

Parker: Doesn't matter, Just keep Jayden safe.

Parker: Please I beg you Riley.

Riley: Of course I'll take care of him.

Riley: But let me help you get out of this.

Parker: Fine but If It gets too dangerous you go.

Riley: That's fine by me.

Jayden: Hi Riley!

Riley: Hey Jay, Why don't you go upstairs.

Jayden: Alright.

Riley: Now tell me what did you do?

Parker: I pissed off a powerful man, He'll come for me.

Riley: Parker you can't go pissing off men like that!

Riley: So.. Where are you staying?

Parker: Can I crash here?

Riley: Of course you can.

Parker: Are you doing anything tonight?

Riley: No, Why?

Parker: Wanna go out like old times?

Riley: Depends when.

Parker: 7 PM?

Riley: I can't, I'll be at work.

Parker: Okay, Some other time then.

Riley: Alright, I have to get ready.

Riley N: You may wonder how I know Parker.

Riley N: I've known him since we were 6 years old.

Riley N: We've been there for each other since then.

Riley N: When we were 16 he got Involved with bad people.

Riley N: He started doing drugs because of them.

Riley N: A year later I got him to stop but he relapsed.

Riley N: He then did drugs and alochol.

Riley N: When he was 18 he took his brother and left here.

Riley N: We haven't talked much since.

After work.

Riley N: On my way home I decided to get a coffee.

Riley: Can I have a French Vanilla Iced coffee to go, Please.

Barista: Of course, Coming right up.

Riley N: I noticed 3 men In masks walk In.

Riley N: They seemed suspicious so I watched them.

Barista: Here's your coffee ma'am, Have a great day.

Riley: Thank you, You too!

Riley N: A few minutes later gunshots went off.

Riley N: I grab out my gun.

Riley N: But then someone pushes me against the wall.

Riley N: I also accidently dropped my gun.

Riley: Get your hand off my throat.

???: No can do, Otherwise you'll run officer.

Riley: I'll kick your ass If you don't let me go!

???: You're a fiesty one, Aren't ya?

Riley: This "fiesty one" will shove my foot up your-

???: A we should get going, Now.

A: I'm coming.

A: Till next time, Officer.

Riley N: Just like that he walked away.

Riley N: Why didn't he kill me..

Riley N: I went home after officers came to get my statement.

Riley N: I was a little shaken up.

Riley N: I don't get why he spared my life, Makes no sense.

Riley N: I decided to lay In bed and watch movies.

Few hours later.

Riley N: I hear my phone ring so I answer It.

Riley: Hello?

???: Hello, Officer.

Riley: You.. How did you get my number.

A: That's not Important officer, You look cute In your pj's.

Riley: What the fuck are you stalking me?

A: Call It what you want.

Riley: Why didn't you kill me?

A: There's something different about you.

A: You weren't afraid to stand up to me.

A: Usually people would be terrified.

Riley: You're just another criminal, No reason to be scared.

A: Oh officer I'm more powerful then them.

Riley: Whatever, I'm hanging up.

A: Wait-

Riley N: I hung up on him.

Ella: Who were you talking to?

Riley: No one mom.

Ella: I heard what happened at the coffee shop, Are you okay?

Riley: Mom I'm fine.

Ella: I love you Ry.

Riley: I love you too mom, Are you going out tonight?

Ella: I'm going to rehab Ry.

Riley: We don't have money for that mom..

Ella: Someone paid for It already sweetheart.

Riley: Let's go then.

The next morning

6 AM.

Riley N: Should I call him..?

Riley N: I guess I will.

A: Officer? Why are you calling me?

Riley: Did you pay for my mom's rehab?

A: I did.

Riley: Thank you.. But why?

A: You've been trying to get money for It so I figured why not.

Riley: For a criminal you have a heart, Huh?

A: Perhaps, Has this earned me your name?

Riley: Nope.

A: Aha fine, Goodbye officer.

Riley: Bye.