Disrupt Their Plan

Three pairs of ears stood up.

Mandibles twitched.

As if on cue, four different Beasts pointed their gaze in a certain direction at the same time.


A distance away, Monsters stood around a structure made out of tough rocks.


They repeatedly used their weapons to bring it down, but progress was slow.

Something had been trapped inside that structure.

Something had hidden inside.

And they needed to bring it out.


Twelve Corrupted Dark Elves took turns attacking.

Again, and again.

A stone hit the floor.

Another one.

The repetitive hits were, slowly but surely, chipping away at the tough rocks.

It took about 8 minutes for a hole to be made.

The Corrupted Dark Elves kept attacking.

About ten minutes after the structure had appeared, a hole large enough for an arm to enter had been made.

A Corrupted Dark Elf approached.

The target had hidden.