A Curse V: Quiet At Times but Always Present

By the time the Fire Spirit disappeared, Mark was a dozen meters away from the Guardian.

While the collision between both attacks was silent, the Fire Spirit's, in and of itself, wasn't.

Couple with Mark's, [D] Ranked Passive Skill "Weightless Steps" [D], the Spirit's noisy flames had managed to make the Guardian lose track of the former's movements.

Dozens of seconds earlier, Elisa stood next to the wall, while the Monster ran.

She watched it get further away. 

Her body, shaking.

Her eyes, distant.

The hatred and horror of Dark Magic.

The disgust emanating from the Guardian's grotesque appearance.

Pity for the Harpy the Guardian once was.

The Monster was running towards the Boss monster.


The Monster was running.

The Monster that could freely use Corruption Magic.

Worse than that.

The Monster that had made Corruption part of its body.

Worse than that.