Demon Lord's Orders

The Moonlit Feline's eyes went from the target to Mark repeatedly.

"Think you can deal with it?" The latter whispered.

The Lioness didn't respond.

Instead, she lowered her body and started moving towards the target.

'The grass that covers the ground has been steadily growing taller and taller. This should be Krista's specialty, fighting in this kind of environment... Though this is her first time in a place like this.'

Stealthily, the Lioness approached the Beast that lay in the middle of the field.

A Beast that resembled a large bull.

[Alri, [E+] Ranked Monster:

Alris are creatures usually found in the Eastern parts of Sloth...]

The Beast's imposing muscles were almost enough to make the Monster's mouth water.

Not only that but,

'That head... It sure is nostalgic.'

The Beast's body strongly reminded Mark of the Minotaurs that he had found and fought on the Dungeon's Eighth Floor.