A Light Punch?

Elisa's Wind Attack was dealt with. Beyond it, was revealed the sharp tip of a Timeworn Elven Dagger approaching rapidly, aimed for the Commander's head.


Lin bent his neck, letting the thrown Timeworn Elven Dagger pass him by.

"That was a close one." He whispered.

"Was it?" Elisa let the third Timeworn Elven Dagger fall off her mouth and into her hand. "He acts like he doesn't feel pain, but I can tell, since I've been looking at him for a long time..."

'Don't tell me you-'

Lin quickly turned back, and Elisa leaped closer.

"He hates pain! But there is something he hates more!"

Elisa swung her Dagge. The Commander blocked with one hand and threw a punch with the other.

She slipped through the space below that arm and stood behind Lin.

The latter wasted no time to turn.

"Can you see it?" Elisa asked as she pointed behind her with the tip of one of her blades. "The expression on his face?"