Rigid & Mechanical?

"Think about it long and hard, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." Mark nodded.

He scratched his head.

'After all this time, I can't believe that fact that I couldn't... Move too much would be something that could be picked up on...'

"Mmm. Walk while you think?"

"Sure. Krista." Mark called out.

The two started walking, and the Moonlit Feline followed them.

"You need to be more explosive. More dynamic. Like BAM! Get it? Get it?"


Krista stared with wide eyes as they argued and talked.

She loved watching them together. Watching them talk, smile, and laugh.

Don't stand in my way-


If Krista had moved out of the way as she had been ordered to, none of this would have happened, right?

It's all thanks to her, right?

It's thanks to her that Master is laughing this way, isn't it?

That thought only made the Moonlit Feline feel happier and more proud.