You'll Be Left Behind

It's dark.

So dark I can't see anything.

Where am I?

How... Do I get out of here?

I want to scream, but what if something hears me? Something other than them?

What should I do?

I hate it here.

I'm alone.

It's dark. 

Just like it was in there.

I don't want to go back.

I don't want to remain here.

I don't want to be forgotten.

Will they find me?

But how will they find me if I remain silent?

I want them to find me regardless.

I don't want to stay here.

It's dark all around.

I can't tell where I am.

Will they find me?

Or will I-

A ray of light suddenly pierced the surrounding darkness.

The hole through that darkness expanded and expanded.

They were her light.

And thew had found her.

"Poor you... How did you end up here?" Elisa muttered as she reached towards Krista.

Mark cast away the plot of land that had entrapped the latter.