Three-Way Fight At The Border II

"Time to die, little snake."

Ani, the Orcish Fiend and Commander Of Sloth, slammed her fists together.

'I was just getting used to it... And now this gets added to the mix?' The white-scaled Monster thought as it smiled nerveously.

The Commander waited a handful of seconds for an answer. There was no real reason to expect the Monster to be intelligent or capable of speech. But the fact that her punch has pushed it this far despite not putting one hundred percent of what she had into it did seem to point towards the Monster being intelligent when coupled with the fact that Lin was the one it had fought.

'Krista is doing a good job dodging their attacks. I can focus on this. Problem is...'

Ani stared silently for a bit before raising an eyebrow.

She let out a grunt before roughly scratching the side of her head.

"Are you really the one who fought him?"