Just A Couple Of Bones, II

Crack- Crack- Crack-


Crack- Crack- Crack-

"Interesting..." The white-scaled Monster whispered.

Surrounding it, dozens of Skeletons lay on the ground.

"There's no light emitted from their eyes." Mark noted.

With his left hand, he held a Skeleton's wrists.

With his right, he moved its head from left to right.

"Different from those inside the Dungeon..."

Mark stared intently.

He extended an index finger, filled with perverse curiosity.

"Nothing, huh? Should have tested that with those inside the Dungeon. Or... That Dungeon, I should say." Mark chuckled as he pulled his index finger out of the Skeleton's empty eye socket. "They're disoriented compared to the others. I suppose they can't see. Can they hear? Mmmm..."

Unable to find an answer, the white-scaled Monster grabbed the Skeleton by the neck and separated its head from its spine.