Summoning Magic, Gone Wrong!

Under the dark barrier, the white-scaled Monster Devoured as fast as it could to replenish its Mana, Endurance, and Health Points.


Thump- Thump-

'They fell...? Was the Magic or-'

"I call upon thee, the Destroyer above all other Destroyers. The one whose name became synonymous with Destruction. The one whose Strength rivaled that of the Primordial Behemoth..."

An Incantation.

The white-scaled Monster had encountered neither foe nor ally who had used Incantations.

But his experiences and the discussion with the Undead Lich led to a shiver going down his spine.

Sacrifice. Give & Take. 

The stronger a Magic Skill is, the harder it is to use. The simplest application of that thought is the cost of Mana. The stronger a Magic Skill is, the more Mana it consumes. But using more Mana isn't the only way to sacrifice.