Fresh Wound

The white-scaled Monster slept for a long time.

It opened its eye, and thought it had been a while since last it had slept.

So it stretched its body, and closed its eye once more.

It, indeed, had been a while.

The last time Mark had slept.

Before finding the "Vestiges of the Undead Dark Triad" Dungeon.

Before being scorched alive after Devouring the Fire Giant Core.

Before entering the dark forest.

Before fighting the Commander.


Mark slept until his Endurance, Mana, and Health Points were back to full.

Then he slept some more.

The white-scaled Monster shivered.

It feels so cold in here!

Every time Mark opened his eye, he would remember something.

His Name was Lin-

What's my Name? No, that's not it. I am Yarnha-

A Gentleman would sleep on the floor-

Quick on your feet-