Filtering Barrier

"As I said, they're mean. They see me and run away."

'Is she dodging or...?' Mark scratched his head as he walked, unsure of whether she was refusing to answer the question or not. 

"Where are you going?"


"You said you had others you help? That's nice."

"I guess..."

"Tell me about them."

"Why should I?"

She shrugged.

"To pass the time as we walk, I suppose."

"How far are we from the Barrier?"

"Not too far." She answered. "You'll be outside soon, probably." It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't entirely truthful either.

"I don't want to talk about them... About her." Mark corrected himself.

"Her? So it's just the one?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"What are you doing once you're back outside?"

"I'll help."

"That's nice. Help with what?"

Mark stared from the corner of his eye before looking away.