Being tricked

Luchan jumped up on a tree branch before boosting himself to another tree branch before he sit on the tree and decided to wait until morning where the monster would not have the sight advantage over him.

The morning arrived with nothing big happening than a few weak monster that tryed to attack him.

Luchan jumped out of the tree as he came face to face with a humanoid figure with red skin and its teeth look like lava as it also had to red horn with a red trident.

"Hey let's make a deal" the monster said as it began walking around Luchan all of a sudden a piece of paper appeared infort of Luchan and a fether with ink "sign your name" the monster said as Luchan hesitated before signing the paper all of a sudden he dropped to the ground and curl up like a ball while grabbing his chest.

All of a sudden he heard a evil laughter over his head "you fool you sign your life to me" the monster said while showing off its sharp teeth but all of a sudden its body was thrown to the ground before being lifted in the air by a flying creature seeing that Luchan jumped for the trident that fell out of its hand and threw it with all his might at the monster the trident peirce the monster chest before flying in its hand.

The monster stab the flying creature in its head before dropping from a hight of about 50-meter in the air.

The trident was thrown at Luchan head.