Variants arrival

All of a sudden Luchan jump into a near by bush suddenly a giant fire ball flew the exact place he was standing a second ago.

A goblin was standing where he was standing 2 seconds ago, the goblin was dark skin bulky body with white hair suddenly look in Luchan direction and blush while saying "me you have children" is this goblin fu*king blind I am a man Luchan said to himself as he got angry.

Hello my new man please can you give he that stick behind you all of a sudden the goblin turn around and was about pick up the stick a pain assaulted him.

Luchan activated his carnage fist and punch off its head.


All of a sudden Luchan jump couple meter in the air as a Trident appear in his hand suddenly a monster standing on 2 legs with red horns and 2 tall teeth percuting from its mouth tall two meter tail.

All of a sudden Luchan threw the Trident with all his strength and agility points.


The Trident sperce the monster chest even before it could react "system how can I use my shadow beast" >Player should think about what the shadow beast should do and it will<

All of a sudden a giant airship appeared in the sky "No it can't be they came to earth"