Keiran and Concordia meanwhile had gotten their Peristylium to commence construction of similar islands as the ones Ciella and I had made. Of course they were unaware of everything the other teams had accomplished thus far however, Keiran as wielder of the Seven Dominant Elements of our homeworld understood very well the interactions amongst the Elements and the concept of the Elemental Balance in general. Thanks to this, he understood the Principles Of Flotation and and Aerodynamics very well.

The Structures Keiran and Concordia instructed their people to build were also made of reinforced glass however, in their case, the Chamber where the Helium Gas was stored was two thirds larger than the mass of the entire Structure so that when the air was pumped into the Structure, the air would compose two thirds of the entire structure's mass causing the remaining third which was solid to levitate.

Keiran had constructed devices that continuously created Helium through Chemical Reactions of various gases extracted from the atmosphere to be stored in the Chambers. The islands also contained Omnidirectional Thrusters that pumped compressed Oxygen out in high pressure to generate motion like an inflated balloon that flew all about when air was released in just one direction. The islands could thus move in all directions without the need to turn. The Islands also contained balances on all sides made out of Flute-like or Pipe-like Structures filled with Helium Gas to maintain balance.

When the Helium Chamber was completely sealed off, the islands floated in the Sky. By streamlining the islands, they could remain stationary. Omnidirectional Sails could also be used to amplify mobility. Where the island's mobility was controlled, there were chains made out of Mirrors that reflected scenes from all directions into the Captain's Quarters. To each of these Mirrors, a skilled Sailor from Keiran and Concordia's Peristylium was assigned. They could control specific Directional Thrusters to move the islands in a specific direction without turning the structure. By releasing Oxygen at specific pressures, they could control speed. The Thrusters basically worked with the Sealed Helium Chambers to move the Islands about. The Helium in the Sealed Chambers could be replenished by extraction of air from the atmosphere and through Chemical Reactions to produce and store only the Helium. The rest of the gases were reconverted to gases restored to the atmosphere.

Keiran created scales that measured the varying degrees of gas in the atmosphere to know when the islands were beginning to create a harmful chain of events. When a certain gas was severely depleted, or over abundant, they'd balance it out by releasing or extracting gas into or from the atmosphere after reconversion of the gas to match the imbalance. This was the principle of Neutralization.

Finally, Keiran shielded the Islands with Mirrors that could be retracted or used to cover the Islands. The Mirrors were mostly to serve as Lighthouses or Beacons for any ships that may be at Sea. Ciella and I had integrated similar Beacons into our Sea Islands. Keiran and Concordia's Islands also produced food through the farming of various birds and the cultivation of crops. At the very least Keiran and Concordia as well as Ciella and I could now Sail the Seas and the Skies. It was only a matter of time until our Islands finally made contact with one another via the Beacons.

Meanwhile, Mitsuki and Arlene had begun to work on their set of Islands. Their Islands were also made out of large reinforced glass however, they were bound together via Automated Gravitational Fields and could also be cultivated. They also had Shelters made of Translucent Roofs to protect the Sailors from the Sun's heat while ensuring that the Sea Life were never completely devoid of Sunlight at any period in time.

Mitsuki navigated the Islands over the Sea by utilizing varying degrees of the Moon's Gravitational Pull and Push to generate rising and falling tides and in so doing generate Waves for the Islands to Sail on. Arlene created conceptual Lighthouses which Mitsuki put together. Their team could now Sail the Seas.

Ariel's team also created Islands but their Islands were not made to live on. They were made to live in like a proverbial Whale. Ariel and Saito created Structures that could extract Oxygen from the Ocean and convert it into Oxygen Gas which she and Saito could breathe. They thus had Submarines which could sail the depth of the Seas almost indefinitely. They also created Farms within their Island Subs to produce both Food and Oxygen. They generated Scales to measure Oxygen Levels with, both the Oxygen Levels on the Sea and in their Island Subs was measured against a Standard Figure to regulate the amount of Oxygen they extracted and ensure that they didn't inadvertently trigger a Chain Of Cataclysmic Events in the Ocean. Thanks to the crops they cultivated, they could also produce reserve Oxygen so extraction from the Sea was not their only option.

This also gave them a wide range to explore the Sea and they didn't need to worry about running out of Food or Oxygen. They could also convert Sea Water into Fresh Water via distillation so they had an abundance of Water as well. As to how their crops survived without Sunlight, via their Dreamweaving Abilities, they created special devices that conducted specific Wavelengths Of Sunlight that were beneficial to the growth and Survival Of The Crops.