The following day, Saito woke up and found Ariel asleep at her desk. She instinctively checked the Peristylium's Bloodline Limits listed under the Cancer System and found the Medical Repository. There were three Repositories, one of them was listed under 'The Edible and Inedible Foods Repository'. The second was listed under the Libra System under the title 'Buffs and Debuffs Associated with the Twelve Noble Professions' and the third was listed in the Cancer System under the title of 'The Elemental Medical Repository'.

Ariel woke up.

"Goodmorning Saito, did you sleep well?" she greeted.

"Yeah, I did. Looks like you're finally done with the Elemental Medical Repository" Saito said.

"Yeah, I worked all night on it adding in the last three elements of Water, Lightning and Light" Ariel said.

"I'd like to hear what you've compiled so far" Saito said.

"Fine then, I'll start with Water. Buffs associated with Water include Vitality, Flexibility, Purification, Refinement, Healing via Osmosis and the Nullification Of Toxins via the brewing of Potions, Dissolution of a wide range of substances and by implication Assimilation, Alteration of Form via Evaporation, Condensation, Freezing and Weathering, the ability to evoke Tranquility over Climate, Stealth via Mist, Versatility and Adaptability. Debuffs associated with an absence or deficiency of Water include Death, Thirst, Stasis and Rigidness especially when it is frozen solid, Decay and Deterioration of Substances via Weathering and Rusting, the ability to assimilate Toxins in which case its ability as a universal solvent actually becomes one of its greatest weaknesses, Sluggishness associated by a significant decrease in Temperature, the Dulling of the Senses and Alertness caused by the aforementioned, Devastation via Storms especially when elements like Fire are added into the mix to serve as a Catalyst, Illusions via Mirage especially when fused with Light and Heat, inability to Transition into alternate forms autonomously without the involvement of other elements like Fire" Ariel explained.

"That's very insightful. Next is Lightning" Saito said.

"Buffs associated with Lightning include Channeling through Conductivity, Animation and Reanimation of Inanimate Objects, Customization and the integration of unique functionalities into Inanimate Objects, Enhanced Mobility and Communication, Enhanced Speed and Travel via Channeling through Conductors, Unpredictability, Goodness and Zeal. Debuffs associated with the misapplication, deficiency or absence of Lightning include the inability to break past Insulation, Stasis in the absence of Lightning, Lack Of Variety, Limited Mobility, Limited Range of Mobility and Communication, Limited Speed, Predictability and Sloth" Ariel explained.

"Finally, we're left with Light. What have you compiled so far regarding this element?" Saito asked.

"Well, Light can be categorized under two Major Categories, Material and Immaterial Light but I'll just sum everything up. Buffs associated with Light include Vision and Visibility, Revelation Of Form, Colour, Shade and unique characteristics of Objects, Permeation Of All Objects hence the ability to uncover all Secrets, Immense Mobility, Nullification and Expulsion of Darkness, Reflection, Refraction and the alteration of the Perception Of Distance, Total Invisibility and Stealth via the application of Reflection and Refraction, Extra-Sensory Abilities, the ability to read Transition in Abstract Objects and other Elements and by implication Knowledge of Cause And Effect, Endless Evolution Of Vision, Comprehension Of Symbolism, Open-Mindedness, Knowledge and Wisdom. Debuffs associated with the absence, deficiency or misapplication of Light include Blindness and Invisibility (the inability to recognize an object that is present in one's immediate surroundings), Concealment of Form, Colour, Shade and Unique Characteristics of an object, Concealment of Secrets, Limited Mobility, Amplification and Dominance of Darkness, Limited Comprehension Of One's Own Identity (inability to reflect or for introspection), inability to perceive Distance and Obstacles in one's path hence leading to the amplification of the tendency to cause self-inflicted harm, the inability to read Transitions in Abstract Objects and as such a Limited Comprehension over Cause and Effect, Very Limited and Narrow Vision, Inability to comprehend Symbolism, Narrow-Mindedness and Ignorance" Ariel explained.

"Very impressive little sis. The Elemental Medical Repository has finally been completed. Good job. At the very least, we have very little to fear in terms of debuffs associated with the Seven Dominant Elements" Saito said.

"Yeah, now I intend to rest for a bit. Compiling this was very tiring" Ariel said.