We were led to a field that had been divided into three sections. Each section of the field was spaced evenly from the others. We noticed that there were slight variations to the soil type contained in each of the three fields.

"You'll need to reflect on what you've learnt so far concerning the seeds as well as the sort of environment the seeds will thrive in. Occasionally, we'll alter the climate in this terrain. The alteration will simultaneously affect all three sections of the field. There will be climates that will be advantageous to specific seed types while disadvantageous to others and these advantages will rise or drop with each alteration to the field's climate" Face explained.

"I've added a new scale to your menus. You can check them out" Aileen I said.

We checked our menus and found four different scales. Each had the image of a sword and armour however they were slightly different from one another. One pair was of Fire, one of Water, one of Wind and one of Earth.

"These scales appear to correspond to each of the Sigil Seeds" I noted.

"Exactly. You should figure out the rest for yourselves" Face said.

We nodded.

Then the older Dream Knights left us.

"First, let's scan each of the fields with the Libra System" I suggested.

We headed to the first field and scanned it.

"Soil Type: Sand; less compact soil structure. Water Retention: Low. Recommended Seed Type: Flame Sigil Seeds/Wind Sigil Seeds"

The notification read. We headed to the second field and scanned it.

"Soil Type: Clay; highly compact soil structure. Water Retention: High. Recommended Seed Type: Water Sigil Seeds"

The notification read.

We headed to the third field and scanned it.

"Soil Type: Loam; very fertile soil type full of humus and rich in beneficial soil organisms, moderately compact in structure. Water Retention: Moderate relative to Sand and Clay. Recommended Seed Type: Can nurture a wide variety of Seed Types however recommended for Earth Sigil Seeds"

The notification read.

"I see. So each Seed Type has a recommended Soil Type. It's quite similar to the affinities we humans have for specific fields" Keiran noted.

"That's true. Judging from the info we've gathered so far, it's safe to assume that the debilitating climates that will be evoked upon the field align with one of the Four Basic Elements necessary for Life. It's quite clear from what my Dad said about some of the climates being advantageous to certain seed types but disadvantageous to other seed types as well as the alterations in these advantages and disadvantages to match alterations in climate" Concordia noted.

"Flame Sigil Seeds thrive in arid climates. That means they require a minimal amount of Water to thrive. Sand has great Drainage Abilities but very low Water Retention. Flame Sigil Seeds would thus thrive when nurtured in Sandy Soils. So would Wind Sigil Seeds" I noted.

"Water Sigil Seeds thrive in humid climates. They require a lot of Water to thrive and they also propagate their seeds via Water. Clay has very low Drainage Abilities but high Water Retention. Water Sigil Seeds would thus thrive when nurtured in Clay Soils" Ciella realized.

"Earth Sigil Seeds are very sensitive on the other hand and require careful nurture and regulation. This implies that they need moderate amounts of the elements needed to sustain them and do not thrive very well in extreme conditions. Loam is very fertile and has moderate Drainage and Water Retention. It's neither too arid nor too humid but rather full of living organisms that tunnel beneath the soil. The tunneling activities of these living organisms present in Loamy Soils loosen the Earth and also create networks of tunnels that lessen the strain exerted on roots that try to penetrate the soil for Water. Earth Sigil Seeds would thrive when nurtured in Loamy Soils" Concordia noted.

"Let's work together to cultivate all Four Categories of Sigil Seeds to gain a broader understanding of the interactions amongst affinity types, elements and terrains" Arlene suggested.

"I agree" Mitsuki agreed.