We spent some time trying to digest all we'd learnt about Water so far. It was all very amazing and also very mysterious. After resting for a while, our lesson resumed.

"Now Aileen I and I will teach you a bit about Water Purification" Ai said.

We listened closely.

"As we explained earlier, as Water flows away from its source, it may pick up a number of impurities present either in the Ground or in the Air. As such, it is not advisable to drink directly from any Water Body. That is why Water Purification Methods exist, to reduce the demerits that go with harvesting and drinking Water from Natural Sources" Aileen I explained.

"For now, we'll teach you three Water Purification Methods. These Methods are the Methods of Filtration, Sedimentation and Distillation. The main principle governing these methods is the 'separation' of impurities present in Water from the Water itself via a number of 'variations' between the 'properties' of the Water and any impurity present within it" Ai explained.

"Purification via variations in the properties of Water and that of any object present within it?" Ciella wondered.

"This shouldn't be new to you after all, you applied these methods in various ways during the Aquarius Level's Immunization and Antidotes Phase. Anyway, it's about time to begin. Let's start with Filtration. Filtration is a Water Purification Method that utilizes a mesh-like weave to separate Water from any impurities present in it. You could think of the Weave as a kind of net. Let's liken the method to Fishing. Fishermen fish with nets that have openings within them. The size of these openings determine the size of fish that are caught. When the openings are wide, any fish smaller than the openings can slip through them and evade capture. However, any fish larger than the openings are trapped once they venture into the nets. When the openings are small, smaller fish can be caught. The underlying principle governing Filtration is the separation of any impurities present in Water from the Water itself via variations in 'Mass' and 'Size'. Water has a less compact molecular structure thus allowing it to bypass the Weave via its fluidity. Any object with a more compact molecular structure or simply put any solid object gets cut off by the Weave as the Water passes through the Weave into a new container" Aileen I explained.

"Next in line is Sedimentation. Sedimentation works around a principle of 'Stillness'" Ai explained.

"A principle of Stillness?" Ciella asked.

"Yes, to explain it in simple terms, Water has the ability to dissolve a wide variety of substances however, this ability is to a large extent determined by motion within the Water. It's like cooking for instance, Soup is stirred to allow the ingredients within it to mix together. However, when Water is still, a very unique phenomenon occurs. Objects heavier than the Water sink to the bottom of the Water while objects lighter than the Water float and settle at the surface of the Water. These objects present in the Water that settle either at the bottom or float to the surface are referred to as Sediments. When these Sediments gather either at the bottom or surface of the Water, they leave a portion of the Still Water pure. Sedimentation is thus a Water Purification Method that rids Water of impurities present within it via variations in Weight" Ai explained.

"This brings us to the final Water Purification Method, Distillation. At times, there may be impurities present in Water that are also fluid in nature instead of Solid. In other words, these impurities may be present in Water in the form of Liquids and Gases. Distillation exists to remove these impurities via variations in 'Evaporation Points' or Temperature. Every element, you can say, possesses a unique threshold which when breached allows the element to 'transition' in form to a new state or a new element. Distillation revolves around this principle. Water has its own threshold which when breached causes it to vapourize, or simply put to transition into a Gaseous State. Any impurity present in the Water would have a threshold different from that of the Water itself. If the threshold of the impurity is lower than that of the Water, the impurity will be vapourized leaving the Water behind. However, if the threshold of the impurity is higher than that of the Water, the Water will be vapourized instead. The vapourized Water can then be redirected to an alternate container where it is cooled to the threshold that allows it to reassume its liquid form leaving any impurity that was originally present within it in the first container. Thus distillation revolves around the separation of impurities present in Water from the Water itself via variations in 'the thresholds that cause transition in any element'. Variations in Temperature are the commonest ways to distill any material" Aileen I explained.