Aileen I and Aunt Ai continued to teach us more about Water.

"We shall be continuing our lesson on Waves. As we said before, every element with the capacity to generate some form of energy either in its raw form or via interaction with some other process also possesses the capacity to generate a Wave. Fire like the Sun generates Waves Of Heat and Light, the Wind generates Wind Waves which we predominantly refer to as Air Currents as well as Sound Waves. The Earth possesses the ability to generate Magnetic Waves. It is for this reason that we can utilize compasses as Navigational Tools. The Element Of Time generates Chrono Waves which are mostly experienced at a Psychological rather than a Physiological Level. Time can affect us physically as well determining things such as growth. You can view the Waves Of The Sea mostly as a result of the activities of the Wind and the movement of Heavenly Bodies such as the Moon and the Sun. The Element Of Lightning possesses the capacity to generate Electric Waves. I've already spoken of the Sun's ability to generate Light Waves" Aileen I explained.

"For each of these Wave Types, there are infinite Wavelength Ranges. Every human who possesses an affinity for a particular element also possesses a Wavelength Range determining their degree of mastery over the element of their affinity. This Wavelength Range can be hereditary but is mostly determined by experience. Naturally, there are certain Wavelength Ranges that are detectable by all humans. The Tools that allow us to detect these Wavelength Ranges are what we call the 'Senses'.

"The Senses" Ciella seemed to be attempting to wrap her mind around the concept of Waves.

"Light Waves or rather some Wavelengths of Light for instance can be detected by the Eyes through their effects on our surroundings. Heat Waves can be detected by our Skin, Sound Waves by our Ears, Wind Waves or Scent by the Nostrils, Taste by the Tongue and so on. The Senses are natural tools that allow us to detect these Waves. Most of our Sensory Tools are designed to mimic the Senses like Cameras for instance that mimic the Eyes, Microphones that mimic the Ears. These are devices that can allow us to detect these Waves. Wind Vanes for instance allow us to sense the direction of the Wind while Anemometers allow us to sense the speed of the Wind. Thermometers allow us to sense the Temperature of our surroundings while Radar and Sonar Systems allow us to sense the layout of our surroundings through the application of Sound Waves. These Tools are basically Sensory Devices that allow one to sense 'Waves' with greater precision than they can do with their usual senses. They are meant to expand the ability of one of the Five Basic Senses. However, not all Waves can be detected via Physiological Tools. There are some Waves such as the ones emitted by Immaterial Light that can only be perceived by a Living Being, most believe they can only be perceived by any being with a Soul. When one attempts to capture these Waves via a Physical Tool, they most often are able to capture only a single facet of that Wave. Waves of this nature tend to be multifaceted and one's ability to sense these Waves are tied to their knowledge, experiences, culture and even things like the state of their heart. That is why Dream Knights hone not only their Physical Senses but spend years trying to awaken Extra-Sensory Perception" Aileen I explained.

"When a Wave interacts with a Sense or Sensory Tool, a Sensory Ability may be granted. For instance, when the Eyes interact with Light Waves, Vision is granted. When the Ears interact with Wind Waves, Hearing is granted. When the Nostrils interact with Wind Waves, the sense of Smell is granted. When the Tongue interacts with Waves produced Chemically, Taste is granted and when the Skin interacts with Waves such as Heat and Electricity, a sense of Touch is granted. These are the basic Wavelength Ranges that can be detected by all Humans" Aunt Ai explained.