We listened closely to Fenrir Sabrefang, Arlene's Gramps.

"From what I've said, you can deduce that Lightning is not a basic element. Rather, it is an advanced Aerial Technique. In other words, it's an advanced variation of Wind Element Techniques. At the same time, it's an advanced Water and Fire Element Technique. These three basic elements are the foundation on which Lightning Element Techniques are developed" Fenrir explained.

"However, Lightning predominantly shares more similarities with Wind than with Fire and Water. Isn't that so Gramps?" Arlene asked.

"You're very perceptive Arlene. This is true. As such, it's polar opposite element is also Earth as well as some advanced variations of Earth. In the Earth's atmosphere lies an Electromagnetic Field that predominantly flows from the Earth's Poles. This Electromagnetic Field also acts to shield the Earth from harmful spectra of Light and Energy radiated by the Sun. The field of Electromagnetic Energy disperses harmful spectra of Sunlight. In a sense, it's like the Ozone Layer. So here, you can see Lightning sharing some traits with Wind. Both act to shield the Earth from harmful spectra of Light and Energy radiated by the Sun. A second way this is achieved is via the cooling effect Storms have over the Earth's Climate. This cooling effect nullifies a substantial amount of Heat Energy radiated by the Sun" Fenrir explained.

"It looks like Concordia may also have a latent affinity for the Lightning Element" I said with a smirk.

"If Lightning is really an advanced Wind Element Technique, then that's true" Concordia said with a smile.

"This brings me to Today's Topic. Naturally, the Earth is resistant to Lightning however, as you may already know, there are countless variations of Earth and just as many ways to process materials harvested from the Earth. As such, each material harvested from the Earth after being processed bears its own unique properties. Some materials harvested from the Earth become very receptive to Lightning after they have been processed. Materials that are receptive to Lightning are collectively called 'Conductors'. These Conductors allow Lightning to flow through them. In other words, they can channel Lightning Energy and are not very resistant to Lightning. Materials such as these include Metals such as Copper. Most Metals are not very resistant to Lightning. Water is also a very good Conductor of Lightning and is quite capable of transforming a unidirectional flowing current into an omnidirectional one. On the other hand, materials that are resistant to Lightning are collectively called 'Insulators'. These Insulators do not easily allow Lightning to flow through them. In other words, they do not easily channel Lightning Energy and are very resistant to Lightning. Materials such as these include Wood and Rubber. Not all materials harvested from the Earth are resistant to Lightning. At the same time, it cannot be said that all materials harvested from the Earth are receptive to Lightning. You may have deduced that connotation from the Electromagnetic Energy that radiates from the Earth's Poles" Fenrir explained.

"Yeah, you said it acts as a sort of Insulator for the Earth shielding it from harmful spectra of Light radiated by the Sun" I said.

"Yet at the same time, it can be conducted through certain materials harvested from the Earth" Arlene added.