Concordia stood with her parents, Boniface Kenyah and Victoria Pendragon Arthur Kenyah.

"Concordia, you've heard of how each elemental affinity defines the temperaments of its wielders haven't you?" Face, her father asked her.

"Keiran explained it to me" Concordia replied.

"Well, every element has its own unique characteristics. These characteristics define the range of ability of its wielders. Today, we'll train your Aerial Sensory Ability" Victoria said.

"I've finally awakened Aerial Extra-Sensory Abilities Mom" Concordia said with a smile.

"Extra-Sensory Abilities are abilities that expand the Sensory Abilities of one of the Five Basic Human Senses and they are gifted by any element with the capacity to generate a Wave. There are numerous types of Extra-Sensory Perception. Depending on the element that generates the Extra-Sensory Ability, the characteristics of the Extra-Sensory Capability may differ from normal Sensory Perception. For instance, the element of Fire grants 'Intuition', a type of Extra-Sensory Ability honed through instinct and usually awakened in near life or death situations. The elements of Wind and Lightning on the other hand grant 'Zone Perception', a very wide Aerial View of one's surroundings. The element of Water grants 'Depth Perception' which allows one to see beyond the obviously visible. The element of Earth grants 'Magnetic Perception' allowing one to sense things via the phenomena of attraction and repulsion. The Element Of Time grants 'Foresight' allowing one to read cause and effect and thus influence the flow of events within their surroundings and the element of Light grants 'Awareness', 'Knowledge' and 'Wisdom' allowing one to understand things that are out of reach of the ordinary. Each type of Extra-Sensory Perception is honed differently but the rules for tapping into all Extra-Sensory Capabilities are vastly similar.

The simplest rule perhaps is to sync to the Wavelength of an element generating a Wave within one's environment for which one has an affinity" Victoria explained.

"Wow, I never knew there were these many variations of Extra-Sensory Perception" Concordia admitted.

Victoria nodded with an understanding look.

"You have an affinity for Earth and that's why you could awaken 'Magnetic Perception' that allowed you to perceive objects that broke your Dust Field via the forces of attraction and repulsion that exist between your dust field and the foreign object within the field. You also have an affinity for Wind which means you have a latent affinity for Lightning as well. Both elements grant 'Zone Perception', a very wide view of one's surroundings. You have a latent affinity for Water which should grant you 'Depth Perception' as well but for now let's train your Zone Perception" Victoria said.

"What do you want me to do Mom?" Concordia asked.

"I want you to sync the Wavelength of Wind surrounding your body to that of the surrounding air" Victoria instructed.

Concordia nodded and shut her eyes for focus. Almost immediately, an immense view of her surroundings permeated her mind. She could see everything in astonishing detail from the smallest ant to the largest tree.

"Whoa! This is so amazing! I can see everything around me more clearly than if my eyes were opened" Concordia exclaimed in excitement.

"That is true but you may have also noticed that your perception has limitations" Victoria said.

"It's true. There are some areas within my field of view that are blank. Why is that?" Concordia asked.

"Do you know why people gifted with Extra-Sensory Abilities have to sync their Wavelengths to an element in their surroundings they have an affinity for before they can utilize their Extra-Sensory Perception?" Victoria asked Concordia.

"I've never thought of it" Concordia admitted.

"The technique is like utilizing a telescope that is already present in Nature to expand your field of Vision however if an obstacle such as a tree blocks the line of sight of that telescope, it becomes useless. The blindspots in your field of vision are areas where the Wavelengths of Wind differ from that of the Wavelength you've synced to. They are proverbial obstacles such as a tree that blocks the line of sight of the telescope. When that happens, you just need to find another telescope by syncing to an alternate Wavelength that matches the Wavelength of Air within your blindspots" Victoria explained.

Concordia nodded and kept altering her Wavelength till the blank regions in her field of view faded away and allowed her to view the sights contained within those regions.

"Now generate your Dream Realm Border Wall Defense Mode" Victoria instructed.


"By equipping each arrow in your Border Wall Defense Mode with Wavelengths of Wind matching the Wind surrounding your body and sending them out, you can view any area that has Wavelengths matching that of the Wind surrounding your arrows via the Resonance Effect" Victoria instructed.

Concordia sent her arrows out while viewing the Wind circulating around them. She could view all areas her arrows overlapped for as long as the Wavelength of Wind surrounding her arrows matched that of the Wavelength of the Regions they overlapped.

"I see what you mean, thanks a lot Mom" Concordia said gratefully.

"You're welcome and well done Concordia. You mastered that skill relatively easily as I expected of you" Victoria said.

Concordia smiled.