Concordia spent another Week trying to master Depth Perception. After the Week passed, she returned to her parents.

"Congratulations Concordia, you have finally mastered the first aspect of Wind Element Techniques, the Aerial Sensory Technique. Today, I'll be teaching you more about the second aspect of Wind Element Techniques. You'll be learning about the Aerial Zone Control Technique" Victoria said.

"As a prerequisite, you'll need to recall your Mom's lessons on Aerial Sensory and Aerial Zone Control Techniques as well as Fenrir's lesson regarding Defense against the three Debilitating Attack Types and Combatting Pathogens" Fenrir explained.

Concordia nodded.

"I'm ready to learn" she nodded.

"As you may have heard, every living creature has an ideal state of being called the 'Healthy State'. This Healthy State is determined for the most parts by Hereditary and Environmental Factors. A living organism may flourish within an environment that complements their Biological Functions as well as Affinities. When taken out of this environment and into an environment that conflicts with their affinities, their Healthy State may start to decline" Victoria reviewed Fenrir's lesson.

"I recall that lesson clearly" Concordia said.

"Well, it's not just individual living organisms that have a Healthy State. Ecosystems composed of communities of Living Organisms also have a 'Collective Healthy State'. This Collective Healthy State is determined by two major factors. The first factor is interaction amongst the Living Organisms within the Ecosystem and the second factor is the respect for Boundaries. It is around these two factors that Zone Control revolves. This is the reason why animals such as Lions and Wolves are very territorial. They maintain the 'Healthy State' of their various Prides and Packs by marking out their territories. They basically mark out boundaries to prevent animals outside their groups from invading their preferred Hunting Grounds. In this case, you can think of the Boundaries marked out by Living Organisms as their own bodies. A Pathogen basically operates by invading these Boundaries, by disregarding them. When a Pathogen invades the Body of a Living Organism, disease occurs. Likewise, when an invader trespasses within Boundaries marked out by another Living Organism, the 'Healthy State' of that Ecosystem is broken and Conflict is likely to ensue. Do you understand what I'm getting at Concordia?" Victoria asked.

"You are trying to say everything has its place. When anything or anyone violates the space of another, they in that moment act as a Pathogen" Concordia realized.

"Exactly, Ecosystems, Nations, Kingdoms, you can view them all as Living Organisms with their own Healthy States. The Healthy State of these are primarily determined by interaction amongst its citizens and respect for Boundaries. Now from here on out, we are diving into the essence of Zone Control. Each of the aforementioned has a collective mood very much like the moods of an individual. The Collective Mood is what we call an 'Atmosphere'. A Pathogen basically operates by disrupting this 'Atmosphere'. At this juncture, I must mention that there are two major types of Zone Control. The first is commonly referred to as Offensive Zone Control and is primarily employed by the Pathogen or Invasive Species. The second is primarily referred to as Defensive Zone Control and is primarily employed by the Native Species. Each of these types of Zone Control have their ideal around which techniques are developed. The primary priority of Offensive Zone Control is Stealth. The ability to penetrate the boundaries of Living Organisms and disrupt the Atmosphere of their Domains to one befitting the preferences of the Pathogen or Invasive Species without being detected. In other words, for the Pathogen, all Sentries are the enemy. The Invader usually commences his invasion by destroying anything that could lead to his discovery. That includes the Sentries Of the Domain's Boundaries. Once the Sentries are taken out, the Invader begins to alter the atmosphere of the Domain he has invaded to one that suits his purposes. If you want to liken this to what happens in the bodies of Living Organisms, it's at this phase the White Blood Cells are Neutralized and all other Cells are degraded.

On the other hand, the primary objective of Defensive Zone Control is Extra-Sensory Perception. This is the ability to widen one's basic senses for the detection of potential intruders. The ability to read anomalies in the 'Healthy State' and 'Atmospheres' of the Native Ecosystem to which the Native Species belongs. The Defensive Zone Controller is able to comprehend all the factors that define the Healthy State Of their Native Ecosystem. As such, they are able to detect when an anomaly begins to manifest within the Ecosystem. This ability allows them to track and if possible eliminate the Pathogen or Invasive Species" Victoria explained.

"I see what you're getting at" Concordia realized the point her Mother was trying to make.

"Usually, when two factions of Living Organisms clash in conflict, they prioritize brute strength and numbers. Victory is usually determined by which faction has greater brute force. When dealing with the Weaver Of Calamity and his forces, the rules are a little different. The terrain itself is prioritized and terrain here does not necessarily refer strictly to land but also to the inhabitants of that particular terrain. The battle is usually fought over the 'Atmosphere'. The Weaver Of Calamity basically attempts to disrupt the Atmosphere and by so doing diminish the Healthy State Of the Living Organisms inhabiting the terrain. The Dream Knights on the other hand try to discover the particular forces within the Weaver Of Calamity's Army that are Disrupting the Atmosphere and shut down those infiltration points. Basically, the Weaver Of Calamity prioritizes Stealth while we the Dream Knights prioritize Extra-Sensory Perception. It's literally a game of Cat and Mouse" Victoria explained.

"Basically, on this end, Victory is not necessarily determined by brute force and numbers but by how successfully the 'Atmosphere' is either disrupted or maintained" Face concluded the lesson.