Concordia stood with her parents in the Pendragon-Kenyah Training Grounds within XCalibur AOP 2.

"Today, we'll be honing your Extra-Sensory Ability" Victoria explained.

"So it's finally time for some actual practice. Well, it's about time" Concordia said excitedly.

"I leave this to you then Vikki" Face said.

Victoria nodded with an affectionate smile.

"Concordia, we'll be training in a slightly different field. Follow me" Victoria instructed.

Concordia followed her Mom to a field that was very Windy.

"Today, you'll be learning how to extend the extrasensory range for your allies and yourself. I will be moving to another part of the field quite a distance from where you are now. I will be attempting to view you via Extrasensory Perception. When you discover my location, send me a signal to let me know. I will send you a response" Victoria said and took to the air via currents of Wind. "You can commence your search in thirty minutes" Victoria said as she faded away into the distance.

Concordia waited for thirty minutes. After thirty minutes were over, she stood up.

"Thirty minutes have passed already. It's about time I seek Mom out" Concordia said and took in a deep breath.

She sighed. She shut her eyes and relaxed. As she did so, images began to form within her mind, images of her surroundings but Concordia noticed something odd as well. Unlike previously where she had an enormous field of view, this time, there were many blindspots within her field of vision.

"I see, so that's the characteristic of this field. It appears there are flows of Wind with varying Wavelengths from the Wavelength of the field of Wind surrounding me" Concordia realized. "Mom could be concealed within any of these blindspots" Concordia thought.

Meanwhile, Victoria stood at another part of the field viewing Concordia.

"Think carefully Concordia. This problem has a very simple solution…but will you be able to find it?" Victoria wondered.

"If only there was a way I could alter the Wavelength Of The Wind in my blindspots to match that of the Wind surrounding me currently" Concordia thought.

Then she opened her eyes in realization.

"That's it! Mom's Bow Of Orion Formation, it acts as a Scout Formation by integrating fields of Wind around each of her arrows. If I can replicate the process with Kraken Andromeda…" Concordia thought in excitement.

"KRAKEN ANDROMEDA VER. DREAM REALM BORDER WALL DEFENSE!" Concordia called as countless arrows materialized in the space surrounding her.

She generated fields of Wind surrounding each arrow.

"Now I've just got to send Formations of each of these Sensory Arrow Fields into the areas where the Wavelength Of Wind differs from the Wavelength Of Wind surrounding me currently and have those arrows continuously release Wind to widen my field of view" Concordia thought.

Concordia sent the arrows into the fields of Wind with different Wavelengths. The arrows were sent in Formations to each area. Around the Formation was a Sensory Field Of Wind.

"I'll call this KRAKEN ANDROMEDA VER. AERIAL SENSORY FIELD" Concordia decided.

The moment the arrows entered the Fields Of Wind with different Wavelengths, the constant flow of Wind emitted by Concordia's Sensory Field dispersed the Wind possessing a different Wavelength from that of the Wind orbiting Concordia and her arrows. In Concordia's field of view, it was as though a haze was clearing and she could now view occurrences within these fields of Wind.

"Perhaps I should disintegrate my arrows into their Dust Form to widen my Field Of View" Concordia thought and did this as well.

Now the Wind surrounding her arrows acted as a vehicle to carry the Dust particles of her arrows.

Concordia reassembled the arrows to form the words


Victoria smiled and mouthed the words

"I see you too".

Concordia flew over to Victoria.

"This field had many areas where the Winds differed in Wavelength from one another. I assumed you were concealed within one of these Wavelengths" Concordia said.

"Exactly, as long as the Wavelength I was concealed within differed from that of the Wind surrounding you, I remained completely concealed within that blindspot" Victoria explained.

"I had to generate Sensory Fields of my arrows bearing Winds with Wavelengths matching the Wavelengths of the Winds surrounding me. I sent these Sensory Fields into the Winds with Wavelengths different from those of the Winds surrounding me gradually diffusing them till the Wavelengths of Wind that remained matched the Wavelengths of Wind orbiting my body" Concordia explained.

"And when you did that I became able to see everything you could perceive as well. All I had to do was match my Wavelength to that of the Wind orbiting your arrows. This technique is a double edged sword. When battling with allies of a Wind Affinity, it could be used to extend the range of their vision allowing them to view everything you view however in battle against an adversary, the adversary could potentially use this technique to reverse track you if they are skilled enough. The key to avoiding this is ensuring that your arrows are undetectable" Victoria explained.

"I see. Thanks a lot Mom" Concordia said gratefully.

"You're welcome" Victoria said.