Aileen I took Arlene to the entrance of a dark Cave.

"Arlene, this training session is going to be quite similar to the Training I had Ciella and yourself undergo in the Mountain Of Olympus. I'll head into the centre of the Cave. Seek me out thirty minutes after I leave. This time however, you must navigate the Cave utilizing only Aerial Sound" Aileen I said and walked away.

"Hmm…Aerial Sound huh? Granny said there are basically two categories of Aerial Support Techniques, the Aerial Breath and the Aerial Sound. The Aerial Breath basically has to do with the movement of Wind and can be utilized to generate Enhancing Zones for allies to sever them from the Debilitating Effects of an Adversary's reach. The Aerial Sound on the other hand has to do with the application of Wind as a medium to channel Sonic Waves in the form of Vibrations and predominantly has two functions. The first function is Cartography via Echolocation and the second function is Communication" Arlene recalled Aileen I's lessons in the Mountain Of Olympus.

By the time she was done, thirty minutes had passed. She entered the Cave. It was absolutely dark after she had walked a few feet into it.

"So Granny wants me to utilize the Cartography Functionality attached to Aerial Sound Techniques huh?" Arlene realized.

"From here on out, I can't rely on my eyes or sync Wavelengths with the surrounding Wind since that would violate the conditions of this Training Session. Syncing Wavelengths with the surrounding Wind is an Aerial Breath Technique after all" Arlene realized.

"Wind Waves are Prerequisitory Waves for Sound Waves since Sound needs Wind as a medium to manifest itself. This is why there is typically no sound within a Vacuum. Sound is basically Vibration and travels by channeling Vibrations through the Air. When these Vibrations reach the ears of Living Creatures, they perceive the Sounds generated by their environment" Arlene realized.

"Bats and Whales are almost blind and utilize sound to navigate their environment. Bats for instance generate high pitched sounds that bounce off obstacles. When these vibrations reach the Bat's Senses, they generate a graphical image of the obstacles in the Bat's Path and thus present the Bat with a Graphical Layout of its surroundings" Arlene reflected on Aerial Sound Techniques.

"This technique is referred to as echolocation and is also utilized by the Navy and Airforce in the form of Sonar and Radar Technology. It looks like I'm going to have to define certain parameters for Christopher" Arlene thought. "First I need the constant for the speed of sound" Arlene said and searched various databases utilizing Christopher.

Christopher presented her with the constant.

"Next, I'll need Christopher to generate Vibrations similar to the Sounds generated by Bats" Arlene thought as she assigned that functionality to Christopher.

Christopher began to generate the Sounds.

"I need to note the time Christopher began to generate the sounds. If I measure the period of time between the beginning of sound generation and the return of the echo against the speed of sound constant, I should be able to calculate the distance between myself and any obstacle in my path. Fortunately, Sound Waves flow omnidirectionally so I should be able to map out my surroundings utilizing this method" Arlene thought to herself.

As the echoes returned to Christopher, images of the layout of the Cave began to form within Christopher.

"It's as I thought, echolocation can indeed be used for Navigation and it appears that by adjusting the frequency and intensity of the Sound, I can also conceptualize the mass of the obstacles in my path" Arlene thought.

"Well it's about time I found Granny" Arlene thought and navigated the Cave with Christopher's Aerial Sound Mode.

She eventually found Aileen I deep within the Cave.

"Excellent, it appears you are finally able to navigate via Aerial Sound. The Zone Perception granted by Aerial Sound is not as pronounced as that granted by Aerial Breath however the Depth Perception granted by Aerial Sound is more pronounced since Vibrations generated via Aerial Sound can permeate objects thus revealing the mass of the object. You can use these two techniques interchangeably but I suppose you'll need a bit more experience to know when it is appropriate to apply each technique" Aileen I said.

"Thank you for the lesson Granny" Arlene said gratefully.

"You're welcome" Aileen I said.