Arlene resumed her Training Sessions under her Grandparents.

"Arlene, we've dealt with your Sigil's ability to map out Terrain and trace movement within terrain. Now we're moving to the third parameter your Sigil has the capacity to track and that is the Resources within a Region" Aileen I said.

"Resources?" Arlene thought deeply.

"Yes, the ability to track the Resources within an Adversary's domain is especially important because a War typically lasts for as long as at least one of the factions involved in the War has more to gain by waging War than they have to lose. The War only ends once all factions realize they are losing more than they could potentially gain from waging the War" Aileen I explained.

"I see" Arlene realized what Aileen I was getting at.

"Like all other things one can think of War as a Living Being. In fact, it is the very essence of the Weaver Of Calamity's nature and like all Living Beings, it needs to feed. On an emotional level, it feeds on negative sentiments amongst people and factions breeding division and eventually resulting in conflict. On a practical level, it feeds on the resources the factions involved are willing to spend in sustaining the War. The two go hand in hand. Wars are not sustained solely by negative sentiments but also by Physical Resources" Aileen I explained.

"I see, Resources are needed to produce all the Weapons utilized in Warfare and once those resources are exhausted, the scale of the War can also be reduced. Or rather, the party that is able to sustain their resources the longest ends up winning the War" Arlene realized.

"This is why in modern Warfare, the factions involved focus on eliminating key resources in their respective opponents' domains instead of focusing on downing as many warriors as possible or at least that's how things go as far as Wars waged amongst humans go" Aileen I explained.

"I see…Sabotage huh?" Arlene realized.

"Exactly, by eliminating the resources placed by an adversary into sustaining a War, a faction involved in the War could cripple the strength of their adversary and decisively end the War once their opponent runs out of resources to sustain the War. It's for this reason that you hear of international organizations slapping economic sanctions on Militaristic Nations during times of instability" Aileen I explained.

"However that only deals with the issue of an immediate War. It doesn't eliminate the threat of a future War because the negative sentiments remain and a future War is likely to erupt if a rogue organization decides to offer financial backing to a disadvantaged nation" Arlene realized.

"You're very perceptive. This can indeed be likened to taking a plough away from a farmer and forbidding him from producing food. It eliminates his ability to work but it doesn't necessarily eliminate his hunger. If a third party offers him financial backing to purchase a new plough, he is likely to accept it and resume work" Aileen I explained.

"I see so as long as the root of the problem is not addressed, the Weaver Of Calamity can always take advantage of the negative sentiments people feel towards one another and he will offer them the necessary resources to breed Calamity" Arlene realized.

"You're beginning to get it" Aileen I said.

"I guess the question I really want to ask is how powerful was the Weaver Of Calamity before he was defeated by the Dreamweaver?" Arlene asked.

At this question, Aileen I stretched her hands and the scene changed. A dark and dismal scene appeared.

"This is…the realm of Nightmares close to the Eternal Mirror Gate!" Arlene realized.

"Scan the Eternal Mirror Gate" Aileen I advised.

Arlene obeyed.

Immediately, millions of colour coded circles appeared within her sigil almost blotting out every space. The only reason Arlene could count the figures was because Christopher had a counter which did this automatically. Christopher had also categorized each of the colour coded circles.

"As you already know, the Weaver Of Calamity doesn't quite battle like humans do. When we humans battle, we typically resort to weaponry. The Weaver Of Calamity's Army is in itself his weapon" Aileen I explained.

"What do you mean?" Arlene asked.

"Very much like a human army is composed of units depending on role, the Weaver Of Calamity's Army is organized into Legions categorized according to the type of Debilitating Stat they inflict. To put simply, each Legion in the Weaver Of Calamity's Army exists to inflict a single type of Debilitating Stat upon Mankind. Unlike now when the vast majority of his army has defected to the Nightmare King's side, in the past other classes of Nightmares also served the Weaver Of Calamity" Aileen I said.

Arlene began to analyze the data flowing into her sigil regarding the Weaver Of Calamity's Army.

"WHAT'S THIS?!" Arlene exclaimed in shock.


The 1st Aerial Unit; composed of Crowbats whose purpose is to fly over the adversary's fortification and take down the adversary's archers.

The 2nd Aerial Unit; composed of Wraiths who exist to drain humans of their positive emotions leaving only fear and malice in their wake. These are responsible for spreading the Weaver Of Calamity's propaganda amongst humans.

The Infantry Unit; composed of Wolfbanes and Minotaurs, terrible monsters with brute strength responsible for shattering the enemy's offensive charge.

The 1st Cavalry Unit; composed of Bloodhounds responsible for locating humans prone to the Debilitating Stat 'Fear' by detecting the rate of their heartbeats. They ensure that the Weaver Of Calamity always takes the shortest path to Victory by locating fearful humans amongst the Weaver Of Calamity's adversaries.

The 2nd Cavalry Unit; composed of the Omnicron who work with the infantry unit to shatter the adversary's offensive formation by trampling down the adversaries. The Giga-Wraiths mounted atop the Omnicron exist to harness the Omnicron's destructive latent ability 'The Reign Of Synchronized Hellfire'. A Delta category curse that eats away at the adversary's life force.

The Naval Unit; composed of the Sea Serpents under Decay, the fifth Soul Of Evil. Their purpose is to toxify all the Water Sources in the Adversary's Domain and thus destroy their Food Supply.


1st General; Cowardice whose purpose is to isolate humans from one another by breeding suspicion and mistrust, for all of these are merely forms of fear.

2nd General; Enslavement whose purpose is to dull the senses of humans and keep them occupied with trivialities.

3rd General; Despair who exists to crush the hopes of all humans and limit their potential through conceit.

4th General(Former); Chaos who existed to breed conflict through unforgiveness.

5th General; Decay who poses as the Conscience of Humanity and continually shatters their spirits through self-condemnation without a hint of correction.

6th General; Sloth who exists to prevent humanity from performing the necessary good yet always encourages them to perform the unnecessary ills. Also known as the Weaver Of Calamity's Harbinger 'Sin'. He is responsible for turning humanity into their own worst enemy.

7th General; Lies who breeds Chaos through mistrust and suspicion by spreading misinformation, folly and heresies.


The Heads Of The Weaver Of Calamity are the Overlords. Once Sloth appears in History, the condition 'Retribution' is invoked allowing the Heads to manifest. The Heads possess the ability to invoke the special condition 'Cataclysm'"

The Notes in Arlene's Christopher concluded.

Arlene was shocked speechless by how organized the Weaver Of Calamity's Army was.

"Do the others know?" Arlene asked.

"All the older Dream Knights know. Amongst the Dream Knights your age however, only the Dreamweaver's Family, Concordia's Family, Mitsuki's Family and our Family know" Aileen I admitted.

"I see…you don't want the Weaver Of Calamity to take advantage of the panic arising from this discovery" Arlene said sadly.

"But we also do not intend to let the Weaver Of Calamity take advantage of our ignorance like he did in the past. That's the reason for XCalibur AOP 2! To get the Dream Knights accustomed to all of this…at their own pace" Aileen I explained.

Arlene smiled.