Concordia gave Aera's Archers a day to digest the Theoretical Aspects of the lessons she had taught them. The next day, they assembled in the Desert.

"Today, we shall commence your lesson on mastering Wind. There are three basic levels you'll need to graduate from in terms of Wind Mastery before we can proceed. The first level is the Aerial Aura Level. The second level is the Aerial Field Level and the third level is the Aerial Sensory Level. I'll focus on the Aerial Aura Level for today" Concordia said.

"We are listening" Mimi said.

"The goal of the Aerial Aura Level is to increase Sensitivity to Wind" Concordia explained.

Mimi and the Archers listened closely.

"At all times except for when one finds themselves in a Vacuum, Wind circumnavigates the bodies of all Living Organisms, both internally and externally. We experience the Wind in three different ways. The first is via our Nostrils and Respiratory System through which we respire. The second is via our Auditory System when Vibrations in Air reach our ears and the third means is via our Skin when the Wind brushes over it. Since every Human Being is born sensitive to the Wind via these three Sensory Systems, we subconsciously adapt to it and thus develop a great degree of familiarity with the Wind and due to this familiarity, we actually lose a sense of the presence of Wind. To put it in simple terms, we just get so used to the air surrounding us that we take its presence for granted. The special training regimen I'm about to have you undergo should correct that" Concordia said.

The Archers listened.

"To awaken your Wind Aura, I'm going to place you into a Near Vacuum environment possessing a limited amount of Air. You will endure that environment for a Week" Concordia said. "KRAKEN ANDROMEDA VER. EARTHEN PEGASUS!" Concordia called as huge blocks of Earth surrounded the Archers.

Concordia was also within the Earthen Pegasus. Aera's Archers being the only Scout Team in the entire Village and being the ones upon whom the Village mostly relied upon to locate New Water Sources knew that the lives of the Villagers depended on them. Aera had spent no effort whipping them into shape and instilling a strong sense of discipline within them. As such, they were able to undergo Concordia's trial without any objections. They found the first few days hostile living in an environment with minimal air. Due to the minimal air, there was also minimal sound. As the days passed, they began to comprehend the differences in Sensory Perception between the Natural World and the environment within Concordia's Earthen Pegasus. It even reached the point that some of them began to feel an overwhelming sense of bodily shock the moment they transitioned from the environment within Concordia's Pegasus to the Natural World. They could feel the air as though they were experiencing it for the first time.

"Don't let go of this Sensory Perception. You must always feel the air as though it is new to you if you wish to awaken and sharpen your Wind Affinity" Concordia lectured.

This training regimen increased the Archers' Sensitivity to the Wind and awakened their Wind Auras. After the Week passed, all of Aera's Archers had become Sensitive to the Wind.

"Good, you are all Sensitive to the Wind now. We can graduate to phase two of the Aerial Aura Level. In this phase, you'll return to the environment within my Earthen Pegasus. Each of you shall carry a fiery torch per day. For each day, you will be required to maintain the flames of the torch from Sunlight till Sunset" Concordia instructed.

The Archers obeyed.

"I see, there is a limited supply of air in this environment and both we and the torches are constantly consuming this limited amount of air" Mimi realized.

"Exactly, there is a limited amount of air and this air must be shared by all of you and your torches. In this harsh environment where you're pushed to the brink of survival, you'll need to evolve quickly to survive. If you can't pass this test, there is no way you can survive a confrontation with the Weaver Of Calamity's forces" Concordia instructed.

The Archers steeled their determination. For the first few days, their torches went out after only a few hours and the Archers had to escape the environment within Concordia's Earthen Pegasus to breathe.

"This is harsh" Mimi realized. "But Lady Concordia is always with us in that environment. How can she never run out of breath?" Mimi wondered as she threw up from nausea.

When the Archers entered the Earthen Pegasus, they observed Concordia closely. Concordia was maintaining a calm steady breathing rhythm.

"I see, she's adjusted her breathing rhythm to a slow and steady one and as such is consuming a set amount of air daily. We on the other hand haven't been controlling our breathing rhythms consciously and as such have been consuming the greater amount of air within this environment" Mimi realized.

Mimi relayed this new insight to the Archers and they began to regulate their breathing. By breathing slowly and rhythmically, they were able to extend the lives of their Torches.

Concordia smiled as she watched them.

"It looks like you've finally got it" she said.

"Thanks to observing you" Mimi said.

"Simply by breathing, all Living Organisms subconsciously regulate the air within their environments. Those that are sensitive to this process are the ones that most often come to be known as Wind Affinity Types. You have learnt to control air within a limited environment by adjusting your breathing rhythms and have achieved a Sensitivity to the air within your environment. Congratulations, you have passed this test" Concordia congratulated the Archers.