Concordia and Aera's Archers stood in the Desert. Another day had passed.

"I hope you reflected on your previous lessons" Concordia said.

"We did" the Archers replied.

"Then today, we are commencing lessons on how to release or generate a Lightning Field" Concordia said.

The Archers listened closely.

"I have already explained how Organ Systems work right? That lesson is a prerequisite for the ability to generate Lightning Fields because for a Living Being to be able to generate a Lightning Field, it must be conscious of and possess the ability to manipulate its Metabolism Rate" Concordia said.

"Metabolism Rate?" the Archers enquired.

"That's right. You are a little new to this subject. The Metabolism of a Living Being refers to its ability to convert Food Nutrients and Minerals into Energy. It was for this reason that I had you study Organ Systems in the previous lesson" Concordia explained.

The Archers listened closely.

"The ability to convert Food Nutrients and Minerals into Energy" Mei mused.

"Exactly, how active the Metabolism Rate of a Living Being is, is directly proportional to the Strength Of The Lightning Fields that Living Being can radiate. Back in my homeworld, it was believed that the bowels of a Living Being is the major seat of energy within that Living Being's body. This is why. When the Metabolism Rate of a Body is highly active, it implies that the Organs are fully functioning and the Living Being is in a 'Heated Active State' characterized typically by 'Alertness'. On the other hand, when the Metabolism Rate of a Body is low, only the organs that control 'Vital Processes' are active. Irrelevant body processes are deactivated placing the Living Organism into a 'Cool Passive State' characterized typically by 'Hibernation' or 'Sleep'. Those with High Metabolism Rates typically have a predominantly higher average body temperature than those with Lower Metabolism Rates. The drawback though is that bodies that are constantly in a High Metabolism State typically require substantial amounts of energy to maintain their Healthy States than those with Low Metabolism Rates. This is also the reason some tend to consume more food than others. Metabolism Rates can be regulated via Physical Activity such as Regular Physical Training and Exercises. These increase Metabolism Rates. There are also means by which Metabolism Rates can be decreased. This is mainly through 'Slow Controlled Rhythmic Breathing Exercises' and 'Meditation'" Concordia explained.

"So how do we generate Lightning Fields?" Mimi asked.

"You are already generating Lightning Fields simply by virtue of being alive but to regulate the strength of the Lightning Field your body is generating, you must be able to consciously regulate your Metabolism. Metabolism also typically increases in higher temperature environments and decreases in lower temperature environments" Concordia explained.

"I see" Mei said.

"There are two ways to strengthen or weaken the Lightning Field your body is generating as I stated earlier. The first way is by regulating the breathing rate of your Cells and Respiratory System. By increasing your breathing rate, you can raise your Metabolism. The hyperactivity of the air in your Cells will trigger Ionization thus strengthening the Field. To weaken the Lightning Field, you do the opposite. By utilizing Slow Rhythmic Controlled Breathing, you can lower the activity of the Air in your Cells and thus lessen Ionization reducing the Lightning Field around your body in the process. The second method is to raise Metabolism through Physical Exercises which will simultaneously raise your Temperature and release Water from your body through your Pores. This combination of Heat and Vapour will also trigger Ionization in your Cells thus strengthening the Lightning Field surrounding your body. To reduce the intensity of the Lightning Field surrounding your body, maintain a 'Still Meditative State'. The Stillness of this State will reduce your body temperature and also prevent Water Loss thus preventing Ionization in your Cells and will thus work to weaken the Lightning Field surrounding your body. You can measure the Strength Of The Lightning Field surrounding your body by measuring your level of alertness. The greater your alertness, the greater the strength of the Lightning Field surrounding your body. The lesser your alertness, the weaker the Lightning Field surrounding your body. An alternate means is to measure your average body temperature" Concordia explained.

With these clues, the Archers practiced regulating their Metabolism Rates by balancing Physical Activity with Meditation and Controlled Breathing. They noticed the differences in their average body temperatures and alertness which cued them in on the Strengths of their various Lightning Fields. Mimi and Mei had particularly strong Lightning Fields.

"Congratulations. You have finally graduated Level Two of the Lightning Affinity namely the Lightning Field Level" Concordia congratulated her Archers.