Concordia reassembled Aera's Archers in the Desert. A day had passed since their previous lesson.
"Today, I will be teaching you more about the Geo and Deo natures of each element. First, I would like you to know that in our world, there are Seven Dominant Elements. They are the Elements Of Fire, Wind, Earth, Time, Water, Lightning and Light. Each of these elements has a Material Property termed the Geo Property. Each of these elements also has a Deo Virtue, Deo Vice and unique Deo Extra-Sensory Perception linked to it" Concordia explained.
"We're listening" Mimi said.
"The First Element is the Element Of Fire. Its Geo Property is Combustion or the ability to Burn. The Second Element is the Element Of Wind. Its Geo Property is Flotation or Flight. The Third Element is the Element Of Earth with the Properties Of Nutrition, Polarity, Gravity and Magnetism. The Fourth Element is the Element Of Time with the Property Of Order. The Fifth Element is the Element Of Water possessing the traits of Purification and Dissolution. The Sixth Element is the Element Of Lightning possessing the Traits Of Conductivity and Coordination. The Seventh Element is the Element Of Light possessing the Trait Of Vision. These are the Geo Properties of each of the Elements" Concordia explained.
"I see" Mimi realized what Concordia was getting at.
"Next, I will talk about the Vice Of Each Element with respect to the Deo Nature. The Element Of Fire possesses the Vice Of Cowardice. The Element Of Wind possesses the Vice Of Enslavement. The Element Of Earth possesses the Vice Of Despair. The Element Of Time possesses the Vice Of Chaos. The Element Of Water possesses the Vice Of Decay. The Element Of Lightning possesses the Vices Of Sloth and Tyranny and the Element Of Light possesses the Vice Of Lies or Deception as you may note in the Devil's original name 'Lucifer' which means 'Bearer Of The Light'" Concordia explained.
"So now we're going to learn about the Deo Virtue Of Each Element right?" Mimi asked.
"Yes, I will teach you about the Virtue behind the Deo Nature Of Each Element. The Element Of Fire possesses the Virtue Of Fortitude. The Element Of Wind possesses the Virtue Of Freedom. The Element Of Earth possesses the Virtue Of Hope. The Element Of Time possesses the Virtue Of Forgiveness. The Element Of Water possesses the Virtues Of Purity and Kindness. The Element Of Lightning possesses the Virtues Of Goodness and Zeal and the Element Of Light possesses the Virtue Of Truth" Concordia explained.
"All that's left now is to explain the types of Extra-Sensory Perception gifted by each element" Mei said.
"Indeed. The type Of Extra-Sensory Perception gifted by the Element Of Fire is called Intuition. Intuition is a Primal Animal Instinct usually awakened in Life Or Death Situations that allow Living Beings to make Short Term Predictions about Changes in their Environment and react to these changes to transform a disadvantageous situation into an advantageous one. The type of Extra Sensory Perception gifted by the Element Of Wind is called Proximal Zone Perception allowing Living Beings to view vast areas within their environments in virtually an instant. The type of Extra-Sensory Perception tied to the Element Of Earth is called Magnetic Perception allowing Living Beings to navigate their environments by orienting themselves towards the Earth's Poles via the phenomena of Attraction and Repulsion. The Extra Sensory Perception gifted by Time is referred to as Precognition or Foresight. Some also refer to it as the gift of Prophecy. It allows Living Beings to make predictions ranging from Short Term to Long Term predictions regarding changes in their Environment thus allowing those who possess this type of Extra-Sensory Perception to influence the Flow Of Events by reading and reacting to 'Omens' or 'Signs' which some refer to as 'Switches', 'Flags' or 'Trigger Events' in Technical Terms. The type of Extra-Sensory Perception gifted by the Element Of Water is referred to as Depth Perception allowing one to explore the Deeper Realities behind changes in their Environments, in Concepts, Events and the like. People who possess this type of Extra-Sensory Perception are typically good at solving riddles and understanding Symbolism. They may also to an extent possess the gift of Precognition associated with Time since Water and Time share a unique relationship exhibited by the relation of the Ocean Tides to the movements of the Sun and the Moon. Another facet of this relationship is exhibited by the relationship of the Passage Of Time to the Phenomenon Of Decay associated with Water. A common example of this is the Phenomenon Of Ageing and how things tend to deteriorate with the Passage Of Time. This occurs because of the relationship of Time to the phenomenon of Decay associated with Water that occurs in the Cells Of Living Beings and the structure of all other objects. Thus one could say that the Virtues Of Forgiveness and Purity share a relationship in very much the same way the Vices Of Chaos and Decay share a relationship. You'll notice that the greater the Chaos in any phenomenon, the greater the phenomenon of Decay or Deterioration acting on it. This brings me to the Element Of Lightning. The Element Of Lightning grants Elemental Zone Perception. This is similar to Proximal Zone Perception in the sense that one can view wide areas in virtually an instant however there are differences in how this is achieved. Proximal Zone Perception is granted by syncing to the Wavelength Of Wind in one's environment and is greatly affected by the Phenomenon Of Height. In other words, the higher one is, the greater one's sight when it comes to Proximal Zone Perception. Elemental Zone Perception on the other hand is granted by syncing to the Ions present in one's environment. This grants one not only Vision over their Surroundings but also Vision over the Elementary Particles orbiting one's environment as well as the ability to perceive various Elemental Traits such as Frequency and Oscillation as well as the Mass Of Elementary Particles, their Energy and the Fields they form when they oscillate at exactly the same Frequency. This brings me to the Element Of Light. The Element Of Light grants the Extra-Sensory Perception called Knowledge and Wisdom. This type of Extra-Sensory Perception is unique in that it is dependent on the Virtue Of Truth. Truth in the simplest sense can be defined as 'All that is'. 'All that is Not' is the essence of the Vice that is Lies. The essence of Lies is to attempt to misrepresent something 'That Is' as 'That which it is Not' or to misrepresent 'that which is not' as 'That Which Is'. This is what Ancient Religions referred to as Blasphemy. The Virtue Of Truth defines Reality. The Vice Of Lies seeks to Warp Reality by concealing 'That Which Is'. This is the essence of Darkness. Knowledge is the ability to know 'What Is' from 'What Is Not' whereas Wisdom is the ability to comprehend the essence of 'All That Is' in contrast to Ignorance which is the perception that 'What Is Not' is Real while 'That Which Is' is an Illusion" Concordia explained.
"Thanks for the lesson Concordia" the Archers said gratefully.
With that the lesson came to an end.