A day passed with regards to XCalibur AOP's time. Aera's Archers had reassembled in the Desert with Concordia.

"Goodmorning, I hope you are well rested. Hopefully, you reflected on yesterday's lesson. Today, I will be teaching you about the Earth's Respiratory System" Concordia said.

"So the Earth has a Respiratory System as well huh?" Mimi asked.

"Yes, you could consider Planets as Living Beings on a very large scale. The Earth has a Respiratory System mainly triggered and sustained by Three Main Activities. The first is 'Solar/Stellar Activity', the second is 'Geological Activity' and the third is 'Biological Activity'" Concordia explained.

"Could you explain each of them in detail?" Mei asked.

"I'll begin with 'Solar/Stellar Activity'. Solar/Stellar Activity as the name implies is activity triggered and sustained either by the Sun or the Stars. Solar Activity is responsible for determining the Atmospheric Pressure Of A Planet. In other words, the weight of the Air or Atmosphere surrounding a Planet. Atmospheric Pressure is one of the factors that determine the habitability of a Planet in other words, how hospitable or hostile a Planet is to Life. Aside from determining the Atmospheric Pressure Of A Planet, Solar Activity also determines the movement of the Air Currents circumnavigating a Planet's Atmosphere. This is achieved mostly by balancing 'Heated Air' with 'Cooled Air'. This balance between 'Heated and Cooled Air' determines the strength of the Wind and in extreme cases could potentially trigger a Storm. The Atmospheric Pressure Of A Planet aids Aerial Type Living Beings to navigate a Planet by flying with the aid of the Wind" Concordia explained.

"I see. So Solar or Stellar Activity determines Atmospheric Pressure as well as the movement and strength of the Winds circumnavigating a Planet's Atmosphere" Mimi realized.

"This brings me to the second type of Activity that triggers and maintains the Earth's or a Planet's Respiratory System, that is 'Geological Activity'. Geological Activity as the name implies is Activity triggered and sustained by the Earth itself. This usually occurs deep within the Earth in the Earth's Mantle where various Minerals circumnavigate the Earth's Mantle in the form of Magma. You can see from this Activity that just like in Humans and other Living Organisms, the Respiratory System of the Earth is also linked to its Circulatory System. When the Magma within the Earth is expelled into the Earth's Atmosphere in the form of Gases ejected from Volcanoes, these Gases can act to either thicken or thin the Planet's Atmosphere depending on the type of Gas that is released. The Magma expelled from the Earth's Mantle also fertilizes the Earth's Crust and is responsible for generating or expanding landmasses mostly as a result of interaction with the Sea. Tectonic Movement or the Movement Of The Earth's Tectonic Plates also mainly has Two Phases or Cycles. An Upwards/Surfacing Cycle where Magma rises to the Surface Of The Earth, cools and transforms into Landmasses and a Downwards/Sinking Cycle where Old Landmasses sink to the bottom of the Earth, are heated and reverted back to Magma. This maintains the health of the Planet by ensuring that Surface Elements depleted of Rich Minerals are reinfused with Precious Minerals when they are reconverted to Magma and then resurface and solidify through Volcanic Activity and Tectonic Movement" Concordia explained.

"I see, so through Volcanic Activity, the Atmosphere of A Planet can either be thickened or thinned, the Earth can also be fertilized through the Surfacing and Sinking Cycles generated by Tectonic Movement" Mei realized.

"This brings me to the third type of Activity that sustains the Earth's Respiratory System namely 'Biological Activity'. Biological Activity as the name implies is Activity triggered and sustained by Living Beings mostly through their Respiratory and Metabolic Activities. These Respiratory and Metabolic Activities of Living Beings is responsible for balancing the Gases in the Earth's Atmosphere and is achieved mostly through a Symbiotic Respiratory Relationship. An example of this is the Symbiotic Respiratory Relationship that exists between Plants and Animals. While most Plants depend on Carbon Dioxide for Survival, most Animals on the other hand depend on Oxygen. Each Class either of Plants and Animals releases the Gases that the other needs to survive thus through the exchange of these Gases between these two Classes Of Living Beings, the Earth ensures that it is neither overabundant nor depleted of either Oxygen or Carbon Dioxide. If Carbon Dioxide is depleted, Plants will die, Oxygen Generation will be halted and all Animals and Humans will perish as a result. On the other hand if Oxygen is depleted, the Ozone Layer will thin allowing the Sun's Harmful Ultraviolet Rays into the Earth thus killing off Humans and Animals through Climate Catastrophes. This in turn will halt Carbon Dioxide production by Animals and Humans and Plants will perish in turn as a result thus Survival of both Classes Of Living Beings is not so much dependent on the depletion of a specific gas as it is dependent on a Symbiotic Coexistence between both Classes Of Living Beings. The Symbiotic Respiratory Relationship that exists between Plants and Animals is only one example. Microorganisms also have various Symbiotic Respiratory Relationships depending on the Gases they inspire and expire. All of these Relationships taken as a whole determine the Atmospheric Balance of the Earth. With regards to Plants and all Biological Life, the interactions between Solar and Geological Activity is responsible for sustaining Biological Life as well. The Activities Of The Sun and Earth aids Plants in Metabolism. Plants in turn aid other Living Organisms. I'm sure I don't need to explain this in detail all over again. That's it for now. Rest and train while you can. We shall continue your lessons another day" Concordia said.

The Archers nodded and departed.