The following day, Concordia reassembled in the Desert with Aera's Archers.

"Goodmorning, I hope you are well rested because Today, I will be teaching you about more Animals and the Virtues or Omens they may hint at. To be specific, I will be teaching you about Thirty Eight more animals and a few of their Mannerisms that may hint at an Omen" Concordia said.

The Archers listened closely.

"The First Animal I will mention is the Squirrel which connotes Curiousity or the Desire To Learn. This can be observed by its almost obsessive Attraction To Nuts. The Squirrel could also symbolize a Knight in Training.

The Second Animal is the Owl symbolizing both Omniscience, connoted by the ability of its head to rotate almost three hundred and sixty degrees, invulnerability to Stealth as well as exhibiting the Traits Of Stealth itself connoted by its Sound Muffling Feathers.

The Third Animal is the Sealion connoting the Mark Of A King or his Signet Ring.

The Fourth Animal is the Orca or Killer Whale signifying Law, Justice, Balance and the Underworld.

The Fifth Animal is the Clam symbolizing Refinement. This symbolism is derived from an Ancient Myth that Pearls are formed from a Grain of Sand in A Clam over a period of time.

The Sixth Animal is the Magpie symbolizing Attraction To Wealth or Glamour.

The Seventh Animal is the Squid symbolizing a Duke but can also symbolize or caution of the presence of a Cheat.

The Eight Animal is the Octopus symbolizing the Manifold Depth Of Words. This connotation is derived from the Octopus' ability to coordinate each of its limbs independently due to its decentralized Nervous System as well as its ability to discharge ink when threatened in order to blind its opponents and conceal its position.

The Ninth Animal is the Sponge connoting the ability to quickly and easily absorb knowledge.

The Tenth Animal is the Pufferfish which cautions against the Harmful Nature Of Pride.

The Eleventh Animal is the Frog which connotes the Beauty/Regality Concealed within that which is not attractive on the Surface. This comes from a Myth that suggests that a Frog transforms into a Prince when kissed by a Pure Hearted Princess.

The Twelfth Animal is the Swan which symbolizes Gracefulness.

The Thirteenth Animal is the Beaver which symbolizes the Regulation Of Water and by implication the Ability To Regulate Life within an Ecosystem through the proper application of Boundaries.

The Fourteenth Animal is the Panda symbolizing Balance or the Union Of Opposites.

The Fifteenth Animal is the Badger symbolizing Symbolism or Signalling and may connote Telepathy.

The Sixteenth Animal is the Mongoose symbolizing Healing, Detoxification, Mystery and the Triumph over the Spirit Of Death through the Perfect Fulfilment Of Law.

The Seventeenth Animal is the Hyena symbolizing the Perceptive Analysis Of The Elements. This connotation is derived from the ability of Hyenas to break down or aid in the Decomposition Of Complex Compounds into more basic Elements.

The Eighteenth Animal is the Aardwolf symbolizing a Rune Knight or the Defensive Application Of Runes. This connotation is derived from its Defensive Mechanism whereby it arches the Crest on its back to appear more imposing and intimidating to Predators.

The Nineteenth Animal is the Rat which may caution of an impending Plague caused as a result of a blatant disregard of giving Nature its due.

The Twentieth Animal is the Tsetse Fly which cautions of the Dulling Of The Senses or Lack Of Alertness caused primarily by a Noxious Gas.

The Twenty First Animal is the Leech which connotes the irresponsible Drainage Of Resources.

The Twenty Second Animal is the Boar symbolizing Power.

The Twenty Third Animal is the Kangaroo symbolizing the Gift Of Strength. This connotation is derived from combining the Pouch in which a Kangaroo carries its offspring with the Strength Of its Limbs.

The Twenty Fourth Set Of Animals are the Porcupine and the Hedgehog symbolizing a Counteroffensive Barrier.

The Twenty Fifth Animal is the Sparrow symbolizing a Battle between Archers.

The Twenty Sixth Animal is the Bluebird symbolizing both Happiness and Freedom or Liberation.

The Twenty Seventh Animal is the Turtledove symbolizing Faithfulness. This connotation is derived from its lifetime commitment to its Mate.

The Twenty Eighth Animal is the Bug symbolizing a Security Flaw or a Compromised System.

The Twenty Ninth Animal is the Crow symbolizing the Watchful Gaze Of A Spiritual Guardian.

The Thirtieth Animal is the Reindeer connoting Loving Guidance.

The Thirty First Animal is the Bat symbolizing Extra-Sensory Perception.

The Thirty Second Animal is the Eel symbolizing expertise at evading capture or traps.

The Thirty Third Animal is the Cheetah symbolizing the Conversion Of Breath or Spirit into Power or Energy for the Amplification Of Speed.

The Thirty Fourth Animal is the Mosquito symbolizing the Breaching Of An Energy Generation System through a Compromised Terminal.

The Thirty Fifth Animal is the Firefly symbolizing the Ability to Boost Morale via Inspiration.

The Thirty Sixth Animal is the Chipmunk symbolizing a Heavenly Choir.

The Thirty Seventh Animal is the Cockroach symbolizing Resilience.

The Thirty Eighth Animal is the Possum symbolizing the feigning of Death in order to escape danger or a Predator.

Aside from these Animals I have mentioned, there are also certain mannerisms exhibited by Animals that may point to an Omen. I will tell you about Six Of These Mannerisms or Signs.

The First Sign is a Dog attempting to rid its body of Fleas. This may point to Grooming, caution of a Potential Health Hazard or warn of a Breach in Security or the Compromising Of A Security System.

The Second Sign is a Cow attempting to Drive Away Fleas with its Tail. This Omen points to the Neutralization Of Opposition via the Diplomatic Use Of Words.

The Third Sign is a Dog Chasing its Tail. This connotes Balance and may warn of the lurking of a Spiritual Enemy in the sense that this act connotes the Enmity Between Mankind and the Serpent as well as the conflict between Elements Of Generation and Destruction.

The Fourth Sign is the Roaring Of A Lion. This Omen is a caution to size up your enemy by analyzing their Aura, Strengths and Weaknesses before engaging in battle.

The Fifth Sign is a Crouching Tiger with its Tail lifted. This Omen connotes Aggression.

The Sixth Sign is the Horn Of An Animal which has been believed since Ancient Times to connote Power. These are a Few Animals, their Traits and some of their Mannerisms that may hint at an Omen" Concordia explained.

"Thanks a lot Concordia" the Archers said gratefully.

"Get some rest, your lessons will resume once you are well rested" Concordia said.

With that, the lesson came to an end.