Around the time Ciella and I and Concordia and Keiran were preparing to make contact with our Villagers, Ariel and Saito were about to do the same. Saito activated the Sagittarius System and began to get a sense of what the Rupturing was like for their House.

Their People had been sailing the Oceans within the Sea Islands they had constructed during the Rise Of Civilization Era. They had been quite a Prosperous Island House that travelled the Seas as a Single Island Race that sailed on Islands that could either be tethered to the Seabed when they intended to be Stationary or untethered when they intended to be Mobile. When Stationary, the Islands were jointed together to create a Super Island with Satellite Island Units that were anchored to the Main Island but when they chose to be Mobile, the Islands were untethered from one another as well as the Ocean Floor allowing the Islands to sail as individual units.

Their Chieftain was a brave young lady with green hair named Emerald. Her Ancestor too had foreseen the potential of an attack by the Weaver Of Calamity's forces. The Weaver Of Calamity's attack against this house was of another nature. The Weaver Of Calamity sent his Scouts to patrol the Coastlands and cut off any inbound Sea Traffic thus leaving the people of the Soaring Lion Turtle House Stranded at Sea. Emerald's Ancestress when she saw the restrictions tightening at the Ports got her people to quickly stock up on Engineering Tools and Resources which they used to reactivate the Diving Functionalities Of The Islands. From then on, their Islands descended into the Sea and as far as the Surface Dwellers were concerned, into obscurity.

On that very day, the Weaver Of Calamity had sent his Aerial Scouts to scour the Sea in search of the group but the group was nowhere to be found. Zanfar however was not to be easily fooled and decided to maintain his Aerial Sea Patrols over the Sea, waiting to either starve the group of Food or Oxygen while waiting for them to resurface out of desperation but his evil plot was not to be so for beneath the Waves, the Soaring Lion Turtle House had begun construction of underwater facilities, both dwellings and infrastructure to sustain the group. They had Farms constructed out of Large Transparent Orbs underwater. These Farms did not need Soil but grew the Plants in controlled Water. External Ocean Water could be harvested to extract Oxygen which was fed to the facilities. The Hydrogen could then be converted to Fuel to power the Underwater Facilities and when there was an excess of Hydrogen, it could be recombined with Oxygen and released into the Sea as freshwater thus preventing their Area Of The Oceans from becoming oversaturated with Salt. The Salt could also be split into its constituent parts namely Sodium and Chlorine. The Sodium could be used to regulate Energy Release within their Energy Generation Plants whereas the Chlorine could be used to purify their Water for drinking purposes when used in controlled amounts. The Farms also utilized Artificial Wavelengths Of Light that were beneficial to their Crops to support Underwater Agriculture. The Farms were mainly large Orbs filled with Water and containing seedlings tethered to the Structure. All the Undersea Facilities were constructed at a Depth that wasn't too high in terms of pressure and were tethered some of the time to the Ocean Floor and at other times left untethered whenever the Group intended to move.

Having Farms, Energy and all the Oxygen they needed within the Sea, there was no need for the Group to surface anymore but Zanfar was not to be so easily outwitted. He knew full well that the Soaring Lion Turtle House was taking advantage of the Marine's Phoenix Tears to outwit him so he in turn called forth his Shades, a terrifying variation of the Wraiths that devoured all Light that came into contact with them and sent them to scour the Oceans. As the Shades invaded the Air above the Oceans, ominous Dark Clouds blanketed the Skies blotting out the Sun. Zanfar had done this because he knew the group was small when compared with the vastness of the Oceans thus by cutting off the Sunlight, he could starve the Marine Flora Of Energy and as the Marine Flora began to perish, mutated microorganisms that were antagonistic to the Marine Life began to flourish. Since they were Natural Lifeforms, they were unaffected by the Phoenix Tears. These Harmful Microorganisms multiplied in vast numbers devouring as much of the Ocean's Oxygen as they could gradually turning the Oceans murky and as the Ocean lost its purity, Zanfar sent forth his Sea Serpents to hunt for the Soaring Lion Turtle House since the effect of the Phoenix Tears had now begun to weaken.