chapter 12 testing and naming of the sword sylphy's tears

Basil's point of view

I got up early in the morning to start my daily routine. I quietly go downstairs and exit the house. out in my yard I meditate for a few hours. after that I put on my magical implements that I use for training and you practice swings and exercising. after that I wash up and eat breakfast. while I was eating breakfast I decided to embroider my sword saint jacket I put a white wolf design on the back. I then help around the house. help take care of my two baby sisters. when it got closer to the afternoon I asked father if I could go out into the woods with Rudy and sylphy to test out my new sword father nodded and said "I'm fine with you going but when you're done I want you to return home and let me know that you're all right as for Rudy and sylphy I'm worried about them. why do you want to bring them" I responded "I want them to get some combat training I think you would be good for them the monsters here aren't all that dangerous" father's side and said "Rudy can come with you if he wants and for sylphy only if her dad comes with you" I nod in agreement. so I asked Rudy if he wanted to go to the forest for some real combat training. he refused I tried to convince him but he wouldn't budge. disappointingly I told him that when he meets up with sylphy to tell her I will be coming by a little late for there sword training. Rudy said that he would so I picked up my backpack full of everything that I would need for survival cuz you never know what might. happen. and headed off to the forest. as I was walking through the forest I was getting used to my new sword it still needs a name. I lift the sword up and I say"from now on you shall be known as ISVEIG" and as I was going around testing my sword out I found a out a few things about the sword. first of all it freezes the things that it cuts. or by channeling mana through it there appears to be something like lightning running through the blade which is cool. I can do some pretty big ice attacks though the biggest one that I've tried out I call it icy burst it turns everything within a certain radius to completely solid ice. and with that experiment I realized the sword is keeping me from freezing I don't get cold while holding the sword. as I was walking I decided to work on another ability I got I call it the sixth Sense. basically I can sense the different kinds of mana I can tell the difference between people monsters and regular plants in animals I can make an educated guess at how strong someone is. the stronger and more powerful someone or monster is the easier I can locate them with my sixth sense the problem is I have to be focused and concentrate to use this ability and just because I can sense someone doesn't mean I can tell who it is. I can tell however if they're hostile or not. I use this ability to try to track down monsters. while I was walking in the forest using my sixth sense I've been finding Lesser Treants which are super weak and easy for me to deal with. kind of disappointing cuz they don't have very good loot. but then I came acrossed a huge pack of Assault Dogs. I smiled and thought this is going to be interesting. I assumed my North God stance I came up with I put one foot forward lower my body slightly bend and tighten my leg muscles hand on my sword and then I take off at superhuman speeds I call it the god flash. the only downside to the technique I can only move in a straight line but if I do it correctly the human eye can't keep up. so as I unleash the God flash. I managed to kill three out of the 10 that were there then I immediately shifted to a sword got stance used the long sword of light to take out two more. by this time the pack realized it was under attack and came at me luckily I immediately shifted to water God style and blocked encountered the Assault Dogs that came at me cutting two more down. the three remaining Assault Dogs try to run but with my speed I wouldn't let them get that chance and I finish them off. after the fight I collected the useful parts from them I figured I could use their pelts I could use them as like a rug for my Stone hut I could create. after I was done harvesting them I burnt the parts that I wasn't going to use didn't want them becoming an undead monster. but I got to complacent and was ambushed by a huge Terminate Boar I barely got out of the way in time.Terminate Boar

snorted at me as it started rearing for another charge. and I got into my God flash stance and right as the Terminate Boar was about to charge it's had came flying right off and as I looked at the bore it said better luck in the next life and so I harvested it burnt the rest of the remains and headed home to drop off my loot and let my father know that I'm still alive I told him what happened and he wasn't to surprised. I stored my loot and headed over to the tree where sylphy and Rudy were training. when I got there I seen a slightly depressed Rudy as him and sylphy we're sitting underneath the tree. I asked Rudy what's wrong he replied "I feel like I'm stagnating I can't seem to go further with magic and I'm stuck at intermediate with the sword I've been thinking there's nothing more I can learn here in that I might want to go to the magic University in Sharia" I nodded and replied

"I know how you feel while I have gotten stronger I haven't been learning any new techniques and I haven't advanced in the ranks I kind of want to travel a bit and learn new sword techniques" sylphy listening to our conversation started to tear up and said "you guys are going to go away" I replied"I don't know I would like to leave to learn more but who knows where fate will take us" at this sylphy started balling and she ran right up to me and grabbed me in a big hug and while crying she was saying "please don't go don't leave me alone" I returned the hug and said "you are strong now sylphy you don't need me and Rudy to babysit you you're strong enough to stand on your own you reached intermediate rank and all forms of swordsmanship. you are advanced level in almost every attack magic class you would be fine on your own" she continues to sob as she says "I just don't want you to believe me I don't want to be left behind" I gave a little sigh as I Pat her head and say "I can't promise you that I won't go away because I don't know what the future has in store but what I can promise is that we will always be connected and I would never forget you" after I said that sylphy continue to cling to me after a while it was time for us to take her home she clung to me all the way there almost had to prior off of me when we got to her house her father laws looked a little concerned and asked"what's going on" I explained to him the situation and laws just simply nodded and said I see. then as we headed home we were stopped multiple times by some of the girls who wanted to talk to me. I don't know why I'm so popular with the ladies but every time they stop to talk to me I can see a little jealous flame in my brother's eye. when we got home I shared my adventure that I had at the dinner table and after dinner I worked on my pelt project to create a giant rug so I can put it in my stone Hut that I can create. and thus another busy day ended.