The Rider saves the League

Diana had a happy smile on her face as she flew through the city of Metropolis. How could she not? She and Sean had been an official couple for the past two weeks since their lustful night in bed. The twins often teased them about their relationship but it was obvious they loved the fact that their big brother had someone in his love life.

"You seem pretty happy." Superman said flying up to her.

"Lets just say I'm enjoying mans world more and more." Diana said with a grin making him smirk.

"Really now?" Superman said before they heard terrified scream down bellow and both went to investigate.

To their surprise they saw the Ghost Rider fighting against three people each looking demon like.

"What in the world?" Superman said.

"These creatures are not human." Wonder Woman said as the Ghost Rider wrapped his chain around one of them who screamed in absolute pain.

"HELP ME!" The creature yelled in pain before his body turned to stone and the Rider gave a hard pull breaking the stone body into a million pieces. One of the other creatures used a water attack but the Rider jumped over the attack and launched a fire ball at the creature hitting him in the chest and the creature screamed in agonizing pain before his body vaporized.

"Time to clear the air." The Rider said trying to slash the last creature but his chain went right through him like he was made of clouds and the creature laughed in amusement.

"Your a slow learner aren't you rider. YOU CANNOT CATCH THE WIND!" The last creature said before the Rider's chain lit up in extreme heat and he started swirling his chain around him. "WHAT?" The creature said confused till the Rider started laughing and he soon realized why. "NOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The creature yelled as his body broke down into nothing before The Rider wrapped his chain around him again and walked back to his bike.

"Get our here you two I know your there." The Rider said making Superman and Wonder Woman float down to him.

"Who were they?" Superman asked.

"They call themselves the hidden. Fallen Angels cast of heaven by Saint Micheal himself. I would remain on alert if I were you since its obvious someone had hired them to kill you." The Ghost Rider said before Driving off.

"Lex?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Probably. Question is how did he know they were here?" Superman asked.

"Sean is in the area Perhaps I can ask him." Wonder Woman said flying off.


"The Hidden? He's been looking for those three for years. They have an energy pulse that when you have abilities like him is almost impossible to miss." Sean said looking out the window of his office.

"He said they were probably hired Superman and I think it was by Lex." Diana said.

"Wouldn't surprise me. That bald bastard is always trying to kill Superman though after his attack when he was controlled by Darkseid I partially understand." Sean said surprising her.

"You don't think he's a threat do you?" Diana asked her boyfriend hoping he would say no.

"Of course I don't come on he's done more good then bad. However though he's almost without equal ands thats concerning. This is just a question and you don't have to answer but what if it happens again? Theres only a small handful of people that can take him on or down. Are you saying he's not a small danger if that should happen again?" Sean asked making her sigh seeing his point. "I'm not saying I don't trust him but he is not all powerful otherwise what happened during that time would never have happened." Sean said.

"I suppose so." Diana said before he kissed her making her moan into the kiss before pulling back and smiled at each other.

"Trust me Diana I dont hate Superman or his cousins SuperGirl Or PowerGirl at all but I'm only placing concerns everyone has should that happen again." Sean said.

"I suppose so I just don't think thats ever likely to happen again." Diana said.

"Well don't say stuff like that you'll jinx yourself and him otherwise." Sean said playfully making her giggle.


"So he doesn't know anything about them either?" Batman asked WonderWoman.

"No other then the fact that the Rider has been looking for them for years." WonderWoman said.

"Hey guys we've got trouble in Metropolis." Flash said as they went to the Javelin.

Superman was fighting again some man with Pale skin and black eyes.

"This is the best you can do?" The man asked in disappointment as he held Superman by the throat. "How disappointing." He said throwing Superman into a building Just as the rest of the league arrived. "Ah finally a challenge." The man said.

"Who are you?" Flash asked.

"Call me Blackheart the devils son." Blackheart said charging at Flash with a vicious face which caught him off guard and tried to get him off. Green Lantern knocked him off before he tired to contain him but vanished.

"How did he?" GL tried say before Blackheart threw him into a wall.

"I guess its time to stop playing around." Blackheart said pulling out some scroll and suddenly out of every shadow dark evil souls appeared and started merging with Blackheart before the smoke cleared his skin now dark blue and blood red eyes.

"What in the world?" WonderWoman said confused.

"My name is Legion! For we are...MANY!" Legion yelled in an echoing voice before dark souls grabbed each member of the league and held them against the walls. "Now for the end of the League." Legion said before a chain wrapped around him and started swinging him around.

"YEE HAW!" The Rider yelled as he smashed Legion on the ground hard.

"How did he get here so quick?" Hawkgirl asked.

"How does it feel to have all that evil inside you? All that power? All those souls." The Rider said shoving Legion against the wall. "A thousand souls to burn look into my eyes. Your souls are stained by the blood of the innocent." The Rider said.

"No." Legion said seeing his mistake.

"Feel their pain!" The Rider said.

"NOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Legion yelled as his mind was tortured by whatever poser the Rider was using on him before his eyes suddenly looked burned and The Rider burned his body to ash. The Dark souls that were holding the League vanished allowing them to get to their feet.

"What in the world was that?" Hawkgirl asked.

"That was Blackheart the devils son. It would seem someone has a personal grudge against you Superman employing fallen angels and a demon shows someone is desperate to kill you." The Rider said.

"How did you get here so quick?" GL asked making the Rider scoff.

"I can sense dark energy no matter how far I am. I would be more cautious if I were all of you if you want to live when fighting another demon." The Rider said getting on his bike before Superman grabbed his shoulder.

"Your not going anywhere. While we're grateful for the help you still have to answer for the murders you've caused." Superman said.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" The Rider yelled as his body was engulfed in flames burning Superman's hand.

"UGH!" Superman groaned in pain while The Rider drove off fast and out of sight.

"What did you do that for? He saves our butts and you want to send him to jail?" Flash said.

"You want a killer like him on the streets?" Superman said narrowing his eyes at him.

"Superman he might do things differently then us but I haven't once heard of anyone wanting him sent to jail for whats he's done. He might be a killer but he doesn't kill innocent people." WonderWoman said making him sigh.

"Maybe but eventually he's going to go to far and someone is going to get hurt." Superman said.

"You mean like when you were controlled by Darkseid." Sean said as his team arrived.

"What are you saying?" Superman said while Diana went to Sean's side.

"I'm reminding you of what happened when Darkseid controlled you. How many innocent people got hurt because of you again?" Sean asked.

"Sean dont." Diana said.

"Just saying. Unlike you he actually gets permanent results." Sean said getting the others he brought with him to agree.

"You all would prefer a killer as a hero over someone who values life?" Superman asked.

"Values life? If you value life you would have gotten rid of those like Metallo Darkseid And a bunch of others who've taken innocent lives away because you thought it was better to send them away only for them to bust out months or weeks later. Trust me your no hero in fact..." Sean tried to say.

"Sean enough." Diana said making him look at her for a second before nodding.

"I think I've made my point." Sean said as his team began cleaning up the mess the Rider left behind while Superman narrowed his eyes at him.


"Why did you do that?" Diana asked as she and Sean were in the kitchen. She was currently dressed in blue jeans and a white T shirt

"I don't like the fact that he thinks he has the right to do whatever he pleases here. Theres no arrest warrant for the Rider at all because no one has pressed any charges not even Luthor since he's afraid of him. You know how many people think the Rider is a real hero compared to Superman?" Sean asked getting a bottle of wine.

"Thousands?" Diana said.

"Billions and no I'm not exaggerating." Sean said knowing she was going to say that.

"Superman just goes by a code he made and has tried his best to repair the damage that happened years ago when Darkseid controlled him." Diana said.

"I know that. Tell him this for me the next time you see him. Unless he hears about a real arrest Warrant on the Rider tell him don't even try to bring him in otherwise he'll wish he just burned his hand again." Sean said opening the bottle and poured some wine in two glasses.

"Perhaps its better if you tell him yourself." Diana said with a smirk as she took a sip of her glass.

"Yeah no thanks I'm staying away from him for a while after all this." Sean said making her giggle.

"So where are the twins?" Diana asked not seeing them.

"Oh their over at one of their friends house for the weekend sooooo..." Sean said before she smirked at him and pulled him into a kiss.

"I guess that means theres no restrictions for us then." Diana said making him chuckle and pulled her close and kissed her neck making her moan softly. Just as she was about to strip she noticed a file on the table. "Whats this?" Diana asked picking it up. "Harem law approval?" Diana asked with a raised eyebrow before she smirked at him. "Is there something you want to tell me?" Diana asked making him roll his eyes before smacking her behind making her giggle before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Very funny. For the record this wasn't even my idea. A friend of mine came to me and asked to persuade the government in allowing harems. In my view its not a bad thing. The reason he asked for my help is because he loves three women who love him and each other as well but the law before now wouldn't let anyone be married to more then one person. So now he gets to marry all three." Sean said before she kissed him lovingly.

"Your so sweet." Diana said making him chuckle before he swung her over his shoulder making her burst into a fit of giggles. "You know I am the one with the most strength here." Diana said.

"Yeah but its more common for a man to do this with the woman he loves." Sean said making her grin.

"I think you mean women." Diana said making him roll his eyes before smacking her ass again making her giggle.

"This isn't going to end anytime soon." Sean said before they're clothing flew accross the room.

Sean smirked as he drank in the sight of Diana's naked body with her large breasts flawless skin and toned stomach from her hours of training along with her pussy lips that was shaved clean of any pubic hair she would have. Diana licked her lips seeing his muscled body 12 pack from his own training in self defense should he need to and his large cock.

"Well don't keep me waiting." Diana said making Sean smirk before he flipped her on her stomach making her giggle before he reached forward and played with her large breasts making her moan softly before whimpering as he pinched her nipples.

"How do you want it this time?" Sean asked in a husky voice in her ear while bitting it softly making her shudder in anticipation.

"Slow and romantically." Diana said making him smirk. before he kissing her neck making her moan while he still played with her breasts in his hands. He slowly lined himself up and thrusted into her making her gasp and groan in bliss as he pounded her soft like she asked.

Sean still kissing her neck moves her head to his and kissed her lovingly making her moan in bliss more.

"I love it when we do this." Diana said before whimpering as his thrusts started to pick up and reached her deeper inside. "I take it back I want you to ravage me like a beast." Diana said in a begging voice.

"Whatever you want I will give." Sean said kissing her lovingly again making her smile at him.

"Do it." Diana said and gasped in joy as he started thrusting into her with almost inhuman speeds making her ass smack against his waist repeatedly as the sounds echoed in the room. "Oh yes more." Diana begged. Sean bites down softly on her neck making her whimper from slight pain but enjoyed it.

"Here it comes Diana." Sean said warning her he was close.

"Inside me now!" Diana begged before whimpering a lot as she thrusted back as her own orgasm approached and Sean pulled her into a kiss as they both came together. Diana moaned into their kiss before her orgasm ended and panted in bliss. She moaned in disappointment when he pulled out.

"Don't pull out please." Diana begged before she was turned over to the side and he slide back in her making her smile as she held his face lovingly as he did the same to her.

"I love you Diana." Sean said making her smile and tear up slightly since that was the first time he ever said that to her.

"I love you to Sean. Now and forever." Diana said placing both their hands on her stomach. "And I promise when we're ready I will give you a child." Diana said making him smile before he held her close and she smiled as she rested her head on his chest before drifting off to sleep.

As she slept she saw herself holding a baby in her arms. The Baby had her black hair and as the baby opened its eyes it had Sean's forest Green eyes. The Very image just looked perfect to her.