Legion Vs Regime! Good vs Evil!

It's been a couple of weeks since Junior's first birthday party. During that same time the Legions defenses were up and running.

Powerful cannons were placed around the world capable of destroying a capital ship in one go. Also during that time Earths fleet was up to speed due to the technological marvels of the Forerunners.

However surprisingly enough new members have joined the legion. One such group of members would be the league of assassins led by Ra Al Ghul. He saw the Legion was actually bringing order to the universe by any means necessary.

Another group would be the Lanterns. The Guardians saw the Legion as an end to all chaos and a beginning of stability in the universe.

However lately theres been one concern over everything else. The Regime. Lately they've been attacking small outposts that while held no strategic value were still concerning.

Currently Sean was talking to an old friend. Nick Reyes. Just recently another outpost was attacked by the Regime.

"What is Riah?" Reyes asked as that was the last thing recorded before the cams stopped working.

"Unclear. The Regime as of the last 2 weeks have only been attacking small outposts. My guess it their up to something." Sean said in his armor. "The united nations have been notified of this and they believe they'll make demands." Sean said making him scoff.

"The Regime doesn't make demands they just do whatever they want. They executed three men and shot down a pilot." Reyes said.

"Lane sent them there to secure any valuable intel and thankfully there wasn't." Sean said.

"Sean, That facility is a black site. How the hell did they even get into that sector without raising an alarm?" Reyes asked.

"My brother is a lot like me. He knows how to make plans." Sean said.

"Sean, That operation required a full assault team not a four man team." Reyes said.

"Nick." Sean said gaining his attention. "I fully agree but the facility was not strategically valuable. There was no point in sending in an invasion if there was nothing valuable to it." Sean said walking towards the window.

"Who else knows about this?" Reyes asked.

"Right now?" Sean asked opening the window showing outside a full fleet of Earth Cruisers outside on a parade as today the Legion was fully functional after a month of repairing the governments of the world.

"Yes now." Nick asked.

"You and everyone else in the legion. Messages were sent to everyone when it happened." Sean said looking at his growing government that was making a difference in the universe.

"Sean, this is a deliberate act of aggression. We should be there out on patrol not throwing a parade." Reyes said.

"Oh but today is special. The Legion has finally made a great impact on the universe. We're officially a new government that solves the problems of the universe." Sean said. "Besides we don't even know where to strike since we have no idea where they are." Sean said.

"So we do nothing?" Reyes asked.

"Believe me my instincts are aligned with yours indefinitely. However we still serve Earth's government...For now." Sean said.

"For now?" Reyes asked confused making him chuckle.

"After the stunt Luthor pulled the governments of the world are still concerned were not ready for war. All it would take is one more incident before the Legion has complete control of the world forever." Sean said taking a seat.

"Another incident? Like another invasion." Reyes said.

"Well, that would help." Sean said making him chuckle.

"Maybe. But still why don't we try attacking them now? We could have half the Legion search the entire universe in under a day." Reyes said.

"Not saying we couldn't. But right now this is a special day for the Legion. We worked hard for four years and now people no longer have to keep their identities hidden from the world. Crime is down to almost zero percent. I say we earned this day." Sean said before the monitor turned on showing a female petty officer.

"Commander. E3N is on the roof waiting for you." The petty officer said.

"Thank you." Sean said before her image vanished.

"What is E3N?" Reyes asked making him smirk and stood up.

"Come see for yourself." Sean said as they left the office where they found Salter waiting for them.

"How many?" Salter asked.

"Four all KIA." Reyes said.

"Sir forgive me but this parade shit is nonsense. We should be out there looking for the Regime." Salter said.

"I don't disagree. But this is a special day for the Legion." Sean said opening the doors to the roof where other soldiers from earth gathered to watch the cruisers.

"Got to admit. This is one hell of a fleet in just a short month." Reyes said.

"The Legion spares no expense. Now our fleet is combined with the rest of the legion." Sean said before a drop ship landed next to them. Sean opened the door and inside the ship was a robot waiting for them.

"Commander Kruger." The Robot said pulling him in.

"What the hell?" Salter asked.

"I think we found E3N." Reyes said.

"Bingo. First class Petty officer third division." Sean said.

"Call me Ethen sir." Ethen said.

"This a special project for the Legion or one of your personal ones?" Reyes asked.

"A little of both." Sean said before Admiral Raines got on.

"Now that you've met our special addition to the Legion we can head to the ceremony." Raines said as they took off.

"You kept this project well under the radar Sean." Reyes said.

"I like to surprise people every now and then." Sean said.

"We're revealing him at the ceremony." Raines said.

"You know I get stage fright, right, Sir?" Ethen said.

"You got feelings Ethen?" Salter asked.

"I do actually. I carry the brain of a human farmer." Ethen said.

"Holy shit. Are you serious?" Salter asked.

"No, M'am. Not at all." Ethen said making Sean and Raines chuckle.

"He got you Lieutenant." Sean said.

"Did not." Salter said as they flew over large guns.

"AATIS guns. A little insurance policy I created incase the Rail gun platforms and the Energon Grid failed us." Sean said.

"Earth's Iron shield. Major firepower." Ethen said.

However suddenly something unexpected happened. The AATIS guns began to follow them.

"Sir?" Ethen said.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"The AATIS guns. They appear to be tracking our ships." Ethan said.

"Wait what?" Sean said in alarm before the guns started firing at them and the cruisers.

"We're hit!" Reyes yelled as the Pilot got hit with Shrapnel.

"Can't control her!" Salter yelled trying to pilot the gun ship.

"Regime cruisers inbound!" Ethen yelled.

"Shit! Brace!" Sean yelled as they crashed. "Shit how could that happen?" Sean asked kicking the door open. Looking around he saw Regime troops taken out by the Flash and Green arrow.

"The hell just happened?" Green arrow asked.

"The Regime has control of our AATIS guns! We need to get to the tower and take back control or they'll destroy the fleet." Sean said.

They quickly rushed to the tower before they saw Regime cruisers in the air landing troops for invasion.

"The Regime planed this." Green Arrow said firing his arrows at a few troops.

"This would have taken years to do. They might have had a sleeper agent inside without any of us even knowing." Ethen said.

"Thats a distinct possibility. My brother and I are a lot alike. We both make plans that are nearly flawless." Sean said before two blasters materialized out of thin air before he started blasting the Regime.

"Look out!" Flash yelled as one of the Legions cruisers crashed.

"AH SHIT!" Sean yelled as a wave of smoke engulfed the street.

"Group up!" Reyes yelled as the smoke cleared.

"We need to get to that tower and now." Raines said.

"I know." Sean said before Deathstroke and Blade dropped down next to them.

"It's a bloody slaughter out here." Blade said.

"Tell me something I don't know." Sean said before pods began to crash land next to them showing new Super Battle Droids.

"I got this." Flash said as he used his speed to tear them apart.

"Why are they attacking us?" Ethen asked.

"My brother has been trying to take control for years. Whoever controls Earth controls the universe." Sean said

"He knew our whole fleet would be here." Salter said.

"He was waiting for this kind of opportunity." Reyes said.

"No shit." Sean said before he kicked down a door finding more Legion troops inside.

"There you are." Reznov said as he, Hellboy, Julia and Batman walked over to them.

"Where are the others?" Sean asked.

"Everywhere. We're spreed to thin." Batman said.

"We need to recapture the tower to take back control of the ATTIS guns." Raines said.

"Our boys are waiting orders." Hellboy said.

"Then lets get this done." Sean said.

Soon enough the Legion led a charge on the tower.

"GO GO GO!" Marcus yelled as he used his lancer on one of the Locust before he used the chainsaw on it.

"On the right!" Price yelled firing at a few Regime troops.

"Look out! RPG!" Sandman yelled as they nearly got hit.

Sean levitated Regime troops off the ground before crushing them. However suddenly a blast occurred next to him making him turn and saw Apocalypse.

"Oh hell." Sean said.

"It's been a long time boy." Apocalypse said before they both got into fighting position.

"Get into the tower and take back control of our ATTIS guns before they destroy the fleet!" Sean yelled as he and Apocalypse fought one another.

"Right." Reyes said as he and his men rushed into the tower.

"Ethen we need eyes on in that room." Raines said.

"On it sir." Ethen said showing them footage inside showing them that five Regime troops were inside with someone else.

"Only half of the fleet is left. The Earth part of the Legion is finished. Commencing self destruction sequence." The man said entering the codes.

"Ethen!" Reyes yelled getting him to bust though the door and the Legion took out the Regime troops and stopped the destruction sequence.

"What I miss?" Sean asked dragging the body of Apocalypse behind him.

"Nothing much." Reyes said.

"Lets see now." Sean said taking the mask off of the mystery person reveling himself to be Zartan. "Oh that explains everything. No wonder this went off so perfect. Zartan is a master is disguise." Sean said making him chuckle.

"You only prolonged the inevitable. Soon the Regime will control the planet and then the entire universe." Zartan said.

"Get him out of here." Sean said getting his troops to do just that.

"We need to get in the air." Reyes said.

"Fighters are already on the way." Sean said as they rushed outside where three Jets flew down to them.

"Ethen, Your with Reyes. We need to get the Regime out of our airspace till the rest of the Legion can arrive." Sean said getting in his jet.

"Let's give'm hell." Reyes said as they flew above the city.

"Damn." Sean said seeing the destruction. "Head into Orbit. I want these bastards off my planet." Sean said preparing the engines.

"Roger that." Salter said before they flew up into the atmosphere.

"Let's give them a fight they won't soon forget." Sean said as they flew towards the enemy.

Soon the enemy fleet was destroyed in no time at all.

"Score one for the Legion." Salter said.

"We need to regroup. Plan a counter attack." Sean said.

"Uh sir? I think we have incoming!" Ethen yelled as a massive destroyer appeared with a large cannon on top.

"Shit!" Sean yelled before it started destroying the fleet.

"Sean Look out!" Reyes yelled before Sean's fighter was hit.

"Shit!" Sean yelled before ejecting before it blew. "My suit can supply me oxygen. Don't worry about me get..." Sean tried to say.

(Insert Super Battle from Battleship soundtrack)

Suddenly unexpectedly hundreds of cruisers appeared.

"What the!" Salter yelled in shock before they started firing at the super destroyer.

"Focus all attention on that carrier." Sean said before two men in Mandanlorian armor flew over to him.

"Easy sir we got ya." One of the Mandalorians said before they carried him to a ship.

"Retribution is heading for an intercept course." Gator said on the comms.

"Thats a negative. Fall back!" Reyes yelled.

"Captain's orders." Gator said before Retributions collided with the carrier.

"No!" Salter yelled.

"Captain Alder gave us an opening! Fire on that damn cruiser now!" Sean yelled.

"Roger that sir." Gator said as the last remaining Cruisers from Earth fired at the carrier before it bolted. Once that was done the three landed on the ship.

"Thanks for the assist." Sean said.

"No problem. We'll meet up on the cruiser." One of the men said before flying away.

(End Song here)

Sean made his way to the cockpit finding a few people. One was a human with white skin brown hair and brown eyes. The next was a man with grey skin blue eyes and had red markings on his body. The next was a woman with green skin red and brown hair with dark eyes. The next was a woman with white skin wide dark eyes and uh some things on her head. (What are those things again?) The Next was actually a Raccoon like person. Then there was a small creature with a wood like appearance and finally was a woman with blue and purple skin and had mechanical parts on her body.

"Who are you?" Sean asked.

"We're the Guardians of the galaxy big guy." The Raccoon said surprising Sean.

"A talking Raccoon." Sean said making him sigh.

"Why does everyone have to say that?" The Raccoon said making Sean chuckle.

"It's just a tittle. Names Peter Quil. These are my partners Drax, Gamora, Mantis, Rocket, Groot and Nebula. We came as soon as we found out your brother was planning an attack on Earth." Quil said.

"And everyone else that came with you? I already know about the Mandalorians." Sean asked.

"All part of the universe. Taking a stand against the Dark Rider. Everyone knows exactly what he's capable of." Drax said.

"Yeah no shit. Land this ship on Retribution. I need to have a word with Captain Alder about ramming his ship into the enemy." Sean said.

"You got it." Quil said piloting the ship to the cruiser.

Soon they landed in the hanger before they went inside.

"Thought we lost ya there." Reyes said.

"You should know me by now Nick. I'm not that easy to kill." Sean said before they went to the commander center seeing dozens of troops injured or dead.

"Damn." Rocket said. "All this happened during the crash?" Rocket asked.

"Could have been a lot worse." A man that was known as a Kree said who also had some red metal fin on his head.

"Hey Yondu." Quil said.

"I know you. Yondu Udonta. A leader of the Ravagers." Sean said.

"Got that right son. Every single one of us decided to help out. Like it better if we have freedom rather then be forced into slavery." Yondu said.

"We need all the help we can get. About more than half of our fleet just got hammered." Salter said before Sean pulled some debris out of the way to the commander center and slammed the door open.

"Wheres Alder?" Sean asked before he spotted a body bag and opened it revealing Alder making him sigh. "Damnit old man." Sean said before closing it.

"Sorry sir. He died with the ship." Omar said as two Ravagers took the body away.

"Who has the right to command the ship now?" Sean asked.

"Well, Technically that would be lieutenant Reyes." Gator said.

"Military council is on the line commander." Boats said.

"Put them through." Sean said.

Suddenly the Military council appeared on the screens which consisted of Tom, Lane, Ross, Talbot, Shepherd, Eiling, Packard, Richland, Briggs, Hoffman, Raines and Blake.

"Nice to see we have some new allies to join us." Tom said.

"Rather live in freedom rather then fear sir." Yondu said.

"Let us be clear about our current situation. We are now officially at war with the Regime. More than half our fleet from Earth was destroyed in a single day. Due to Captain Alder's use of force and our allies arriving the enemy was forced to retreat. At this time however only Tigress, Retribution, Spirit of Fire and Infinity are our only ships available for war." Lane said.

"Our course of action is buy Earth more time till we can rebuild our fleet." Ross said.

"I thought the Legion had thousands of ships?" A female Mandalorian in pink armor said.

"We do as a whole. However Earth is just now beginning to build its own after the stunt Luthor pulled two months ago." Talbot said.

"What about Lunar Gateway?" Sean asked.

"Still under attack. And we need that port to help supply us with parts needed to rebuild our fleet." Briggs said.

"As of right now the Legion has full control over the Earth." Richland said.

"Good. Lets get that port back." Sean said as the transmission ended.

Soon enough they arrived at the moon.

"Here's the plan. We drop in and take out Regime troops. I also have to warn people there might be civilians down there along with cost guard troops." Sean said.

"Nothing we can't handle." The pink armored Mandalorian said.

"You got a name?" Sean asked before she took off her helmet. She had tan skin orange and blue hair and brown eyes.

"Sabine Wren." Sabine said.

"Well, Sabine you're riding with me." Sean said making her smile.

"Thought you'd never ask." Sabine said.

"Whats your assignment drone?" Omar asked Ethen.

"Is there a problem here?" Sean asked.

"Yeah I got one. We're about to fly into enemy territory and the captain is bringing along a drone." Omar said before Sean glared at him and walked over to him. "Uh sir?" Omar asked a little intimidated.

"Back off. Ethen is a friend and good solider. You got problems then I suggest you GET OVER IT!" Sean yelled.

"Uh yes sir." Omar said.

"All right lets move out." Sean said as he got on a truck.

"This should be fun." Quil said.

"All right get read to drop in five four three two one." Gator said opening the gates before they drove out.

"Look out!" Rocket yelled as they nearly got hit from an RPG.

"We need to crash into the station." Omar said.

"Do it." Sean said before they drove up into a glass window and crashed in before the window sealed shut.

"Well, that was fun." Ethen said pulling Sean up.

"Lets get this over with." Sean said.

The Legion fought against the Regime trying to clear them out. However unexpectedly Darth Maul and two Sith warriors appeared.

"Oh great." Sean said before they activated their lightsabers and charged at him.

Sean pulled out the blades of Chaos and killed the two paws with ease before Maul charged at him and their blades clashed.

"I've been waiting to kill you for some time. You weak pathetic..." Maul tried to say before he gasped in pain as a blade went right through him from behind making him look and see Nebula and Gamora. "The daughters...Of Thanos." Maul said before Sean grabbed his neck and snapped it.

"You two are Thanos's daughters?" Sean asked.

"Adopted. And we don't follow him anymore after the things he's done to us." Nebula said.

"I can understand that." Sean said.

Soon enough they made it into the hanger where four fighters were at.

"Allright lets go." Sean said.

"Now this is my kinda fun." Rocket said getting in the back with Quil.

"I want those enemy fighters out of my airspace." Sean said as Sabine got in the back with him.

"Roger that." Omar said as he went with Salter while Ethen went with Reyes.

"Lets fly." Rocket said as Quil flew off along with the others.

Soon they went to the Regime cruiser and left their fighters.

"Plant a charge." Sean said.

"Roger." Ethen said planting a charge on the glass before it exploded sending a large number of Regime troops out the window before they entered and shut the window before restoring gravity.

"So we gonna destroy this ship or what?" Rocket asked.

"Not yet. First things first. Acquire any and all useful information from this ship and any weapons we can use against them." Sean said.

"I think I found something." Ethen said going through their files. "Bingo. Fleet positions as well as locations to the Regimes top leaders." Ethen said.

"Anything on the Dark Rider?" Omar asked.

"Negative. I think that super carrier is the only one that has the location." Ethen said.

"We'll worry about that later." Sean said as they flew out to the hanger killing other Regime troops along the way before they opened the hanger doors and made it back to their fighters.

"Youndu blow this ship to pieces." Quil said.

"My pleasure." Yondu said as his fleet destroyed the carrier completely.

Soon everyone met back up on he Retribution.

"Tell us me good news here." Sean asked.

"We got plenty and a shot to cripple Regime leadership." Lane said showing the date Ethen stole. "According to the data Ethen acquired we have an estimated time when Regime leaders will be meeting." Lane said.

"Who are the leaders?" A Kree commander asked.

"Cobra Commander, Baron Strucker, Zemo, And get this Menendez is going to be there as well." Tom said.

"Menendez? I thought he was held captive on Coruscant?" Sean asked.

"Apparently not. Your brother pulled a real convincing switch during his transfer. Just found out about it hours ago." Lane said.

"Anyone else on that ship that we should know about?" Sabine asked.

"Intel suggests that Locust Queen Myyrah will be there as well. She's the third highest ranking member of the Regime." Talbot said.

"This is an opportunity we can't pass up." Sean said.

"Which is why you'll be going to assassinate them." Tom said.

"Right then. Salter and Reyes are with me. The rest of you await further orders." Sean said.


Sean, Reyes and Salter waited patently for the Regime to arrive before suddenly their cruisers appeared.

"Lets get this done." Sean said as they used a device to open the lower door before they went inside.

"Whats the plan exactly?" Salter before Sean's suit changed to look like Regime standard issue and his face was covered up.

"I'm going to infiltrate the meeting room and take out the leaders. You'll provide overwatch for me." Sean said.

"Roger that. Good luck." Salter said before Sean left.

Sean traveled down the hallways before he found the meeting room.

"Found them. All but Queen Myyrah." Sean said.

"I have her. She's walking to the meeting now." Salter said seeing her on the cameras.

"I don't have time to wait." Sean said before he went to the top of the room and placed something in the vents. "Thats four dead leaders." Sean said pressing a button and the room was engulfed in green gas making them cough before they began to drop dead.

"Nice work now meet up with us back here." Reyes said.

"Roger that." Sean said heading down the halls before he spotted Myyrah walking away. "I found Myyrah. Hold off on calling the fleet." Sean said.

"Wait what? No. We can kill her when the fleet arrives." Reyes said before Sean followed her. "Damnit." Reyes said.

Myyrah turned down to a hallway before she was pulled into the shadows.

"Remember me?" Sean said making her growl.

"You won't be able to stop us this time boy. Your brother will destroy your precious Legion and Earth will be ours." Myyrah said.

"I don't think so. You only caught us by surprise. Thats a mistake I guarantee you will not happen again. Unfortunately you won't be alive to see that." Sean said before snapping her neck killing her instantly.

"Sean, Regime forces are on the way." Reyes said.

"I'm on my way. Thats makes five leaders dead." Sean said.


"Outstanding work. This will cripple the Regime's chain of command." Lane said.

"We still have to find Freddy. Whats our next Target?" Sean asked.

"Saturns moon Titan. Recent intel suggests they have a facility there to collect fuel for their ships." Raines said.

"How did we not see this?" Sean asked.

"Unknown. But it doesn't matter now. We want that facility destroyed. With the Regime leadership crippled they'll be in temporary chaos." Blake said.

"Temporary?" Rocket asked.

"As long as Freddy is still breathing the Regime will continue to function." Lane said.

"Agreed. Lets get geared up people." Sean said.

"So how we going to do things this time?" Yondu asked.

"First a small team will be sent to secure an LZ. Once thats out of the way we can focus and capturing and destroying the facility." Sean said.

"Sir. What if that carrier comes along and makes things more difficult for us?" Omar asked.

"We'll deal with it." Sean said.


Soon Sean and his team landed down on Titan.

"Really think we should have just gone in full force sir." A mandalorian said.

"Not enough room. Plus this way we can keep the element of surprise." Sean said.

"He's right. We need to keep this quiet till we can bring in reinforcements." Quil said.

"Lets get this done." Sean said as they made way towards the facility.

Along the way they silently killed a few Regime troops.

Soon they reached a perfect spot where they could call in for troops.

"Reinforcements are on the way." Salter said as a few drop ships

"Did a quick recon mission at the tower. Take a guess who's leading the operation." Reyes said.

"Enlighten me." Sean said.

"General Plasto. Got a whole platoon of Elite Regime troops with him." Reyes said.

"Plasto huh?" Sarge said grinning. "I've been waiting for a long time to take that freak out." Sarge said.

"So have I. If we get a clear shot at him we'll take it." Sean said.

Soon enough they advanced towards the tower.

"Fire at those bastards!" Omar yelled as the heavy tanks decimated the Regime.

However suddenly the Olympus Mons appeared.

"Ah Shit!" Marcus yelled as it started firing at the tanks.

"Inside now!" Sean yelled as the troops made it inside.

"I told you that thing would show up." Omar said.

"Yeah I know." Sean said before the screens in the room turned on showing Makarov.

"Hello Kruger." Makarov said.

"Makarov. I should have known you would be in charge of a vessel like that. Whats the matter my brother not brave enough to come down and face me himself?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"Freddy has far more important things to deal with then you. If I were you I would surrender you cannot possible hope to destroy my ship with whats left of your fleet." Makarov said before Mandalorian cruisers appeared and started attacking the Olympus.

"I still have allies Makarov." Sean said before the transmission ended.

"You know I would take his advice white man." Plasto said through the speakers.

"Plasto. Where are you? You spineless coward." Sean said.

"A coward Maybe. But one who has ultimate security. Now matter how strong you may have gotten since our last confrontation you will never be able to destroy this tower alone. It's made from the rarest metal in the universe. Adamantium." Plasto said.

"Damnit." Sean said.

"I think I have a suggestion for that." Salter said as a few empty fighters flew down. "Theres a pipeline that leads to the tower. We destroy it from the source and the tower will explode from the inside." Salter said.

"Salt I could kiss you right now." Sean said making her grin.

"Win this war and I might let you." Salter said.

"Enough love talk. Lets get this over with." Rocket said as they went to their fighters.

"Lets blow this place to hell." Captain Blade said flying his fighter.

"On me." Sean said as they flew to the end of the pipes finding the source of the fuel.

"On my mark. Fire!" Captain Blade said as they fired their missiles at the source before the pipeline started blowing up.

"No. No! NOOOOOOO!" Plasto yelled as his tower was destroyed with him in it.

"Ha! Thats six Leaders killed in a single day." Sean said before they flew up to Retribution.


"Outstanding work son." Raines said.

"Thats six leader dead. They may have crippled Earth's fleet but we have skill and luck on our side." Sean said.

"Damn straight. Governor Tarken has reported that other Regime factions around the universe are being destroyed as we speak. This war may come to an end sooner then we thought." Raines said.

"I wouldn't bet on it." Nebula said gaining their attention.

"Something you would like to add miss?" Talbot asked.

"Freddy is taking direct orders from someone far more powerful than him." Drax said.

"Thanos?" Lane asked.

"Yeah. Trust me Freddy is a small fish compared to him." Quil said.

"We've only encountered his forces once about 4 years ago When Loki was an enemy back then. How dangerous is he?" Ross asked.

"Extremely. He's destroyed half the population of other worlds before and he's after all six infinity stones." Gamora said.

"We've encountered a few of these stones in the past. The space, Time, Mind and reality stones. The mind stone is basically under our control because of Vision. Doctor Strange and his group of magic users protect the Time stone. The Legion now has control over the Cosmic Cube which is being studied for further use in the Legion. And the Reality stone is in safe hands." Talbot said.

"We gave the power stone to the Nova Core who are currently helping the Legion right now. They have it secured in a vault away from him." Quil said.

"And what about the last one? The soul stone?" Lane asked.

"In a place not even Thanos can get it." Gamora said.

"I hope your right. In the meantime we might have finally caught a break to lure Makarov here." Raines said.

"Meaning what exactly?" Sean asked.

"We found an implant inside him. We believe it's transmitting a signal. When that signal dies Makarov comes in and takes the Earth." Raines said.

"Thats why he took control of the AATIS guns. Once they were destroyed Makarov and Freddy come in and invade." Drax said.

"We need to surgically extract that implant. Zartan might still have some useful information so we need him alive." Lane said.

"Hmm. Ah I know just the person to do the job. An old friend." Sean said.

"I think I know who you have in mind." Tom said.

Later (Insert the NCIS Crew)

"You know I mostly nowadays usually perform on the dead not the living." Ducky said as he was escorted to the medical room where Zartan was in completely knocked out. "But in this case I'm willing to make an exception." Ducky said.

"How'd you capture him?" Gibbs asked.

"Tried to destroy our ATTIS guns to pave way for a massive invasion fleet. Once the device is out and we can interrogate him for more information. I'm not letting him off the hook." Sean said as Ducky did his work.

"Wouldn't it make more sense to have that Martian Manhunter phase through and take it out?" Abby asked.

"I thought about that at first but he and his niece along with Shadowcat are all in the field right now. Ducky was the only one I trust enough to do this and keep him alive." Sean said.

"You know this almost reminds me of a case Dinozzo was doing a while back ago when he was dating an Arms dealer's daughter. Poor fellow had drugs stuffed inside him to transport it into the country. Very cleaver yet..." Ducky tried to say.

"Disgusting?" Sean said.

"I was going to say repulsive but that works." Ducky said making them chuckle.

"Oh I missed you guys." Sean said.

"Ah here we are." Ducky said taking the device out before sitting it down.

"Perfect." Sean said grabbing the device.

"What exactly are you going to do with that anyway?" Abby asked.

"Well, simple I'm going to smash the damn thing and lure them here." Sean said about to do that.

"Not going to trace the signal?" Gibbs asked making him stop.

"Hmm. Well, That is a good idea. But the question is do we have the time. Lives are on the line right now." Sean said.

"I believe Abby can trace the signal. No one else knows how to trace a signal like her." Ducky said cleaning his hands.

"Do you think you can?" Sean asked.

"Do you have a harem?" Abby asked teasingly making him chuckle before handing her the device.

Minutes later

"I managed to trace the signal but I don't recognize this system." Abby said showing the star system.

"I do. It's the Sith home world. Korriban. Thats why we could never find them. We never suspected them to be operating on a dead world." Sean said.

"Well, For whatever reason I can only trace the signal but I can't get a decent one." Abby said.

"No matter. We got what we need." Sean said kissing her cheek making her smile.

"Thank you." Abby said as he left.

Minutes later

"Ready to begin?" Raines asked.

"Always." Sean said smashing the transponder.

"I got signals." Quil said.

"Here they come!" Yondu yelled as the Regime fleet including the Olympus appeared before they took heavy fire from ATTIS guns.

"Makarov took the bait!" Rocket yelled.

(Insert Come get your love from Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack)

"Lets get on that ship I want Makarov dead now!" Sean yelled as he flew towards the ship and found a few familiar faces.

"Well, isn't this a surprise." Reverse Flash said as he, Zoom, Savitar and The Rival surround him.

"Oh fucking hell." Sean said.

"Any last words before we kill you?" Zoom asked. (Just a reminded all of them look like the Flash tv series versions except Savitar is not a copy of Barry Allen)

"Yeah. Boom." Sean said before they all exploded with their guts flying everywhere. "Thank you Grandpa General." Sean said.

Quil flew in with his headphones off listening to his music before blasting the Regime.

Batman then flew up and landed before taking out Regime troops with ease without killing them of course.

Wonder Woman then flew in and used her lasso on the Regime to slam them into the walls.

"This is almost to easy." Sean said before levitating a few Locust up in the air before they exploded.

"Makarov should be in the command center." Batman said.

"I know." Sean said before they arrived at said center and Sean kicked the door down making it crash into a few Regime Troops before Makarov tried to shoot them but Sean threw a knife at his heart making him gasp in pain.

"It's over Makarov. Wheres Freddy?" Batman asked.

"I already know where he is. He's on the Sith Home world of Korriban." Sean said making Makarov glare.

"Even if you kill me you will never be able to kill him. Freddy will not hesitate to kill you." Makarov said before coughing up blood.

"Blah blah blah." Rocket said.

"I am Groot." Groot said.

"Who cares?" Rocket asked.

"My Death means nothing." Makarov said before opening his chest showing various explosives on them making them widen their eyes before sean engulfed him in a purple sphere and the explosion was contained while Makarov was nothing but dust.

"What now?" Quil asked.

"We regroup with the rest of the Legion's fleet and finish this once and for all." Batman said.

"Agreed. It's time my brother and I settle this for good." Sean said.


The Entire Legion fleet along with what was left with the Regime fought over the planet.

Sean of course went planet side to end this nonsense with his brother.

But before he could enter the temple he was blocked by a Machine colored Red.

"Do I know you?" Sean asked.

"The last time we fought I had the weakness of a human. No longer." The robot said making Sean widen his eyes.

"Sektor? Wow you really did want to be turned into a machine. My brother help out with this?" Sean asked.

"Indeed and now I will have my revenge and take back control of what is rightfully mine." Sektor said about to charge but instead he just vanished through a portal because of Sean.

"I don't have time to deal with you dumbass." Sean said as he entered the temple.

Sean kicked down the temple doors about to charge in and finish this but widened his eyes instead at what he saw.

"What?" Sean said in confusion.

Freddy Kruger...The Dark Rider that legends told about for thousands of years was being treated by a medical droid looking Weak and sickly. Freddy looked up at him with weak eyes before chuckling a little before coughing up blood.

"You honestly shouldn't be surprised squirt. Power comes at a price. And mine is to high to pay." Freddy said.

"You're dying." Sean said walking towards him. "Apophis. His energy is toxic to you." Sean said.

"Yeah. I knew I was dying for some time. Long before our little war took place. Or rather what was needed to set you on a path." Freddy said.

"What are you talking about? I thought you said you wanted to kill me?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"Oh please. I never had any interest in kill you. Nor did I every want to. No you needed an enemy powerful enough that you would seek out allies to prepare an army. Not just to fight me no. To fight Thanos and his army and his power." Freddy said before coughing up blood before Sean injected him with a healing agent. "That shit won't work on me anymore." Freddy said.

"Why go through all this?" Sean asked.

"Like you having that necklace of the General I also received a gift from him. He saw everything." Freddy said pulling out a necklace with a message on it. "He told me you would need to raise an army. Earth isn't enough. So I made sure you would find the other worlds of the Galaxy and the Universe." Freddy said. "Makarov and Myyrah were the only ones I trusted who knew the Truth. Ultron found out and turned against us and tried to activate the Ark which cost him his life and the life of your old friend." Freddy said.

"How powerful is Thanos?" Sean asked making him sigh.

"I could not defeat him even if I was healthy enough to do so. No one...Not even all the Ghost Riders are enough to defeat him. Only one person has that kind of power that can defeat him. You." Freddy said.

"Why didn't you just tell me all this and avoid doing what you never wanted to do?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"You can't create an army without a purpose. I sent you to the Gears Universe to save them and gather more followers while your repair their world. The Green Army universe while rather childish if you look at it." Freddy said making him chuckle. "Has the potential to fight Thanos." Freddy said.

"You sound like you have no regrets." Sean said making him sigh.

"Oh but I do. My only Regret would be not being able to save Myyrah from this fate that she agreed with. She and I...Grew close to one another over the last year." Freddy said making him chuckle.

"We Krugers really can pick them can we?" Sean asked making him chuckle before groaning.

"As soon as I die. Darkseid will come. He'll trigger that bomb Owlman tried to use on Earth Prime a year ago." Freddy said.

"I can take him." Sean said making him smirk.

"I know you can. But watch out for Thanos. He's more...Dangerous...Then..." Freddy tried to say before his arms went limp and his monitor flatlined making Sean sigh before clinching his fist hard enough that bones were heard popping.

Outside Darkseid arrived Vie Boom tube before the bomb also appeared.

"Such a weak pathetic human. All of them are nothing but." Darkseid tried to say before the ground shook violently.

He turned and saw Sean without his helmet.

"Ah. Sean Ashburn Kruger. We meet again after 3 years." Darkseid said.

(Insert if you love these people from Man of Steel)

"Where's Thanos?" Sean said making him chuckle.

"If your hoping to fight my old friend you will be disappointed." Darkseid said as his eyes glowed Red.

"You know I've been looking forward to killing you for years." Sean said before dashing at him and forced him up into space where the battle was taking place.

"Heads up Reyes!" Quil said before Sean and Darkseid flew right by them. "Whoa!" Quil said in surprise.

"Is that?" Salter tried to say.

"Darkseid." Superman said flying in to fight his most hated foe.

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" Sean roared smashing Darkseid's face into a Regime cruiser destroying it.

"Whoa! I think he's serious." David said flying above them.

"But..." Superman tried to say.

"Just stay out of his way. I don't think he's in the mood for negotiations." Drax said.

"No shit." Reznov said.

Sean threw Darkseid into a Trade Federation capital Ship before dashing at him destroying it in one go.

"Damn! I ain't ever seen him so serious." Talbot said viewing the fight from the Spirit of Fire.

"Something most have happened on the planet." Batman said.

Sean blasted Darkseid in the face making him growl in rage before Sean grabbed him and flew back down to the planet before Sean kicked him down making him crash hard next to the bomb.

"Time to end this." Sean said about to send him and the bomb back to his home planet but instead got blasted away making him growl before a portal appeared.

(End song here)

Out of the portal appeared none other than Thanos himself face to face for the first time.

"Sean Ashburn Kruger. The Legionnaire. I was wondering when we'd finally meet in person." Thanos said.

"Thanos." Sean said standing up.

"Relax. I didn't come to fight. I'm rather impressed by how well someone is able to keep order in the universe." Thanos said.

"What do you want?" Sean asked.

"Oh nothing really at least not now. The Regime is finished. I honestly expected your brother to capture or finish you but I guess the power he needed ended up being his downfall. A real waste honestly. He had great potential." Thanos said.

"So what you're saying you surrender?" Sean asked making him scoff.

"Do I look like someone who can be defeated so easily?" Thanos asked before activating the bomb. "I'll give you a choice. Pull all your forces back and let whats left of the Regime die here and now or continue this pointless battle. The Choice is yours." Thanos said as both he and Darkseid vanished.

"Everyone pull back now!" Sean yelled.

"What why?" Talbot asked.

"Remember that bomb my brother took from Owlman? It's been activated. Pull back now!" Sean yelled transporting himself on the Spirit of Fire.

"Roger that. Pulling all our forces back now." Lane said as every cruiser pulled back before the planet blew.

A day later

Everyone had been briefed on what Freddy had really done. Giving a reason to create an army so powerful that they might have a better chance against Thanos.

"I knew there was still good in him." Sean said looking out the window.

"Now about more than half our enemies have been taking out. 90% of the Regime was killed in that explosion." Tom said.

"Ay. Thanos didn't care what happened to the Regime. To him they were all expendable." Sean said.

"Now that the Regime is finished maybe we can finally rest easy." Wonder Woman said.

"No." Sean said gaining their attention. "This isn't over. Thanos and Darkseid are still out there." Sean said.

"And we'll be ready for them." Batman said.

"I hope so." Sean said.