
It's been a month since the end of the Robotic DinoCroc incident. With the Original now being Newt's partner. Like Luthor said there was indeed a Growth hormone inside the beast which was now used to accelerate the natural growth of Cattle.

Luthor for helping in taking Down Kennedy was offered a position within the Legion on situations that required diplomacy and the like.

Now however came something else.

An Agent by the name of John Murphy was in a secret government facility that popped up on the Legions radar. The official story was that it was a top secret government facility but Sean suspected something else.

So he sent in an agent to learn about this facility and it's hidden Agenda.

Currently Murphy was observing and advising a shuttle mission Solaris with a project on board known as MOTHER IN LAW. Which regretfully involved spiders. (Shudders)

"Solaris you are free to begin the experiment." Murphy said.

"Roger that Commander." One of the Astronauts said.

Suddenly however the facilities leader Gray walked in.

"How we doing?" Gray asked his protege.

"We're just now beginning the experiment Gray. I still can't believe it involves fucking Spiders of all things." Murphy said making him snort in amusement.

"Despite what most people think they are an excellent species. Capable of..." Gray tried to said.

"Trapping their prey with silk they produce with their bodies and lay and wait for prey. I know." Murphy said making him chuckle.

"At least you pay attention." Gray said.

"Commander Experiment is under...AHHH!" Solaris yelled as the Screens bugged out.

"The hell was that?" Gray asked.

"Solaris come in!" Murphy yelled but all he got was screaming. "What is the status of MOTHER IN LAW!" Murphy yelled.

"Seal off lower decks." Gray said.

"Done." Murphy said locking off lower decks. "They got hit with a solar flare. I have no idea what's happening up there but we need to bring them in." Murphy said.

"Agreed. Switch to auto." Gray said.

"Switching to Auto." Murphy said having the shuttle fly towards the facility. "Sometimes I hate how nature acts when critical stuff like this happens." Murphy said as they left.

Minutes later

Gray and Murphy soon arrived at the crash site.

"Damn." Murphy said before he and Gray went inside.

"Look for MOTHER IN LAW." Gray said.

"You really expect that thing to survive this shit?" Murphy asked before.


"What was that?" Gray asked before Murphy looked down.

"AW MAN!" Murphy yelled seeing he stepped on MOTHER IN LAW! "This is another reason I hate spiders they are so fucking small!" Murphy yelled before picking it up and put it in a bag.

"Nice going." Gray said not amused.

"How'm I supposed to see in the dark and something that small?" Murphy asked making him grumble before they heard moaning.

"Hmm?" Murphy said before seeing one of the crew members alive. "At least we got a survivor." Murphy said before calling in for a stretcher.

"All that research for nothing." Gray said holding the bag with MOTHER IN LAW.

"We can just make a new one." Murphy said.

"That would take months." Gray said.

"You do realize...Never mind " Murphy said before Grey went to the Survivor asking for what happened to MOTHER IN LAW but he got nothing.

"He should be fine till we get him to a hospital." One of the doctors said.

"He's not going anywhere." Gray said.

"This man needs medical attention." The Doctor said.

"Get him to the lab." Gray said.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? This man's going to the hospital." The doctor said before Gray shot him in the chest killing him.

"Anymore objections?" Gray asked before the others took the survivor away.

"Was that really required?" Murphy asked.

"You'll get used to it in a few years. I was like you when I first started out." Gray said before they got in the truck.

"Remind me again why didn't we just do this on the ground in a more controlled environment?" Murphy asked.

"Incase something went wrong it couldn't escape. The Facility is large so if it ever escaped it would be difficult to track it." Gray said.

Minutes later

Murphy was at his quarters sending a highly encrypted message out to the Legion when suddenly the Alarm went off.

"Murphy!" Gray yelled making him get his gear and rushed out.

"What happened?" Murphy asked.

"Someone triggered the alarm in the lab." Gray said.

"Where the survivor is? Think something happened?" Murphy asked.

"We'll find out." Gray said as they took the elevator to the lower levels.

Soon they entered the lab.

"What the fuck?" Murphy said seeing the now dead survivor with his mouth expanded to impossible proportions and one of the dead doctors along with silk on the walls. "This all just screams MOTHER IN LAW." Murphy said.

"I know. The original must have laid an egg inside the survivor. I want it found unharmed." Gray said to the troops.

"Sir what is this thing attacks my men?" The Colonel asked.

"This is not a conversation. This is when I talk and you Listen." Gray said.

"Agen Gray, it's dangerous!" The Colonel yelled.

"Murphy get the men moving I want this thing found and captured." Gray said.

"Got it." Murphy said leading the men away.

"At least he follows my orders without complaint. Try to learn a thing or two from him." Gray said making him frown before leaving.

"If this thing laid an egg in the survivor it might get bigger as time goes by." Murphy said to Gray.

"Perhaps. The Legion needs all the help it can get right now." Gray said.

"The Legion?" Murphy asked confused.

"I know full well that every super powered person in the Legion is vulnerable right now after the Thanagarian invasion four months ago. Superman and all those other heroes are without powers." Gray said.

"So this is your way of protecting the Legion?" Murphy asked.

"Not just the country. Despite the goal of world peace I really don't care much for the rest of the world." Gray said.

"I guess we all have our own goals." Murphy said before they reached the end of the hallway and found two tunnels.

"You go left and I'll go right." Gray said.

"Got it." Murphy said as they separated.

Murphy was in the boiler room before he heard footsteps.

"Hmm?" Murphy said before he went to the source of the sound before running past him was a woman. "FREEZE!" Making her stop and face him. She had White skin brown hair and brown eyes. "How the hell did you get in here?" Murphy asked before she ran away. "Hey wait! It's not safe out here!" Murphy yelled chasing after her.

Somehow she gave him the slip as he continued looking for her before suddenly she jumped him and smacked him in the face before grabbing his gun. She aimed his weapon at him but to her shock his face started sparking.

"What the hell?" The woman said before he pulled off his...Face. Now he looked at her and she recognized him right away.

"Turok Kruger." The woman said seeing Turok without his mask on that gave him a new face and identity.

"Damnit. I told Sally those things needed to be reinforced with something." Turok said.

"What is the Legion doing here? Some kind of fucked up experiment?" The woman asked.

"No. No. The Legion has nothing to do with these projects. I was sent here to spy on the facility. The place got on the Legion's radar and my brother sent me in to investigate. Now who are you? You're clearly not military." Turok said.

"Marci Eyre. Me and my friends came to spy on this place from a distance when the shuttle crashed and we went to see if anyone was alive. We hid in the back of the truck and ended up here." Marci said.

"And where are they?" Turok asked which made her sniff.

"Dead. That fucking Spider killed them!" Marci yelled.

"Easy. I had no idea what Gray was doing her till now. He plans to sell the Spiders to the Legion as a military weapon since the Universe's heroes are without powers for the next two years. He's out of his mind." Turok said. "Listen come with me and I can assure you I can get justice for your friends. I need to report this back to base." Turok said.

"How do I know I can trust you?" Marci asked.

"Well, for one if I wanted you dead you'd already be dead. Even without my Ghost Rider state I can still kill people." Turok said making her lower his weapon before handing it back to him. "Now then." Turok said putting on another mask to make him look like Murphy. "Let's get out of here." Turok said as they rushed off.

They went to the exit but found it was blocked by Spider Webs.

"DAMN! I hate spiders." Murphy said.

"Well, well, well." Gray said making them turn and face him. "What do we have here? A turncoat and a collage journalist who is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Marcie Eyre." Gray said.

"How the fuck do you know her?" Murphy asked.

"She's works for a small collage newspaper. Most of her theories have been right about us. And you." Gray said pointing his weapon at him. "That fake identity and story you gave me almost worked. But it didn't get into the system till the day before you joined us. So who are you really?" Gray asked making Murphy sigh before taking off his mask again revealing his face making Gray widen his eyes.

"Turok Stone." Gray said in surprise before chuckling. "No wonder I couldn't kill you." Gray said.

"You know me?" Turok asked.

"I knew your father Wolf Stone when he was alive. I knew you when you were just 2 years old. Wolf was a good man. He had a way with Words with people. Able to see the goodness in others. In a way he's the reason I'm here. After his death I promised him I would make those who killed him and his family suffer a fate worse then death." Gray said.

"You mean feeding them to that Spider. My dad would never approve of this." Turok said.

"Maybe. But we'll never know now." Gray said before the Spidered wrapped its web around him

"What the hell is it doing now?" Marci asked.

"I have no idea." Turok said.

"RUN! NOW!" Gray yelled getting them do just.

The Giant Spider soon approached Gray.

"You bitch! I created you! Come on, Goddamnit! Do it! Do it!" Gray yelled before it got on top of him and stabbed him in the stomach with its end making him scream.

Turok and Marci rushed to the Elevator.

"We already tried using that!" Marci yelled.

"You don't have the code." Turok said before inserting his card and used the code before the doors closed. As they were heading to the top the Giant Spider burst in from below making Marci scream before Turok entered the code again and the Elevator went to the bottom.

"GO TO HELL YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Turok yelled before the Elevator slammed down making it's guts spray everywhere.

"I hate spiders." Marci said making him chuckle.

"That makes two of us. Come on lets get the fuck out of here." Turok said as they got back to the top.


Turok and Marci soon arrived at her College.

"They have a phone?" Turok asked.

"Sure I just need to tell Phil about this." Turok said.

"You know you remind me of Lois Lane when she worked at the Daily Planet." Turok said before they made it to Phil's office.

"Phil, have I got a story for..." Marci tried to say but they both saw Phil was dead with a gun shot wound to the head.

"Oh boy." Turok said.

"I got a story for both of you as well." Gray said turning around from the chair with a gun in hand.

"Man." Turok said in disbelief.

"I got to hand it to you Turok you managed to kill the second MOTHER IN LAW. You remind me of your father a lot. Able to do the impossible." Gray said.

"How the hell did you survive that thing?" Turok asked.

"I think you'll find a man can do almost anything if he's stubborn enough." Gray said.

"Fair enough. The Legion would never buy those things. It can't be controlled." Turok said.

"And yet you can control some of the most dangerous animals ever to walk the Earth. Raptors, Dinosaurs. Primordials, Mutants, Anything thats a wild animal and you can control it. It's why I was so pissed off about the fact your entire tribe was killed. They would have controlled them without even trying." Gray said.

"We have a connection to Nature thats not controlling them just communicating with it." Turok said.

"Maybe so. But I'm willing to bet you can control whats coming next." Gray said before he started groaning and large Spider Legs came out of his back.

"Oh." Marci began.

"Fuck." Turok finished before Gray exploded and a Third MOTHER IN LAW Appeared. "RUN!" Turok yelled as they rushed out of the building.

Once they were outside the Spider immediately grew larger and burst out of the building making everyone scream and ran off.

"We have to stop that thing." Marci said before they spotted Gray's chopper.

"I got an idea." Turok said before they rushed to the chopper and Turok got on the Radio.

"Come on." Turok said before inserting an emergency code.

"Turok?" Lane said on the radio.

"Yes!" Turok yelled before putting the headset on. "Sam!" Turok yelled.

"What the hells going on at the facility?" Lane asked.

"We're not at the facility we're at the closet College. Listen Gray somehow created this genetically modified Spider and it's growing huge. It's heading right for the City." Turok said.

"Roger that sending in a platoon to take care of it." Lane said.

"We'll follow it." Turok said. "Get in." Turok said getting Marci to get in the passenger seat before he took off to follow it.


"Where is that bitch?" Turok said as they flew into the city before they saw gunfire.

"Over there." Marci said pointing at the Spider moving past Legion troops.

"Lane?" Turok called on the Radio.

"Yes we see it. None of our weapons seem to have an effect on it." Lane said.

"LOOK OUT!" Marcus yelled as the Spider charged right through them.

"Hey whats that?" Marci asked pointing to the back showing a Rocket Launcher.

"Lane. We got armor piercing Rockets on with us. That might be enough to kill it." Turok said.

"Do what you have to otherwise we'll have to bring in Kong or one of our other assets to take care of it." Lane said.

"Roger that." Turok said as Marci got in the back.

"Theres no seatbelts." Marci said.

"Use the rope." Turok said getting her to tie the rope around her before pulling out the Rocket Launcher.

"We only got two rounds." Marci said.

"Thats more than enough." Turok said as he got closer to the Spider. "Kill now!" Turok yelled getting her to fire and did hit the Spider but it wasn't enough.

"Armor piercing, my ass." Marci said.

"FUCK! The skin is to tough!" Turok yelled.

"I have to get closer. Shove it down her throat." Marci said.

"I hear ya." Turok said getting closer.

However as he did the Spider hit the Chopper making it shake and Marci fell out.

"MARCI!" Turok yelled seeing she was held by the rope.

"Get me closer!" Marci yelled.

"Hang on! Stabilize fuck!" Turok yelled trying to stabile the chopper.

Turok got control of the chopper before he got Marci close enough.

"Suck on this, you Bitch!" Marci yelled firing the last round as it opened its mouth and went in before.


The Giant Spider exploded having its guts fly everywhere.

"YEAH!" Marci yelled.

"Way to go Marci." Turok yelled before he found a place to land.


"So let me ask you something." Marci said to Turok as the Legion came in to clean up the mess.

"Yeah?" Turok asked.

"You available this weekend?" Marci asked making him smirk.

"Are you asking me out?" Turok asked.

"Maybe." Marci said with a grin making him chuckle.

"Yeah. I got no plans since my mission is over." Turok said before she kissed him making him smile.

"AW! THATS NOT FAIR!" David yelled seeing Turok getting a girl. "WHEN, AM I GOING TO GET A GIRL!" David yelled making Sean chuckle.

"Some of us have it. And some of us don't and you don't have it." Sean said before David pulled him into a headlock.

"WHY YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" David yelled making everyone laugh.

"I miss being a single child." Turok said making Marci laugh. "By the way. How would you like to be the first to get a exclusive on a new Sea world?" Turok asked making her smile.

"Sure. Just please tell me theres no water Spiders." Marci said making him chuckle.