
A goal, a showdown and payback


The sound of heather McNamara wooden yellow croquet mallet hitting against the yellow ball echoed accross the yard.

She straightened up slowly while watching the ball.... It rolled lazily past the goal.


"They won't expell him, just suspended him for a week or something."

She said walking back to the group. After walking back from school to Veronica's house, the main topic of discussion had been all about the psycho new kid pulling out a gun.

Heather McNamara was amused, she found the whole situation hilarious, even if it was her crush who was targeted.

Once again, heather Chandler put up her argument with an angry flash of her eyes.

"He used a real gun."

She turned from heather Chandler to face heather Duke, now about to take her shot.

"They should throw his ass in jail."

She finished in her classic relish.

Veronica chuckled darkly from the corner of the hedge in Wich she was standing. Leaning on her croquet mallet.

She thought he was just a rebel- but the way he pulled out a gun showed something that Veronica liked.... That she was 'attracted' to

"No way, he used blanks. All JD really did was ruin 2 perfectly good pairs of pants."

She continued smileling as she walked closer to the ball of fire that was heather Chandler.

"Not even that- Can you bleach out urine stains?"

Duke and McNamara burst into a sort of refrained laughter. Veronica looked pleased with herself, she had made the other Heather's laugh while at the same time Making Chandler almost explode.

Her face was angry, her eyes were practically screaming. But when she opened her mouth, her words were slow and controlled. Even calm.

"You seem pretty amused. I thought you had given up on highschool boys."

Veronica sighed and watched as Chandler got into her position.

"Never say never."

Heather Chandler only ever used the boys in westerburg as fuck buddy's, boy toys. Even though she was 16, still a junior, (unlike the rest of the Heather's who had turned 17 a month in to junior year) she preferred to spend her time with 'real boys.'

That is to say, remmington college boys...

Heather Chandler's dark red ball rolled hastilly in the grass... Before knocking heather Duke's green with envy ball.

Duke groaned slightly... Wishing the unevitable away.

"So what are you gonna do? Take the two shots or take me out?"

Heather Chandler looked at Duke in utter disbelief. She let the mallet fall at her side as she walked up to Duke...

"Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast? First, you ask me if you can be red. When you know I'm ALWAYS red. And now this?"

She sashayed over to the green and red ball.

In croqet, if your ball hits another person's ball, you get and advantage. You can take two shots and try to hit a goal, or you can hit the other person. You do this by rolling the two balls together.... Placing your foot on your ball.... And hitting it hard with the mallet. The force transfers through the ball and onto the other one. Unfortunately not being held down with your foot...

Heather Duke's ball flew through the air and landed in a bush.

Heather Duke let her arms fall limply to her side.. once again she had been beat by the number 1...


Heather chandler hummed softly as she marched back to the group.

"Your turn heather, easy shot."

She said bitchily basking in the defeated look that duke wore on her pretty face.

"No way no day!"

"Give it up girl."

Veronica and McNamara jeered from the sidelines as heather Duke walked to behind the bush shakily.

One thing about heather Duke, she was always trying to get Chandler's approval, but that never happened. This was finnally a time where she was going to do something for herself. Not for heather Chandler.

She took in a deep breath before closing her eyes and smacking that poor ball as hard as she could.

When she opened them, the ball had rolled through the goal.

She had won... Once...


Heather McNamara was suprised... Veronica was kind of cunfused.

"Holy shit!"

"God that was incredible."

Duke let herself be happy for a moment... Because when she walked over... She knew she wouldn't be allowed to be happy anymore.


But as she walked she practically glowed. Her Amber hair glinting in the sun- a particular bounce in step.

Chandler simply scowled at this... Before turning to a suprised Veronica.

Heather McNamara took the hint to start a new conversation.

"So tonight's the night! Are you two excited?"

Heather Chandler smiled prissily. Her hands carresing her mallet thoughtfully.

"I'm giving Veronica her shot."

But when she turned to Veronica, her icy cold stare penetrated Veronica's bored structure, making the warm day 40 degrees colder.

"You blow it tonight girl, and it's keggers with kids all next year."

She seethed irritated.

Veronica drew back nervously.

That being said... Chandler's ball nudged heather Duke's again..

Heather Duke once again felt the looking presence of Chandler's power. Even if she took a step forward, she was forced to take 5 steps back.

It had been this way ever since junior high... And it had carried into their junior year as well. 4 years... Was heather not allowed to be happy?


She practically screamed, esasperated.

Heather Chandler simply turned her head to face her, smiling darkly.

"Why not?"