Chapter 86 R-18+


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"Arthur" Irina said in shock.

Arthur Pendragon stared at the two girls with a steeled expression, "In this world conviction is everything. The reason I am with my Lady right now is because I was willing to sacrifice everything for the woman I loved. I just hope you won't regret showing your conviction this time Irina." Arthur smiled.

In the back of his head he knew this was a bad idea, but he respected the girls far too much.

Plus if Issei learned what happened, it would be a challenge escaping his wrath at least according to his mistress.

A rather cruel position for him to be put in but at this point, it didn't matter.

"Thank you" Irina smiled as she and Xenovia moved towards Issei once again.

(Ravel Sona)

"Looks like we found Issei." Sona smiled as she flew in the air with her devil wings out towards the large barrier that was shining in the moonlight.

With her was Ravel Reya Tsubaki and Momo along with Karlamine and Xuelan.

"I still can't believe you put a tracker on him during a threesome. Talk about distrust" Xuelan chuckled.

"Issei is the type who does what he wants when he wants and because he wants to. To have a whole campus bend to his whims the way Kuoh does requires a special human being and we all know Issei is that and more. I'd say it's merited" Momo said calmly.

"We can argue about how terrifying Issei is later. Right now we have to help him with Kokabiel." Ravel said with a hint of annoyance.

"Yeah about that?" Xuelan spoke up.

"What now!" Ravel frowned.

"He was going to have his chance to fight Kokabiel tomorrow. What in the world could've caused him to change those plans?" Xuelan wondered.

The girls all stopped since Xuelan had a very good point that they hadn't thought about.

This was reckless and if there is one thing Issei was not, it was reckless. "It's got something to do Irina. That much I can promise." Momo spoke up clearly showing her annoyance.

"Well whatever it is we won't know until we arrive." Sona insisted and everyone resumed their flight.

Sona agreed that Issei found realized something, but the real question was what he found and perhaps just as importantly, who he was with.

She knew a thing or two about barrier's and she knew the one they were headed towards was powerful.

Issei couldn't possibly maintain that type of barrier and fight Kokabiel at the same time which means somebody else was doing it for them.

This was getting weirder by the minute and Sona didn't like it at all.

"We've got company" Karlamine frowned and in front of them were the three fallen that roomed with Azazel.

'This can't be good' Sona thought to herself and they all stopped.

"You guys headed somewhere fun." Raynare smiled but considering the expression on her face she was anything but happy.

"Get out of the way Raynare. You know exactly where we're going and the only question now is will you stand in our way." Ravel said angrily.

Raynare sighed before her expression turned serious, "I'll answer your question if you tell me how you knew about this fight."

"I put a special spell on him that let me keep track of his magical signature during our last date. It alerted me that his signature and vanished and Ravel was stalking him with her familiar." Sona answered.

"I was not stalking him." Ravel protested despite a blush on her face.

"Seriously" Raynare said in disbelief.

"Who cares why they're doing it. Our job is to keep them away and I say we do it." Mittelt spoke up to the annoyance of Sona and the others.

"Who told you to keep us away." Sona said nervously praying it wasn't Issei.

"Loverboy showed up a little while ago wanting to speak to my dad and I heard the pair of them go over to Valerie. After that he left, but I heard Valerie say something and she left soon after that. Dad realized something and then asked us to follow and make sure you guys don't interfere." Raynare explained.

"This is very bad." Sona said nervously.

Azazel wanted to make sure they didn't interfere which means he knows what Issei is up to. This was getting more problematic by the second.

"You girls are already aware of this, but for him to change the plan means he knows something major that we don't. Whatever it is, it made him attack a Kokabiel this late at night and do so with no backup. So you guys joining in would probably do way more harm than good." Raynare explained.

"So what would you have us do. He'll get slaughtered by Kokabiel if we do nothing." Ravel said angrily.

"Lady Ravel is right. We have to go and help him." Karlamine frowned.

"Yeah" Reya persisted.

Raynare frowned because this was truthfully an annoying situation.

She had no idea what her dad and Issei were hiding and she wanted to know.

However she knew that Issei and her dad had a reason for not telling them.

In the end there was one choice, "Let's go. My dad can get pissed at me later, but honestly I want my own answers." Raynare sighed.

"Ray" Kalawarner warned.

"Way I see it, if we join the battle we'll find out what he knows. Plus there's no telling how patient Kokabiel will be and Issei's a good guy" Raynare countered.

"Fine" Kalawarner sighed. Issei was the most tolerable person they'd met in a long time.

The fact he was a monster in bed didn't hurt.

"Shall we" Mittelt chuckled deciding to go along with it.

"Yeah" Sona said hesitantly as they resumed their march to the battlefield.

The closer they got, the more nervous she got.


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