
Dex stared at Phoenix in horror, wondering why she was so hyped and furious. He stared at her and the chaos behind them. Somehow, he suspected that she knew something about the partly exploded Artlyn Palace.

"Y...you knew this was g... going to h....happen?" Dex stuttered in bewilderment.

"F**k!" Phoenix struck the steering wheel angrily, making her hands turn red.

she took in a forced breath to control her rampaging emotions. She was slightly frustrated that her Uncle, David Kingston, narrowly escaped the sixth and almost successful attack on his life.

'How many lives does the beast even have anyway?' Phoenix hissed.

The last hit targeted at David had been on a chattered airplane he boarded. The gang struck when credible intel confirmed his presence in the plane. Unfortunately for them, he was alerted of the imminent danger. So, he escaped the plane unscathed in a parachute before it exploded.

After this failed mission and a major successful robbery, the gang went under for three months as a nationwide manhunt was issued against them.

David also enlisted the services of a high-ranking detective, Ivan, to help dig up information about the true identity of the attackers. However, luck wasn't on Ivan's side as the gang were like ghosts that could not be detected in the physical world.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6,..." Phoenix's heavy breathing softened. Counting numbers backward gave her mind a simple task to focus on, thereby distracting her spiraling thoughts. Also, the extra oxygen derived from this nerve-calming task helped her rechannel her frustration to something productive.

"I didn't get your name earlier!" Phoenix spoke gently as though she was calculating her next assault.

Even though her eyes had a sinister glint in them, Dex's anxiety dissipated and his entire being was engulfed by her beauty. His soul felt an electromagnetic pull toward the magical angel before him. He was tempted to remove her mask but he feared the repercussion of doing so.

"I am Dex Logan and it's my pleasure to meet you." He removed the mask from his face and extended his right hand. His smile revealed a perfect and dazzling dentition.

Phoenix gawked at him in awe. She was rendered speechless by his godlike beauty. Earlier, she had a feeling that he was a cute guy, but her mind didn't prepare her for the beauty she was now beholding.

From the dimly lit car, her hypnotic hazel eyes drank in his handsome features. His stylishly cut light brown hair perfectly complimented his well-defined square-shaped face. His deep blue eyes were mesmerizing and she felt sucked into them like quicksand. His long, straight and downward-pointing nose looked like it was artistically created. And his full lips...

"What's your name?" Dex interrupted her thoughts. "How did you know the Artlyn Palace was going to explode? Are you an undercover FBI agent? Were you trained in the military or something? Don't you think we ought to go back and help rescue some victims of the explosion? There would be a lot of wounded people in need of urgent medical attention."

Dex was slightly worried by her mysterious and fascinating stares. He also had a hunch that she belonged to a secret agency.

"You better shut that hole in your face or I will be tempted to..."

Distance sirens blaring from emergency ambulances, fire trucks, and police vehicles made her alert to danger. She quickly started the car and zoomed off.

"Give me the direction to your place!" Phoenix requested in a commanding tone, and Dex willingly disclosed his address without a fuss.

The gang was supposed to leave the city in a private jet that night. But Phoenix was already running late and she was not satisfied with the outcome of the mission. At a safe distance, she stopped the car.

"Why are we stopping here?" An alarm rang in Dex's mind. "My house is still far off. Did you forget something?"

"Shut the f**k up, frightened kitten." Phoenix hissed, a potent rancor registered in her eyes. "Stay here and don't move! I'll be right back!" She swiftly stepped out of the car, holding Dex's car key firmly. She walked a few steps to avoid eavesdropping and alerted her gang.

"Alpha, I'll be staying back at the city to assess the situation. I have found myself a love-sick puppy. I think he has a connection to David and I intend to use him as bait. You guys can leave without me. I'll be on the island in three days."

"Copy. Make sure you keep a low profile. Also, stay away from trouble and have fun with your bait." The line went dead afterwards.

Phoenix stood for a while lost in her thoughts, mentally planning her next move when she sensed someone behind her.

"I thought I told you to stay back in the car!" She instinctively spun around to meet Dex's affectionate gaze. Her irked and haunted scowls did not frighten him. Instead, he moved closer to her, emboldened by her fierce glare. Their intense stares were like fire and calm flowing water.

"You have been standing out for a while and the night is freezing." He gently placed his jacket over her shoulders. I don't want you to catch a cold."

His kind words and caring expression showered like soft rain on Phoenix stone cold heart. It made her feel warm within. She felt something thumping weakly within.

"Is that my heart? Do I still have one? What the hell is happening to me?"

Phoenix mentally questioned herself. Her haunted glares dissipated like a dark cloud giving rise to a little rainbow.

"No! I can't allow this to happen! This handsome daredevil is playing with fire. And I'll happily scorch him."

The momentary glint of peace disappeared from her eyes and was replaced by frosty snarls.

She took off his jacket and tossed it in his face. She walked up to him, closing up the little space between them, and scoffed at his slightly startled expression. "If you want to survive this night, never go against my instructions! Otherwise..." She shoved him forcefully aside and walked back to the car.

Dex stood transfixed on the spot due to her cold words. He was amazed by the amount of hatred in her eyes.

'How could a beautiful angel possess such a dark soul?' He pondered subconsciously. 'Maybe, she had never known love? Maybe, she grew up in a chaotic world? Maybe, something evil was eating her up?'

Dex slowly turned around only to meet her piqued expression from a distance.

"Hmm... It's so easy to hate but very difficult to love. I'll love you, Phoenix! Even when you despise or physically hurt me, I'll love you more, until you learn the beauty of love." He vowed and walked towards his car.

"I thought you were driving?" Dex quizzed her with a raised eyebrow, as she took the front passenger seat and tossed the car keys at him.

"You're are testing my patience, pretty boy!" She scowled at him and slammed the door in his face.

Dex smiled and walked over to the other side. He calmly entered his car and without saying anything, he drove off


Back at the Artlyn Palace, the entire surrounding was littered with blaring sirens of ambulances, firefighters, and police cars. Lots of casualties; who sustained minor and major-degree burns and injuries were attended to by paramedics. Cops and investigators swept the whole area, cordoning off the hazardous spot from eager journalists, friendly neighbors, and onlookers.

"We are coming to you live from the grand Artlyn Palace, here in Duras city; the state capital of Clectopia where a horrific incident just took place some few minutes ago."

A journalist reported dramatically, while the camera was pointed toward the direction of the blazing building; firefighters were heroically putting off the fire and rescuing some trapped victims.

"We are yet to get reliable intel as to what led to the explosion but an anonymous source claims that this was the handiwork of a crime syndicate.

At that very moment, a black exotic bulletproof limousine escorted by a black bulletproof armored SUV pulled close to the scene of the incident. Every reporter rushed towards the cars trying to get first-hand information from the occupants of the vehicles.

"Get those hawks away from my car! David Kingston boomed in annoyance to his security details, over the phone.

Yes, boss!" His bodyguards affirmed and jumped down from the SUV like military men about to go for battle.

They swiftly cleared the crowd of reporters before David stepped out of his Limo looking like a demigod. He was garbed in a high-collar, muted grey minimalist jacket and trouser combo. His look was complemented with a dark round frame shade, giving him the demeanor of an evil villain plotting world domination.

Even from a far distance, most adamant and vibrant reporters kept screaming David's name in a bid to have a one-on-one interview with him.

"Mr. Kingston, who do you think is responsible for this assault?..."

"Mr. Kingston, was this bomb intended for you?..."

"Mr. Kingston, will the perpetrator be apprehended this time?..."

"Mr. Kingston, how many deaths have been confirmed..."

"Bastards!" David simmered in fury as he walked up to the detective in charge of the investigation. "Those bastards are going to pay dearly this time."

"Ah! Mr. Kingston, welcome. We have been trying to get in touch with you." Detective Ivan's voice slightly trembled as he extended his right hand. He swiftly withdrew his hands when David took off his shade, revealing his bloodshot eyes.