The Train Station

Inside the convenience, Phoenix did a quick sweep to ensure she was the only one in there before putting a call across to her gang leader, Alpha.

"Phoenix, status report," Alpha's tone was precise and direct from the other end.

"I have found a useful toy that can get me vital information on our target. I need your approval to go on a solo mission."

"Approval granted. But keep a low profile. Do not draw attention to yourself and keep us updated. See you in two days." The line instantly went dead.

Phoenix briefly stared at her captivating reflection in the mirror and smiled to herself, as she thought about all the fun she was about to have.

She adjusted her reading glasses on the bridge of her nose, and stole one more glance at her enchanting look, before leaving the convenience.

She slowly walked up to Charles from behind and sensually stroked his shoulder.

"Shall we!" Phoenix gestured towards the exit door of the cafe.

"Of course," Charles let out an evil chuckle as if to say, "I always get what I want."

He quickly dropped some cash on the table, which covered both his meal and that of Phoenix, with extra cash to spare as tips, before rising to his feet. "After you, my lady."

"Such a gentleman!" Phoenix smirked and led the way like the boss lady, commanding the same attention with which she came in.

Inside the comfort of Charles's car, Phoenix informed him that she would love to stop first at the train station to pick up an urgent letter from a friend.

"That wouldn't be a problem, my dear," Charles's lips curved into a smile. "When we are done picking up your important letter, I would stop briefly by my office, to set one or two things in motion. Afterward would retire to my home, where I intend to treat you like a queen and fulfill all your heart desires."

Charles moved closer to Phoenix as his eyes stared lustfully at her lips. He moved his hand slowly to touch her thigh but immediately withdrew it when he remembered the way she almost broke his fingers.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are so beautiful?" Charles whispered into her ears.

"Has anyone also told you to respect a lady's space?" Phoenix instantly grabbed his balls with one swift move of her hand and squeezed them.

"E...easy... baby!" Charles stuttered as he shut his eyes tight and groaned in pain.

"Remember, no funny business except I initiate it." Phoenix released her grip.

"Anything you say," Charles nodded his head and opened his eyes to gawk at her in astonishment.

"Since you will be visiting your office first before we go to your house, I don't want you messing yourself up due to the things I intend to do to this naughty bad boy."

Phoenix slowly unzipped his suit pants and gently slid her hand through the opening. Then she fondly began stroking and massaging his dick, making him groan in pleasure.

"Sir, we have arrived at the train station." The chauffeur announced as the car came to a halt.

"This is my stop!" Phoenix whispered in his ears and gently bit down his ear lobes, before slowly stepping out of the car.

"You are a heartless love goddess and I can't wait to have you." Charles blew a breathless kiss to her.

She smiled wickedly as she stared at Charles briefly while holding the door slightly ajar.

He seemed to be in another world as he kept licking his lips and held on to his erect dick which seemed ready to abandon him to follow her.

"I'll be right back, lover boy. Don't go anywhere," Phoenix gently shut the door and briskly walked into the train station.

The bustling train station was alive with the sounds of people rushing to catch their trains and the heavy sounds of different chugging train engines.

The chaotic movement of people, pushing and shoving their way through to either catch their train, purchase their tickets, or leave the station made a perfect disguise for Phoenix to blend in.

However, she needed a perfect disguise to get a secret package, which was kept in a vault-like locker, in the luggage locker section of the train station.

On her way to the luggage lockers section; which was located on the ground floor at the eastern end of the main station building, she craftily picked up some clothing and accessories items from some gullible people.

For every item she picked up, she instantly wore them in motion, thereby creating the perfect disguise in case any hidden CCTV camera caught sight of her.

Phoenix was careful to maneuver her way through fast-paced moving people while using them to beat the pronounced CCTV cameras that captured major spots at the station.

When she got into the luggage locker section, she briskly moved to locker 306, which was perfectly situated in the blind spot section.

Using a secret combination, she unlocked the locker, which held about five black small leather bags.

Taking out one of the black leather bags, she quickly closed the locker, thereby reactivating its special lock system. Then she sauntered back towards the Ladies' room.

In one of the ladies' room cubicles, Phoenix took off her disguise and put them aside.

She opened up the black bag and brought out its contents, which she carefully spread out on the closed toilet seat.

Although the contents of the black bags looked like normal female makeup kits and accessories, they were all specially created weapons that were designed to beat every security checkpoint.

With a smirk dancing at the corner of her lips she said, "Volt, you are such a genius. You always give it to me the way I like it."

She quickly swapped her old reading butterfly-rimmed glasses for new infrared-enabled butterfly-rimmed reading glasses; which were capable of detecting any form of weapon on an individual.

She picked up a small fancy mirror and an eye-catching red lipstick.

While the mirror when activated was a network jammer, the red lipstick was infused with dual capability.

The middle detachable part of the lipstick was a high-powered laser beam, that was capable of cutting through objects. While the bottom of the lipstick contained a fatal poisonous sleeping gas.

She slowly retouched her lip and smacked them, while admiring its captivating red lustre on the mirror.

"Nice killer touch!" Phoenix clicked her tongue and carefully put away the lipstick, the mirror, and other concealed weapons of destruction in her handbag.

She also activated one of the undetectable micro-tracking devices and fixed it on her fancy hair clip.

This tracking device was to enable her gang to monitor her movement and also send cleaning services if one was needed.

Feeling electrified for some action, she stepped out of the ladies' room cubicle, carefully disposed of her initial disguise, and strolled out of the convenience.