Anna Kruger

Diana was in deep conversation with her brother when she was informed that her parents just arrived.

"Let's go say hi to mum and dad." Diana pulled Dex by the hand and led him back to the sitting room.

Both siblings exchange warm pleasantries with their excited parents before Lucy and Tiana join the euphoria.

While the family bonding was ongoing, Ashley stepped into the living room, looking elegantly gorgeous in a flattering pink bodycon dress. Her hair was stylishly let down, revealing a captivating dangle diamond earrings. His makeup was mild, giving her a breathtaking and angelic look.

Ashley sashayed over to where the Logans were seated and having a family chitchat. She greeted everyone in her charming voice and handed over a neatly wrapped birthday gift to the celebrant.

"Happy birthday, Diana." Ashley's lips curled up in a bewitching smile as Diana stood up and hugged her warmly.