Blake's Loquacious Friend

Blake turned around only to meet Tiana's exhilarated gaze and that of a huge, handsome muscular man who had the attributes of a fitness trainer.

"Tiana! Hi..." Blake beamed warmly as she stood up to receive her new friend. "You look so gorgeous," she said, admiring Tiana's mini white twisted shirt dress that had a lot of men in the restaurant drooling.

"Not as stunning as you look but thanks anyway." Tiana kissed Blake on either side of her cheek. "I never knew you dine here because this is like my favourite restaurant of all Duras City."

"Really!" Blake smiled sweetly forgetting for a minute that all pair of eyes were glued on both of them.

"Yes! I'm a regular here. Their..."

"Ahem!" Tiana's boyfriend cleared his throat noisily.

"Oh...where are my manners." Tiana's face palmed her forehead. "Sweetheart, do you remember the sweet lady I was telling you all about today?"

"Yeah!" Tiana's boyfriend nodded his head while staring at Blake.