Giantspeak - Part 2

Leezy rushed forward with his sword slung over his shoulder…

The giant skeleton grabbed it's weapon with both hands and threw an overhead strike when he got close enough.

Dashing to his left, he avoided it. The weight of the strike split the earth beneath his feet, halting him momentarily. While he was paused, the skeleton twisted it's sword and ripped it from the dirt in a horizontal slash.

In response Leezy jumped up, landed on the blade and started running up it toward the skeleton's arm. With another twist, the skeleton threw him off of mid stride and began attacking as he fell to the ground.

Left, right, left, right.

Sparks flew and loud clangs echoed as he deflected each slash, remaining suspended midair from the force of each one.

Sick of trading blows with the skeleton, his body glowed with the activation of his tattoos as he swung his blade once again to deflect. This time the force of his swing knocked the blade from the skeleton's grasp, allowing him to fall to the ground.

Lightning began scorching the earth around him and wrapping his sword when his feet finally made contact with solid dirt, the next attack ready to be thrown. The skeleton snatched it's sword out of the air with it's other hand and threw it. The huge sword twisted through the air toward him at breakneck speed while the skeleton charged forward following behind it.

Not wasting time, he jumped up and threw out a ki laced kick.


It sent the sword flipping upward.

With the skeleton closing the distance between them very quickly, he swung his sword. Lightning flew through the air and struck the skeleton with a loud crack. Rather than the skeleton exploding or even being damaged, his attack was completely absorbed.

Its empty eye sockets from before now glowed blue as he glared at Leezy with lightning traveling down its bones.

'What the hell?'

He threw out his strongest attack, yet it was negated just like that? A mixture of shock and anger started to swell within him as he stared at the skeleton that now stood directly in front of him.

With the distance now closed between them, it formed a fist with it's bony hand and threw a punch.

The swing came out much faster than anticipated, but he still managed to block it. To add to his shock, he noticed that somehow the skeleton had actually gotten a small power up from his attack.

The force of the punch drove his legs back deep into the dirt, carving a trench around him. Pressing the attack, it rained down blow after blow against his sword. Each one weakened the grip he had on his sword until eventually it was completely knocked from his grasp, embedding itself into one of the ribcage's huge ribs a distance away.

Glancing over at his sword that was now out of reach, he grit his teeth while seething with anger.

'Okay, now I'm really starting to get pissed off'

Ducking low to dodge a jab, he launched himself at the skeleton with fists balled.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Fist and bone collided as the two exchanged blows, neither party gaining the edge over the other until Leezy threw an uppercut at the skeleton's jaw.

His fist rebounded off of it's jaw, shattering a couple of teeth but having no real effect. Unfazed, the skeleton grabbed hold of him with both hands and began squeezing.

His muscles screamed and burned as he struggled not to get crushed within the skeleton's grasp.

The pressure tightening around his body rose to insane levels. His armor even started denting and popping all over, making him feel more like a tin can in the thing's grasp than an actual human.

"Rrrraaaaugh! Get…your…hands…off…me!"

Leezy pushed Ki into his hands and pressed outward with as much strength as he could muster.

Slowly the skeleton's grasp was pried apart, letting him slip out onto its forearm. Full speed, he shot up it's arm and swung hard aiming for it's skull.


He struck so hard, the entire right side of the skeleton's face was shattered in a shower of bone shards that floated in the air as the skeleton fell to it's side with a thud.

"That's what the fuck you get! Thought you could put the squeeze on an OG!?"

He was going to say more but could do nothing but frown watching what was happening before him.

The bone dust that swirled through the air began to collect and reconstruct, re-filling the gaping hole in the skeleton's skull.

"Oh come on! That's cheap as hell!"

His complaints fell on deaf ears as the skeleton slowly rose from the ground, it's skull regenerating slowly. After a brief moment, he finally noticed that there was a tiny black crystal where the brain would normally be in the human skull.

'So that's what I need to focus on huh?'

With a loud thud, the skeleton's sword landed in the dirt between them. Acting quickly, the skeleton stood all the way up and reached for it.

Leezy moved faster though and punched it's hand away.

Turning to grab the sword for himself, he struggled to lift it, barely managing to get it all the way off the ground.

With a loud roar, he channeled Ki throughout his entire body. His aura completely engulfed his body while he pushed himself, sending ripples of dirt around him. Sitting back on his heels with the blade barely off the ground, he began to spin around with it in hand. The sheer weight of the metal required all of his focus to maintain balance.

Taking aim at the skeleton's head, he tried to throw the sword but before he could let go, his momentum carried him along with it.


The entirety of the skeleton's skull exploded in a cloud of bone dust, much to Leezy's gratitude.

It's headless body thudded against the ground and turned into a pile of ash. Unable to do anything further, the momentum of the sword pulled him along, colliding directly into the ribcage.

A mushroom cloud of bone dust flew high into the air, blending in with the fog and smothering the entire area.